Love or Lust

Chapter Thirty-five

Tom’s POV
About twenty minutes after the little “are we there yet?” fiasco, Ella dozed off, with her head against the window. Bill was listening to his iPod, once in a while singing to himself. Georg was just staring out his window. I was driving behind Gustav, because he was the one who knew where the apartment building was. David gave Gustav the directions, because he was the “competent” one. After a while Gustav pulled into a parking lot of a large building. “We’re here.” I stated, making Bill and Georg look at the building more interested than they had been.
“Oh, I like this building.” Bill smiled
“Yeah, me too.” Georg said thoughtfully. There were many balcony’s for the second floor and up apartments. I was starting to hope we had upper floor apartments.
“Does anyone want to wake Ella up?” I asked as I parked a few spaces away from Gustav.
“Why don’t you wake her up?” Georg asked.
“Because, I’m going to get my stuff to my apartment, then take a shower and go to the studio. We’re not supposed to dilly dally remember.” I sounded like a parent lecturing their kids.
“Yeah… I’ll wake her up.” Bill said as I got out.
“Thank you, Bill.” I went to the back of the car and started setting out all the bags. Bill got Ella awake and we all began to carry bags to everyone’s apartments.

After the many trips out to the car and back to apartment 305, mine and Ella’s apartment, we were finally done with the bags. Ella was now sitting on the couch in front of the TV. It looked like she was sinking into the couch. “When do you have to be at the studio?” She asked turning around leaning on the back of the couch, looking at me.
“Right after I take a shower. You wanna come?”
She rose on eye brow. “Come with you to the shower or the studio?”
“The studio, duh.” I chuckled a little.
“Awwh, but I really wanted to take a shower with you.” She said in a mocking/ sarcastic tone.
“Maybe another time, babe.” I smirked when I saw her shocked face, but shock disappeared when she got a thoughtful look. She was most likely thinking of something to retaliate to my statement.
“I think I’ll stay here, you guys will probably have a lot of stuff to do. I don’t want to get in the way.” She said turning back toward the TV.
“Alright, I’m going to go take my shower. Don’t you go and try to peek.”
“Like I’d want to see that.” She turned the TV on as I walked into the bathroom.
I stripped and got in the shower. As I showered I planned to give Ella her late birthday present to her when I got back. The little black box was now sitting in the drawer of my nightstand. I was hoping that she didn’t get bored and start snooping through my stuff.

Plans though, where meant to be changed. After I had taken my shower, got dressed and left. While we all were at the studio I kept getting yelled at by Sammy every time I would hit a wrong note. I was pissed that Gustav brought her. She was just annoying the hell out of me and I was having trouble concentrating. Gustav should have left her at him apartment, but I digress.
Once we were done at the studio, we went out to a club. Georg got completely trashed. I didn’t. I had my eyes on this cute little brunette the entire time. We talked, I thought about taking her home, but something inside me thought twice about that.
“So what’s a pretty thing like you doing here alone?” I asked casually.
“Oh, I came with a friend. She apparently had other people to hang out with.” He gestured to the couple that were attached at the lips.
“Ah, you don’t have a boyfriend?”
“Nope, why do you ask?” she gave me a flirtatious smile.
“I was just wondering. What are you doing after this?”
“Probably going home, to my lonely apartment.”
“Are you implying something?” I cocked an eyebrow.
“Only if you want me to.”
“Oh, I want you to.”
“Your place or mine?’ She smirked seductively.
“Yours.” I came up with a quick lie. “My apartments being repainted.”
“Okay, let’s go.” She started leading me out of the club. I looked over at Bill, who was now somewhat glaring at me. Could it be because I was his ride home? No, it couldn’t be that. He could always ride home with Gustav, Sammy, and Georg. At the moment I didn’t care.

We got to her place, apparently her name was Jasmine. We didn’t take much time getting into her bedroom.
Right as I got her bra off I felt an awful twinge in my stomach. I didn’t think anything of it, at least that was until I had her naked in front of me and the twinge got worse. I sighed then stood up from the bed. I couldn’t do this…why couldn’t I do this?
“What’s wrong?” Jasmine asked as I pulled my jeans back on.
“I have to go.”
“Why?” she seemed hurt and confused.
“I can’t do this…”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No…I have a girlfriend…” I wish she was.
Her mouth just made an ‘o’ as I put my shirt back on and left.
I couldn’t’ believe I just didn’t have sex with someone.
I went straight back to my apartment building, back to my apartment. I walked in and all the lights were off. The TV was on, but Ella wasn’t on the couch. I looked in her room, but she wasn’t there either. Where could she be at one in the morning? I was a little worried. Then I thought she probably went over to Gustav and Sammy’s. I sighed at the thought then saw something move on the balcony through the sliding glass door.
“Ella?” I slide the door open to find that what had moved was Ella’s foot from the chair she was curled up in. I laughed at the sight. She looked adorable. “Ella, wake up.” I softly spoke as I sat on the chair next to her patting her leg. “Come on, you can’t sleep here.”
She mumbled something inaudible.
“What was that?” I chuckled.
“Shlldn oo b fuuki a hur.” I still had no clue what she said,
“Come on, Ella. You’ll get a stiff neck if you sleep here.”
She seemed to cuddle more into the chair. I rolled my eyes as I stood, picking her up.
She mumbled something that sounded like a protest, but I ignored her.
Taking her to her room, I laid her down, but she wouldn’t let go of my shirt. “Let go.”
She did as I asked.
I started walking towards her door when I heard. “Don’t leave.” I turned around to see Ella sitting up rubbing her eye. She still sounded half asleep though.
“I’m going to be in my room. I’m not going to be that far away.” I reassured her as I walked back over and laid her back.
“Please stay.” She looked up at me, she was acting like such a five year old.
“Alright.” I sighed laying down. She cuddled into my side as soon as I did. It was only because she was half asleep. I’m sure.
To think that a little while ago I would have been having sex with someone I hardly know, and now I’m laying in a bed next to Ella who’s chosen to be a five year old at the
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooo, not so much of a filler is it. hehe
well tell me watcha think =P
thank you all for reading commenting and blah blah blah haha
love you guys!
comments=updates, love