Love or Lust

Chapter twenty-Six

Bill’s Point Of View

I walked through the mall thinking of what to get Ella for her birthday. It’s been about a week since I saw her. I needed something that would apologize for how I acted. I can’t control her and make her like me when she likes someone else. I just wish she would have told me before we went all the way, but whatever. I walked into several stores not finding anything I wanted to give her. I hoped she wasn’t mad at me, but she had to be since she hasn’t called or came over in a week.
“Hm…I miss her.” I sighed as I wondered into a jewelry store.
Then I saw it. The perfect gift for Ella, even if she wouldn’t want it.
“Can I help you?” A middle aged woman asked in a kind voice.
“How much is that?” I asked pointing to the item.
“More than a young boy like you would have.” she said in a snooty voice. That made me a little mad.
“Wanna bet. I’ll take it.”
“Fine.” at that she got it out and handed it to me, holding her hand out. I looked at the price handed her the money then walked out of the store. That showed her. Snooty jewelry bitch.

I walked out of the mall to the car Tom was waiting in. He must have already gotten his present for her. Probably something crappy like usual. I stuffed my present in my pocket then got in the car.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting out here for an hour!” He groaned as he began to back up and pull out of the parking lot.
“Uh-huh. I’m sure you were checking out all the girls you could.” I sighed.
“You bet.” he chuckled as we headed home.
I looked out the window and thought of Ella as we drove past the many buildings. Some covered in graffiti. One I remember Tom and Ella made. Seems like forever since that time now. I could see Ella and Tom looking around as they began to paint, me the one supposedly the look out. I chuckled at the thought.
“What?” Tom asked.
“Just thinking about when you and Ella spray painted that one building.”
“Oh…heh…that was fun if you hadn’t had given us that false alarm and we all ran away screaming.” He chuckled with me.
“Sorry, I thought it was a cop car, but it was just the ice cream truck with a police siren.” I shrugged.
“What the hell was an ice cream truck doing out at midnight, with a damn police siren?”
“I have no clue. Neighborhood watch?”
“Doubt it. But that was seriously fucked up. I almost pissed myself when you screamed cop!’
“Yeah, you weren’t the only one.”
“Ella’s grown up a lot since then.”
“She’s probably be a good fuck.”
“Don’t even Tom. She’s your friend. You shouldn’t fuck ‘n chuck her.”
“Why not?”
“I just said. She’s your friend. You don’t want to hurt her do you?”
“No, but she and I could be friends with benefits.”
“I bet she’d like that.” I rolled my eyes. He was beginning to make me mad.
“I bet she would.”
“Mhm, tells how much you care about her.”
“I do care about her. Who was the one who helped her get away from drugs?”
“You were, but you were the reason she started doing drugs. For god’s sake you still smoke pot.”
“I don’t smoke it as much as I used to, Anyway, since when have you cared this much about her?”
“I’ve always loved her, Tom, but apparently you’re too blind to see that!” I yelled my emotions getting the best of me.
“Oh…damn…I didn’t know you loved her Bill…”
“Well now you do.” I spat out as be parked in our driveway. I got out and went into the house to a crying Simone and a very worried looking Gordan. “What’s wrong, Mom?” I asked sitting next to her.
“Ella’s ran away from home. No one can find her. Bill…do you know where she is?” she sobbed. My eyes went wide.
“No….” I mumbled. “Has anyone called the police?”
“Yes, but the only lead they have is a bus ticket that was bought a week ago and two people saw her.”
“She’s been missing a week?!”
“Where was she last seen?”
I grabbed Mom’s car keys off the stand by the door after she had told me everything I knew. Tom had just walked in and was getting told everything I just heard. I was going to find her. I had to find her. If anything happened to her I didn’t know what I’d do the rest of my life.
I ran out the door to the car and sped off. She had better be okay.
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