Love or Lust

Chapter Thirty-three

Once we go home Bill and I took the bag upstairs to his room. Bill had already began to pack his clothes and had given me a suitcase for my clothes, which I guess his plan was for to buy me a new wardrobe, because he basically did. I was somewhat grateful, because I didn’t want to go home and pack all of those clothes. I knew that I would have to go and get most of them though. I mean I can’s ware the same outfits ever week, that would just be insane…Like I cared.
I got everything into that suitcase, except for the outfit I had planned to wear tomorrow. The outfit I was going to wear tomorrow was the black shirt that had the heart and the skull, a pair of dark blue jeans, and my new black converse.

“So when are we leaving tomorrow?” I asked as I watched Bill pack another one of his suitcases.
“As soon as Tom get’s here in the morning. I suppose he’s staying with Georg again.” Bill said thoughtfully as he now attempted to zip his suitcase, but was failing miserably.
“Need help?”
“I don’t think your butt is heavy enough for you to help, we need someone fatter…like Gustav.”
“That’s not nice, you shouldn’t make fun of him behind his back.”
“I wasn’t making fun, I was being serious, but I guess we can try using your butt.”
I rolled my eyes then sat in the lid of the suitcase. Bill attempted to zip it again, but still no use. I started bouncing.
“How am I supposed to zip my suitcase when you’re doing the pee dance on it?” He cocked an eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest.
“The pee dance?” I looked at him oddly.
“Yes, the pee dance. You know when children have to go really badly they start bouncing up and down, hence the pee dance.” He stated mater-of-factly.
“Okay, all knowing lord of the pee dance, just zip the stupid suitcase.”
“Fine and yes, I am lord of the pee dance.” He smiled proudly. I rolled my eyes. Who in their right mind would want to be Lord of the Pee Dance?
He finally zipped the suitcase then sat on the bed. “Well I’m done, what do you want to do now?”
“We could go watch TV.” I suggested.
“That sounds good.” Standing as he spoke.
At that we both went down stairs and turned on the television. We ended up watching some random show on the travel channel. It was boring and we were bored.
I still wanted to talk to Tom and didn’t think I could wait for tomorrow. I wanted to know why he didn’t believe me, why he didn’t think something that good could happen to him. I didn’t even think I was that much of a good thing, but apparently he did.
As I stared at the TV not really caring what was on time passed, I guessed I was zoned out for quit a while.
“I’m gonna go to bed, night Ella.” I heard Bill say. I looked up at him as he stood then went to the stares. I looked at the clock and it was around ten. I guessed that I had been lost in my thoughts longer than I thought.
Standing up, I stretched then also headed up the stairs.
I was going to take a shower before I went to bed. I went into Tom’s room and grabbed a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts that he hardly wore anymore. I didn’t think he would mind me wearing his clothes to sleep in, even though we basically weren’t speaking.

I walked to the bathroom and took a warm shower. This mad me feel better and as I let the water run down my body I began to think again. I wanted to be with Tom more than anything. I wanted to badly to be with him, but he didn’t believe that he was the guy I wanted. Was I going to have to show him that he was the one I wanted.
How would I show him that, sex was what Tom always got from girls. Even if they loved him or not, most of the girls just loved his looks. Who could blame them, but they didn’t know who he really was. Tom could be sensitive and caring when he wanted to, but he only let that side show to certain people. He most defiantly didn’t show that side to the girls he banged then left.
I sighed as I turned the water off. I grabbed a towel then dried my hair then the rest of me. I pulled on the clothes that I had taken from Tom’s room. After that I brushed my hair before walking out or the bathroom, turning off the light behind me.
I was making my way to Bill’s room when I stopped in front of Tom’s door. I knew he wasn’t home, but I missed sleeping in that bed. The door seemed to somewhat creak open as I entered, something I would usually never notice. I guessed I noticed because the house was so quiet.
Making my way across the dark room I found the bed and laid down. I curled up in a ball felling alone.
Naturally, the bed smelled like Tom and at this moment that smell, his scent was comforting. I hugged a pillow to me as I allowed myself to fall asleep. Falling into sleep, I thought of Tom and how I wanted him to be here. With me.
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Thank you everyone who still continues to comment, givinng me the motivation to continue updating! You guys are awesome!

As always comment and I'll try to update as soon as possible, and you'll get my love! Who doesn't want that...>_> guys want my love...right?
lol it's okay if you don't. you guys can just love my story. :3