Boys will be boys

Chapter Twenty four

Luke nuzzled into Zack’s chest as they watched what was playing on the screen. He turned to frown at Zack when he heard the other boy sigh again. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “You’ve been quiet all night and you keep sighing.”

“Mum wants me to go back to school on Monday,” Zack answered.

“Then go,” Luke said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. “You’ve been hanging round here for the last two weeks at least and I’m starting to get sick of you,” he teased.

Zack lightly tugged on a strand of Luke’s hair, “thanks. I don’t want to leave you on your own though.”

“I’ll be fine,” Luke told him rolling his eyes. “Mum will be here so I won’t be on my own, besides it won’t be for long; I’m going back the Monday after.”

“You’re sure?” Zack asked his head cocked to the left reminding Luke of a puppy.

Luke nodded as he leant up to kiss him, “it’s only a week.”

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When Zack woke up on Monday morning he groaned, he had gotten used to waking up later in the day for the last couple of weeks and he could easily have done with a couple more hours. He pulled himself out of bed and stumbled over to the bathroom and into the shower, tripping over his own feet a few times and bumping his shoulder on the doorframe as he went through. When he came back out the shower he was feeling more awake then he was previously, though he wasn’t sure he liked that.

He was in a slightly better mood when he actually got to school. That vanished though when his first class had ended and the teacher asked him to stay behind when everyone had left. He groaned when the teacher handed him a pile of work. He took it grudgingly, thinking that every class would be like that for a couple of days. He was right. By the end of his fifth lesson he had three more piles of work, though most of his teachers had said he could do them whenever he had a spare moment.

He sighed as he came out of a class and into the hallway. He had one class left until the end of the day and he couldn’t wait until it was over. He let out a surprised yelp as he ran into someone. He looked up to see Chris stood in front of him and Luke’s scowl deepened. Chris smirked at him, “how’s Luke?” he asked Zack and laughed when Zack’s hands curled into fists at his sides.

Zack tried to walk past Chris so he could get to his next class. “Seriously how is he? I’ve not seen him around lately and I’m starting to get worried about him.” Zack turned back around to look at Chris. When he saw the smirk on his face he suddenly found them both on the floor, Chris underneath him as Zack’s fist hit his face repeatedly.

“Don’t you even think about going anywhere near him, ever again.” He snarled as he kept hitting the boy under him. He was vaguely aware of hands trying to pull him off of Chris but he struggled against them in order to keep hitting him. Zack only let out a grunt when he felt one of Chris’s fists catch him in the jaw as he tried to retaliate. When Zack was finally pulled off he was panting harshly, his eyes still glued to Chris who was sprawled on the floor.

He pulled his arms free of the hands holding him back, shooting everyone an annoyed look when they went to pull him back again. “I’m going home,” he spat out, stepping over Chris.

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It took Luke three minutes to open the door when Zack knocked. His mum had gone to the shops quickly so he was home alone and had no idea who was on the other side of the door. He gasped when he saw Zack on the other side of the door. “What happened?” Luke asked, pulling Zack into the house. “Did someone hit you?”

Zack nodded slightly, “Chris did.”

“What? Why did he hit you?” Luke was frantic now, as he cupped Zack’s jaw trying to examine the bruise.

“Because I hit him.”

Luke’s hands dropped to his sides. “Why?” he whispered.

Zack didn’t answer straight away; he moved forward and buried his face in Luke’s neck. He hadn’t realised how much he was shaking. Luke wrapped his arms around him and gently led him up the stairs and into his bedroom. “He asked how you were,” Zack said after a moment as they curled up in the bed. “He asked how you were and he was wearing this stupid smirk on his face.”

“I’m fine,” Luke told him, pressing a kiss to Zack’s cheek.
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