One of the Boys

Grandma's Looking For Ass

Becca’s P.O.V

“Fuck B how the hell can you eat that” said Johnny as he saw me make my ultimate meal. I took my Bean burrito with 3 kinds of cheese, jalapeños and mustard sandwich out of the micro wave with a huge smile. “Hey have you even tried it?” I asked with annoyance. “Would I want too?” he asked fearfully. I rolled my eyes and jump up onto the counter. “So where’s the rest of the guys?” I asked it was only Johnny and I in my kitchen.

Apparently Johnny thought he’d surprise Brian by coming over and spraying him with a water gun then show him amazing lyrics so he would forget Johnny ever sprayed him and he’d get away with it. But Johnny being the idiot he is forgot that my whore brother had a date. “Well Brian should be back soon….I think, Matt is coming with his new girlfriend and I think Jimmy’s at the laundry mat” said Johnny as he raided my fridge. “Why is Jimmy at the laundry mat?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Because he’s trying to freak out the old ladies there, you should have seen it last time. They called the cops on him and he ran like he was on fire” he said chuckling as he reminisced. “Well I guess that makes sense” I said as I took another bite out of my sandwich. “I’m going to New York in a few days” I said after I swallowed my food. “What?” asked Johnny in shock.

“Why?” he asked, I shrugged my shoulders. “Because I could use a change, it’ getting boring around here. I never do anything. Plus my cousin wants me to visit since I haven’t seen her in forever” I said as I got a drink. “Do the guys know?” asked Johnny. I shook my head, “Only Brian and my parents” I said.

“Wow how long are you going to be gone?” he asked. “For about a month” I said but before Johnny could answer I heard a loud bang at the front door. And before I could even reach the front door, Jimmy and Zacky came barging in with Matt and a blonde girl right behind them.

“Oh my god B you should have seen it” yelled Jimmy as he ran around me. “Seen what?” I asked annoyed. “Zacky……almost…..GOT LAYED BY GRANDMA” yelled jimmy. “Mother Fucker that’s the last time I go to the laundry mat with you” yelled Zacky as he tried to hit Jimmy. Keyword being ‘tried’ he was too chubby and couldn’t keep up with the tall person. “What the Fuck does he mean you almost got layed by grandma?” I asked with a giggle.

“Okay this old lady kept following me around the laundry mat and….she cornered me…” said Zacky as he trailed off. We all just laughed, but that abruptly stopped when I heard a high pitched grunt. I looked around and found the sound coming from the girl Matt was with. She had Blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked to be about 5’8 and she was really thin. “And you are?” I asked rudely to her.

“Oh guys this is Valary” said Matt as he introduced us all to his……friend. “Hi” she said as she raised her hand and gave Matt a side hug. “Hi” I said with boredom. I give her a week, she wouldn’t be any different then the other girls. Matt usually goes threw girls like toilet paper. Uses them one minute and is flushing them down the toilet the next. “Hey so when exactly are you leaving?” asked Johnny as he went back to our conversation. “Hey who’s leaving?” asked Jimmy who apparently over heard. “I am” I said.

“Why…don’t you love us any more? Where the hell are you going? How long are you going to be gone?” asked Jimmy like a clingy ex-girlfriend. “I’m going in two days to New York and I’m going to be there for a month. I’m going to be staying with my cousin Laura” I said as I started to head back to the kitchen. “Why?” asked Zacky as he followed me. “Because Laura’s parents are going to be gone for a month and she hates being alone” I said. “Man, we’re going to miss you…..for a whole month” said Jimmy as he stared off into space.
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Again I'm sorry i haven't been able to update but my computer shuts down at random times and i have finals. Plus my keyboard is retarded. Second update in one night! I haven't done that in weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to update Don't Say You Love Me tomorrow so don't worry about it! And Comments would be great...Please!

Over and Out Captain!!!!