Status: Finished.

Our Heaven's Worth the Waiting


Chapter 2:

Once I was back in California, I felt much better. I went with Kingman to the office and helped choose the shots that we wanted to use for the magazine and website. The one where Bam was olling me came out really good.

I made my way back to my apartment after that. I was in a really good mood until I walked through the door.

I heard moaning coming from the bedroom. I walked in to find some girl riding Dylan in our bed.

'What the fuck!?' I screamed making them both jump and back away from each other.

'Zella!' Dylan screamed.

'What the fuck is going on here?' I asked. 'How could you do this?'

'Didn't you know I've been having sex with him for a long time?' The girl asked.

'Oh my God. Oh my fucking God.' I said as the tears came to my eyes. I walked around my house throwing a few extra important things in a bag.

'Where the fuck do you think you're going?' Dylan asked.

'Away from you.' I said making my way towards the door layden with my belongings.

'Zella, baby, wait.' He said trying to follow me.

I paused at the door and turned to look at him and said, 'I'm not you're baby.'

He looked like he would have killed me if the girl wasn't clutching our sheets around her body and witnessing the events.

I turned and ran towards the stairs and out to the curb where I hailed a taxi. I climbed in and told him to take me to the airport. I had no friends in California and I wasn't going to stay here.

Once I got to the airport, I walked in and took a seat on a bench. It hit me then. I had no where to go besides home to my Aunt and Uncles. I began crying hard. I couldn't go back there. I could get back into it again. I hated Dylan. Hated him so much, for putting me through this. Realizing it was my only choice, I pulled out my phone and got ready to dial my Aunt's number when I realized my phone was vibrating. Novak's name flashed across the screen.

'Hello?' I sniffled.

'Sup Zell, I already miss you.' He said.

'Nothing.' I sniffled again.

'You okay? Sounds like you're crying.' He said.

'I am.' I said. 'I just walked in on my boyfriend fucking some girl. And now I have no where to go but my Aunt and Uncles, and I can't go there.'

'Stay with us!' He declared.

'What?' I asked.

'Stay at Castle Bam.' Novak said again. Bam must have walked in the room because he began explianing the situation to him.

'Tell her to buy a ticket and we'll pick her up in Philly in a few hours.' I heard Bam say.

'You hear that?' Novak asked.

'Yeah.' I said. 'Tell him I said thanks.'

'See you in a bit.' He said hanging up.

I went to the ticket thing and bought a one way ticket to Philadelphia. I was in luck, that plane was boarding now. Rushing through security I made it to the gate just in time and called Novak to tell him my ETA.

He said that was fine and that he and Bam would pick me up. The plane ride there, I put my iPod in, and fell asleep.

Once we had landed I got up and found my way to Bam and Novak. I Novak pulled me in for a hug when I reached them.

'You look like shit.' Bam commented.

'Thanks.' I said. They already had my bags, so we went out and got in Bam's Mercedes and drove back to Castle Bam.

Once there, I thanked both of them and made my way back up to the room I had been sleeping in and fell onto the bed. I then cried myself to sleep.

I stayed at the Castle for a few days. I had barely left my room, other than going the bathroom. And I hadn't eaten.

A knock came on my door.

'Come in.' I said not taking my eyes from my TV, where I was watching Almost Famous.

'Come eat.' I turned to find Bam standing in my doorway.

'I'm not hungry.' I said.

'You haven't eaten since you got here three days ago, Zella.' He said.

'I'm really not hungry Bam.' I said still not taking my eyes from the TV.

He sighed heavily. 'Look, if you die in my house, I'm going to get arrested.'

I didn't say anything. Tears started falling down my cheeks.

'Zella, please stop crying over that jackass. You deserve so much better than him.' He said coming over and sitting on the bed.

I looked away from him.

'Look, I was just talking with Novak, and we both agree you should move in here. I won't charge rent and Kingman won't care. We can shoot things and fax it out there.' He said.

'I can't stay here Bam.' I said. 'I've already been too much of a burden.'

'No, you fucking haven't. And you're living here.' He said standing up. 'In fact, as soon as you're over his ass, we're going to go get the rest of your stuff.'

And with that he shut my door.