Love or Lust

Chapter Sixteen

Bill’s Point Of View
I left Ella to sleep in my room. The bruise on her side was gross and it just wasn’t usual for something to look like that. I could understand why Tom was pissed, but he didn’t have to act like a baby. He could be a bigger person and help Ella get through this. It’s not like it’s her fault she kept getting beat. As I look at it, she couldn’t get off the fucking floor to get help, plus she liked him.
I knocked on Tom’s door.
“What?” he sounded like he was still pissed.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, why the fuck not.”
I opened the door and walked in. Tom had a cigarette between his lips, I had expected a joint.
“She’s in bad shape Tom. You need to suck it up and be there for her. She needs you right now.” I said calmly I didn’t want this to become a fight between us.
“She doesn’t want me to be there she wants Christophe.” Venom was in Tom’s voice when he said his name.
“Tom, you’re one of her best friends. Take the high road don’t think about Christophe. I’m calling the police tomorrow after I take her to the hospital.
“She has to go to the hospital?” He seemed a little worried and dropped his tough guy ‘ I don’t give a fuck’ act for a moment.
“Yes, the bruise on her side is horrible.” I sighed.
“I’ll kill him.”
“No Tom. Let the police take care of it.”
“Whatever, I just want him to die.”
“Maybe if we’re lucky he’s commit suicide.”
“No more like gets run over by a semi truck.”
“Or attacked by a goat.”
“What the hell?” Tom laughed.
“You didn’t let me finish. And the horn tore into his gut.”
“Nice, Bill.” Tom laughed again.
“I know. So tomorrow it’ll be all good between you and her and I won’t have to fix anything else?”
“Sure, if that will make you happy.”
“Maybe, and if we eat out tomorrow. Your treat.”
“Should have know. Alright. We can eat out tomorrow.”
“Cool. Well I’m going to go to bed.”
“Uh-huh, make sure she doesn’t die in her sleep. Okay, Bill?” He sounded worried again.
“I don’t think she will.”
“You’re not sure! She could!”
“Tom, it’s a bruise. Not a penis that grew there over night.” He gave me a look then laughed. “good night idiot.”
I walked out of his room then went to mine. I walked in, found my way to my bed then laid down. I wanted to hold her, but I was afraid to hurt her. I gently put my arms around her. I ,myself, could punch Christophe at the moment. I really care about her and he just went and destroyed a perfectly happy girl. I wanted to stab him in the eye with a pen, but I was going to take the high road. Practicing what I preach.
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I didn't get any comments on the last chapter.
It kinda worries me did I screw up the chapter so you guys didn't like it?
Comments please. =updates and a cookie