
Live Free or Die Hard

Gerard's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it. That bastard! How could he have come here.... I can't believe that he would expose our secret....especially to Bert. Maybe I could pass it off as a mix up. Maybe I could say Frank was insane...but none of this would work. I just have to be honest.

Frank's P.O.V.

He cheated....how could he? I fought the urge to cry...Especially with Bert....ewww....how could he? I couldn't face him....but I had to. I knew that he had to make his choice....but I don't think I can survive another let down....especially after Gee's secret....he hadn't even told Mikey yet....I wonder if Bert knew.....ughhh....What is taking so long? Why can't he choose. Then as I looked to my left I saw a nurse coming out of Gerards room. He chose.

"I can't believe that fucker chose him over me! Why would he? That bastard! I'll kill him!"


To be continued.....