One of the Boys

In Cars with Boys

The way you look at me
Is kind of like a little sister
Not like a good vice
And it leaves me nothing but blisters

Becca’s P.O.V

School fucking sucks, I think the only good thing about it is being able to be on the wrestling team. Man, there is no better feeling in the world once you’ve got a guy twice your size pinned underneath you crying and begging for mercy. We had just finished practice for the day and I was on my way to meet Brian in the parking lot. He usually picks me up after practice, when he’s not off chasing his latest piece of ass. I just wish he could just settle on one girl, all these girls are making me dizzy.

I think he currently has three girlfriends and I forgot their names. As I reached the parking lot I was surprised to see Matt. He smiled when he saw me and signaled for me to get in to his car. I went over and got in. “Hey” said Matt as I settled into my seat. I smiled back and said something along the lines of “Hi”. “Where’s Brian?” I asked as Matt began to pull out of the parking lot.

“He’s at Courtney’s house” said Matt, aha that’s what today girls name is. “Oh” I said, we remained quiet for a while. “So how was practice?” he suddenly asked, I chuckled. “It was great I managed to make Jake cry” I said as I laughed at the thought. Matt shook his head, “haven’t you ever tried to act like a girl?” asked Matt as he gave me a joking smile. I shook my head, “Nope, and probably never will” I said with ease.

“So what are you doing tonight?” I asked, Matt shrugged “I think I might be going out with Val tonight” said Matt. Everything was quiet after that, Matt and Val have become an item recently. I couldn't exactly say that i liked it. We soon reached my house.

“Thanks for picking me up” I said as I got out. I looked back at Matt, no matter how long you know a person, or how long their right their in front of you. You always manage to notice them in the end. “No problem” said Matt as he waved goodbye and drove away. I walked up the walk way to the front door and opened it. “Hello?” I asked wondering who was at home. Silence, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised mom and dad were probably at the store, Brian was with Courtney and Brent was probably at work.

I went to my room and took a shower. Then went downstairs and started flipping threw channels. Great nothing was on, I decided to call someone. But I realized everyone was probably busy. Just then the phone rang, I quickly picked it up happy that something has happened to stop me from going crazy. “Hello?” I said…maybe a little to enthusiastically. “Becca?” said a voice on the other line, I recognized that voice immediately. It was my cousin Laura. “Hey Laura” I said happily, she was probably the only girl in the world I got along with. “How is my favorite cousin?” she asked teasingly. “I’m good, and you?” I asked as I plopped down on the couch.

“Oh perfect, guess what?” she said in a childish manner. “What?” I asked back like a five year old. “My parents are going to be gone for a whole month and guess who’s coming to stay with me?” she said as she acted hyper. “Who?” I asked with curiosity. “You bitch” she said angrily. “Me?” I asked in shock. “Yes silly my parents arranged it with your parent’s your coming to stay with me so I don’t get lonely. Just imagine it, you…me…..all of New York” she said happily.

I could just imagine her dancing around her room like a crazed shopaholic. “I don’t know I have wrestling” I said skeptically. “Oh come on B admit your life sucks and say you’re going to come her and live it up” said Laura harshly, if it was one thing I loved about my cousin it’s that she can go from zero to 100% bitch in like 0.2 seconds. “Fine when do I leave?” I asked bored.

“Next weekend” she said as I thought that far ahead. I really didn’t have much going on now so I guess I could go and terrorize New York for a few weeks. “Okay I’ll see you then” I said, “Bye” sad Lauren as she hung up. New York, I guess I was a little unease about going and I knew why but it was a stupid reason, Matt will never look at me in that way, nothing more than a sister in his eyes. One of the Boys.
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Over and Out Captain!!!!