Status: Finished.

Our Heaven's Worth the Waiting


Chapter 7:

I awoke the next morning to find Bam's arms still around me. I smiled feeling his hot breath on my neck sending little shivers up my spine. I laid in bed for a bit, trying to fall back asleep. After I realized I wouldn't be able to, I got up and made my way down to the Pirate Bar.

'Hey, you seen Millionaire?' Novak asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

'Yeah. He stayed in my room because I had a horrible dream and I woke him up.' I said mixing in cream and sugar.

'Did you guys do what I think you did?' Novak asked making me spit up my coffee.

'No!' I said grabbing a paper towel and cleaning up my mess. 'Everyone's clothes stayed on.'

'Morning.' Bam said walking down a few mintues later.

'Morning.' Novak and I said in unsion. Bam walked by me and caught my eye smiling. I smiled back deciding in that moment that I was going to give Bam a chance and let him be my friend.

As the week flew by, Bam and I had become closer than we had in the past six months I had been living there.

The dream came back everynight, and each night, it was different. Some nights I saved Bam. Some nights he was too late and I died. Some nights we both died. But everynight it woke me up in a cold sweat and kept me up crying for a few hours. I had learned not to scream though. Screaming only lead to waking Bam up and I felt bad for waking him up that first night.

I sat up as usual, in a cold sweat and tears running down my face. 'Holy shit.' I said brushing my hair back. That one had been the worst one yet. The blood pouring from Bam's body had been all too real.

I decided I wanted fresh air. So I got up, threw on my shoes, and made my way down stairs as quietly as possible. I noticed the living room TV was on and Bam was curled up on the couch under a red blanket asleep. The Lost Boys was blaring from the TV and I smirked seeing on of my favorite movies.

I continued down to the Pirate Bar and then out the back door which shut a little louder than I had wanted it to. I didn't wait to see if I had woken anyone. I began to run towards the large skate ramp in the woods. Once I was there, I laid down in the middle and looked up at the stars and the moon that was lighting up the clearing.

I laid crying and thinking of all the mistakes I had made this far in my life, only being interupted when I heard, 'Zella?'

I sat up and saw Bam walking down the hill towards me with the blanket wrapped around him. 'What the fuck are you doing out here?'

'Thinking.' I admitted.

'Mind if I sit with you?' He asked.

I shook my head and he laid down next to me.

'You cold?' He asked. I shook my head again. 'You have another of those dreams?'

I nodded and he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

'Bam, I need to tell you something...' I decided after a few moments of silence. I sat up slowly and he followed.


I sighed heavily and looked him in the eyes. 'I'm a drug addict.'

'Who isn't addicted to something, right?' He asked smirking.

'I'm being serious.' I said. He wiped away all emotion from his face, silently telling me to continue. I told him the whole story. From the day I had first tried weed, up until the trip here with Kingman.

'So, you've been sober since then?'

'Yeah. It's amazing.' I said. 'But I'm proud of myself. That's the old Zella. And the one you're looking at, this is the new.'

'I like the new and the old.' He said smirking agian.

'Thanks.' I said smiling.

'You know what, Zell? You've been completely honest with me, so I'm gonna be with you.'

'Okay...' I said scared of where this could possibly be going.

'I'm in love with you Zella.'

That was the one thing I hadn't been expecting.

'And I know you probably don't feel the same but, I just wanted to throw that out there and let you know.' He said looking me dead in the eyes. We stared at eachother for a few minutes and I noticed his gaze was now darting between my eyes and my lips.

'God, Bam. If you're gonna kiss me, just do it already.' I said making him smirk and attach his lips to mine.

Bam's lips were like nothing I had ever felt before. And the feeling that was going on inside of me was better than an high I had expirienced. For the first time in years I felt true happiness.

Neither of us deepend the kiss. We just kept our lips pressed against the others for a few moments before Bam pulled away with that smirk on his face.

'We should get inside before you catch a cold.' He said standing and helping me to my feet. I wiped my butt off and began walking ahead of him.

'Is that a Heartagram?' He asked laughing and making me stop.

'What?' I asked turning to face him.

'Is that a Heartagram on the back of your neck?' He asked turning me around to look.


'I just didn't know you like HIM.' He said as I turned to face him. 'That's even more of a turn on.'

I laughed as he wrapped the blanket around both of us and we walked towards the house.