Two Way Lives

The People of Awesome.

The Joker entered the room, “Yo Dumbledore” she said, doing a gangster hand shake with Albus. Albus was obviously a girl. Some knew her as Abbi, some as Albus, these days, it was impossible to tell which lifestyle she preffered, her one as a very old man, or as a teenager girl. The Joker, obviously another girl, was also known as Zara. Zara also had 2 lifestyles, one as an ugly man who wore exceeding amounts of make up, and one as a young 12 year old girl. “Hello TJ” Albus replied, stroking her long white beard which clashed horribly with her shoulder length brown hair. The Joker had shoulder length blonde hair, wore glasses and had, what could be known as, clown make up, on.
JK Rowling entered the room, “HR….I mean, JK. How nice to see you.” said The Joker, smiling, and calling her mate by her ordinary name, rather than her opposite lifestyle name. “Hello TJ.” JK said tediously, she very rarely got mad, her two lives were similar, but in one she was famous, the other, she was not. David entered the room, as did Antec. [Antec was a lovely lass who couldn’t decide who she would rather be, Ant, Dec or Cherri. So she chose them both, and Cherri was her opposite lifestyle.]. David was also known as Nova, recently she had celebrated her 14th birthday, for this, Dumbledore gave her the present that she could turn into him at any point….
“Oi, Dumbledore.” Nova said, striding towards him, in her David form. “How come all my private parts are the same in this body. I WANT DAVIDS!”
“I thought about this, Nova Darling. I decided that 14 is way too young to be playing with mans parts.” Albus replied, smiling. Antec, TJ and JK were all in hysterics behind them. Albus was trying hard not to laugh. Nova glared at Dumbledore, and stormed off. “What’ve you done…” JK grimaced, looking improvingly at Dumbledore. “I did what I thought was best.” Dumbledore replied coolly. The Joker walked upto Fred, who had somehow appeared in the room, no one knew how, but that was normal. Fred didn’t have two lifestyles, she had just the one. The Joker embraced Fred, and they kissed the night away. “And twooo became Onnneeeee” Dumbledore said proudly, watching the two of them tear each others tops off. JK had apparently left the room a while ago, she didn’t approve of this kinda thing, which proved she was in her JK form, as HRL had been the one advising the others to buy the porn magazine in which they found Nova.
TJ was slowly becoming Zara again, this kind of thing was too like Zara’s lifestyle. Fred’s and Zara’s lips entwined, but believe it or not, they weren’t a couple. Dumbledore stared, envying Zara, she would much love to be joining. Just these thoughts turned Abbi back into Abbi straight away. “Darn it” she muttered. Zara and Fred had gone to the bedroom. “I hope you both get aids.” Abbi said, more to herself than anything, but still…
Nova stormed back into the room, back into Nova. “OH MY GOD. I FORGOT NOVA. I’M SORRY” Abbi cried out, “You…You can only be transformed as David when I am in my Dumbledore form.”
“You complete and utter bitch.” Nova said, eying Abbi up and down. But suddenly, she started laughing. “Well, that was strange…” Abbi said, confused, Nova wasn’t one to get mad. Shouts were coming from the bedroom, “BITCH, YOU DON’T HAVE TO FRONT ON ME, DEAR!”. It was Fred, it was Zara again, obviously not being as satisfying as normal.
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I love this :)