Love or Lust

Chapter Thirty-one

Ella couldn’t care about me the same way I did her, anyway Bill loved her too, she would probably choose him over me anyway. I’m too much of a whore for anyone to love. My reputation always mad me out to be a fuck and chuck guy. That’s not what I wanted out of life though. I wanted a relationship that would last longer than a one night stand.
Ella was the only girl I wanted a long term relationship with though. She was the only girl I have ever wanted a longer term relationship with.

“Tom, hey Tom…Tom!” I heard Georg practically yell in my face. I guess I must have zoned out again.
“What?” I sighed.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I mean this is like the fifth time you’ve zoned out today.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about Ella again.” I admitted. Georg knew how I felt about her. He was the only one I’ve told.

I was going to talk to Bill about it, but then he said that he loved her. I couldn’t tell him about how I felt about her. I didn’t want him to know I cared about the same girl.
“Oh, well….Why don’t you just talk to her? Tell her how you feel?”
“Thanks Oprah, but no thanks.”
“Why don’t you want to talk to her about it?”
“Because…I’m not Bill. I’m not good at talking about how I feel.”
“You could at least try. I mean if she said that you’re the guy she has a thing for then I’d believe her. I mean why would she lie about that?”
“I don’t know…” I sighed.
“You should probably talk to her though. You can’t avoid her the rest of your life.” Georg said.
“Or can I?” I thought out loud jokingly rubbing my chin.
“No, you can’t.” Georg chuckled.
“Damn it, man!”
Georg laughed a little more then my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

I pulled it out of my pocket putting it to my ear. “Hallo?”
“Hey Tom, it’s David.”
“Oh hey, what’s up?”
“You guys can come stay in your apartments tomorrow. All you have to do is bring your clothes. Ella’s tuff will be moved there today, but she’ll have to pack her clothes herself.”
“What do you mean Ella’s stuff will be moved today?” I was somewhat confused. I knew about the apartments, for Bill had told me when he got the call this morning and I knew that Sammy would be living with Gustav, but why was he talking about Ella?
“Bill said that she needed to live with you all, because of everything that had happened the last time you left her.”
“Okay…who’s she going to be living with?”
“Well Bill said that you agreed for her to live with you.”
That bastard. I thought as I knew he was forcing me to talk to Ella, but why? Didn’t he want to be with her?
“Oh, yeah. Of course she can live with me.”
“Good, because the movers are already on their way and are taking her things to your apartment.”
“Alright, so we’ll be heading for Hamburg tomorrow morning?”
“Yes, then after you get your clothes unpacked I’ll need you to come to the studio.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow David.”
“Most likely. See you tomorrow Tom.” At that I hung up.

“I’m going to kill Bill.” I stated looking to Georg, as I slid my phone back into my pocket.
“Isn’t that a movie?” Georg asked.
“I don’t know!”
“You don’t’ have to yell! I was just asking!”
“Shut up!”
“Yes Sir.”
We stared at each other a minute then laughed. We hadn’t noticed that we were being idiots, while yelling at each other.
“So why are you going to kill Bill?” Georg asked curious.
“Ella’s going to be living with me in my apartment in Hamburg.”
“Bill arranged that?”
“Yes, that is why I must kill him.”
“But he’s your twin, and our lead singer.”
“Damn…well that puts my plan on hold…”
“Wait, being your twin or our singer?”
“Being our singer, I couldn’t care less that he’s my twin at the moment.”
“You’re such a nice brother.”
“Yeah, I know. Can I stay here tonight? I don’t feel like going home anytime soon, I’ll just get my clothes in the morning after you pack your shit up.”
“Sure, I don’t think my mom will mind. I’ll pack up my clothes later then we can leave as soon as we get our sorry asses out of bed.”
“Then its agreed then.”
As Georg finished his sentence he began to lose himself in the television, as usual. I blankly stared at the screen thinking of ways to hurt my brother, and how I was going to stay away from Ella even though we would be living together. Then I realized I had forgotten to give Ella her birthday present. Shit.
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I'm trying to update more offten so you all don't want to shoot me for not updating so I'll be updating around 2pm to3/4pm or if I can't sleep midnight to 4am like close to NYC time. I'm not good at the time thing.
Give me a chance to get back in the writting game and you won't be sorry, I promise.
as always comment me please, that'll get quicker updates(hopefully) and my love! lol