I Wouldn’t Love You Even If You Were a Rockstar

I'm a Goth, I Get It

Beware: through the story, Storm usually swears, but it will lessen. You’ll see how.
Note: This story is dedicated to my gothic/emo best friend, Soraya and metal head close friend, Leah <3 Luv yah lots! --KrazieMee =P lol…

My name is Soraya Leah Simmons (Aka Storm or Stormy) and I am 19 years old. I’m Lebanese-American with my mom being Lebanese and my father American. I have black hair and blue eyes with pale white skin and a slim figure. I’m an emo, but not so emo that I hate happy colors. Just neutral, but I like emo style. I left home when I was fifteen because of personal problems and lived alone in a small studio flat provided by my father. I like being myself even when people think I’m a retard, but there’s one thing I hate: The Jonas Brothers. They’re gay, for one thing, and I don’t give a shit even if they are fucking rockstars.
My father is President of USA. Not that people actually know me as his daughter. I’m his illegitimate daughter. Sure, he provides me with a house, lots of food, and money, but he doesn’t provide me with the love and care a father should.
“Stormy, stop dreaming, your father’s on the phone!” my best friend, Krysha, poked her head into my bedroom door. I sighed, turned off my iPod nano and walked over to the phone.
“Hello?” I said in an irritated voice. My ‘father’ just cut me off from listening to Led Zeppelin, my favorite band ever.
“Hello, Soraya.” He said through the phone.
“Dad, I’m sort of busy, can you please call later?” I said, checking my nails.
“I’m sorry, Soraya, but I really need to talk to you.”
“Okay then, spill.”
“You need to come to Washington DC tomorrow and stay permanently. Also, break up with your boyfriend.” He said in a serious voice.
“Dad, what the fuck has gotten into your head? Why are you torturing me? I love Jasper and I’m not gonna break up with him.” I was freaking out. He never wants me to be seen with him.
“Soraya, I am your father and I do not like your boyfriend.” He sternly said.
“Dad, you haven’t even met him!” I cried.
“I don’t care, Soraya. You can get a better boyfriend here in Washington.”
“No, I won’t, dad. Jasper is the perfect guy for me!” I complained.
“No. Get your ass over her to Washington and dump your crappy boyfriend along the way.” He said.
“Dad, I love him! I don’t want to dump him like you did to mom!” I argued. Krysha looked up from the magazine she was reading, and crept away to the kitchen. She knew what I meant when I mention my mom. Dad was silent for a few minutes, but still continued.
“I have sent you two plane tickets. You can bring a friend with you.”
“Dad, why are you doing this?” I sighed.
“I’ll explain when you come here. That’s my decision, and it’s final.”
“But Dad, I have plans…” I protested.
“Shut up, Soraya Leah!!! I provide you with everything you need, so you need to obey me!” he shouted into the phone.
“Not everything.” I muttered under my breath.
“What did you say?” my father asked.
“I said I will come tomorrow.” I said and ended the phone call without saying good-bye.
I put the phone down and my mobile phone rang.

“Hello?” I said through it.
“Hey, honey.” It was my boyfriend for two years, Jasper. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and he’s 21 years old.
“Jazzy, can I meet you at 6:30 pm instead of 8pm?” I needed to say good-bye to him because of my Dad.
“Sure, it’s okay.” He said. I can practically hear him smile.
“Okay, see you.” I said and hung up. It was 6:05 and it takes 15 minutes to go to the mall.
“Storm, what happened?” Krysha said as I changed into skinny jeans and a plain black shirt.
“The man wants me to go to DC with you and he also wants me to dump Jasper!” I started to cry.

She sat next to me on the couch and let me cry, cry and cry. I wiped away my tears finally and saw that it was 6:14 already.

“Krysha, I think you should go home now. I need to go see Jasper.” I said as I put on my ballet flats. She nodded quietly and got her stuff.

--At the mall--
I walked into the mall and looked at my watch: 6:30pm. I went to where Jasper and I usually go--Coffee Café. My eyes weren’t puffy anymore, but I did look sad. As soon as I set foot into the establishment, Jasper ran over to me.

“Storm, are you okay?” he let go of the hug.
“Jazzy, can we sit down?” I said, sitting on a free table. We both sat and when we were both settled down, he took out a purple velvet box. He slid it across to me with his right hand and held my hand in his other hand.
“Soraya Leah Simmons would you like to be Mrs. Jasper Darwin?” he smiled. I almost jumped for joy, but remembered.
“Jasper…no, I’m sorry. I asked you to come here because I think we need some space.” I said, turned around and head outside the mall.

My eyes were blurred with tears as I went into my car. I locked the doors and leaned my forehead onto the steering wheel, crying. I can’t believe I broke up with my boyfriend just because my dad told me so! I wiped the bitter tears away and drove back to my house.

Hope you liked the intro!!!
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OMJ!!! Soraya, the girl this story is based on was EXPELLED for bringing COCONUT RHUM to school!!! my science teacher caught her drinking it in class and...well....let's say she wasn't really that happy-go-lucky anymore :( She moved to DIA now.... :'(