Eight Days A Week

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?

“I’m sick of seeing you do nothing but mope around.” Cappie said, as Cade let out another depressed sigh. Cade had discovered that the porn on Dave's computer was his. After breaking his laptop and quite possibly his heart, she hadn't talked to him since. He tried, but she wouldn't budge. Both were miserable without the other.

“I’m not moping.” Cade said in defense. Cappie gave her a look which she shrugged off.

“Okay look,” Cappie sighed. She was determined to get Cade out of her funk. “the guys cd is debuting tomorrow and their playing a show at the Rave--”

“Isn’t that place haunted?” Cade interrupted.

“Supposedly.” Cappie answered. “Anyways, Garrett wants me to be there for him, you know support and all that jazz. You’re coming with me.”

“I don’t have the day off though,” Honestly Cade just didn’t want to go. She’d rather curl up in her blanket with some Ben & Jerry’s and watch Walk the Line again.

“Yes you do.” Cade looked at Cappie confused. “Jamie’s just as tired as I am of seeing you mope, so he agreed to give you the day off.”

“You’re both against me!” Cade said dramatically.

“Yes!” Cappie said, mimicking her actions. “It’s a conspiracy.” Cappie blew her hair out of her face. “Suck it up because you’re coming.” Cade groaned and rolled her eyes.

The ride to the Rave was enjoyable. The air between Cappie and Kennedy had turned from tense to awkward. Things at the Rave were only getting weirder though. What was worse is that they were filming footage for it, and being all around retarded. Cappie was getting downright freaked out. John and Garrett kept picking on her, causing Cade to laugh. She even joined in on the fun. Which made everyone happy because she wasn’t such a drag.

“Well we’ve got 3 hours to kill.” Jared said.

“What shall we do?” Pat finished.

“Let’s go explore those tunnels!” Cade said excitedly.

“What?” Cappie squeaked. “No.”

“C’mon Cap,” John pleaded. “you aren’t scared, are you?”

“Yes.” Cappie answered with pride.

“Oh c’mon.” Garrett said, pulling on her hand and dragging her inside the tunnel entrance
with him. John and Max were bringing up the front, followed by Pat, Tim, Jared, Josh, Rian, Zack, and Jimmie with Garrett, Cappie, and Kennedy bringing up the rear.

Cappie was practically shaking with fear. She did not want to be down there. Cade was having a blast though, making jokes with everyone and teasing Cappie.

Cappie’s head snapped back and she froze. “What was that?”

“You’re paranoid, Cap.” Garrett said, as he walked off to catch the rest of the group.

Cappie heard a bang at the opposite end of the tunnel. She let out a small shriek and grabbed Kennedy’s hand instinctively. Kennedy’s heart sped up. Shivers were sent up and down both their spines. Kennedy noticed that Cappie’s hand still fit perfectly in his hand. He swallowed the lump in his throat. This was his chance to be her knight in shining armor again.

“Caps,” he said softly. “It’ll be fine.” he gave her a small smile. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” For a second she saw something flicker in his eyes. Something she hadn’t noticed for a long while. She nodded, bringing herself closer to him. Suddenly his scent wasn’t so sickening, but instead comforting.

With fingers still intertwined, her other hand clutched on to his arm, practically digging her nails into his skin. John was making horror movie noises. Pat and Jared soon joined in. “Shut the fuck up all of you!” Cappie finally screamed. Her voice reverberated off the walls, making them all slightly cringe.

“BOOOOOOOO!” Two deep voices boomed from behind Cappie and Kennedy. Cappie shrieked and jumped into Kennedy’s arms. He was caught off guard, but caught her in his arms (kind of like how Scooby would always jump in Shaggy’s arms or vice versa).The guys stayed silent for a second, then saw Jack and Alex emerge into the dim lights. All of them busted out laughing.

“It’s your wish come true, Kenny.” Pat said. “Cappie’s back in your arms.” Cappie and Kennedy immediately broke apart. Cappie stepped next to her brother. Times like these she wished Trey was around to kick everyone’s ass since her other brother was too busy laughing his ass off.

Kennedy shot Pat a death glare. He finally had her back in his arms. And now he had lost her again, this time just as fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
HOTDAMN! Yes, All Time Low was down in the tunnels with them.

Stupid Pat.
Feedback, please.
i love you guys.

btw, here's what Cappie's wearing while she's in the tunnels. I got bored, so I created an outfit for her. Just to give you guys an insight to Cappie's style.
