One of the Boys


Becca’s P.O.V

Damn luggage, I had just gotten off the long ass plane ride over to new York and fuck was it boring. As I was pulling along my bags towards the exit to meet with Laura I was pushed to the ground with some bodies arms around me. I struggled to get up and see who it was. It was a Laura with her hair……it was pink. “Hey little cousin, god have I missed you. We are both going to have the best summer ever.

First of all we’re going to go home and get you settled then you got to change cause I cant be seen with you like that. But first how was your trip?” said Laura all in one breath. It took me a moment to process what she had just said when I nodded my head. “It was okay” I said slowly she was a little more hyper than usual. She must have noticed me staring at her in a funny way cause she laughed.

“Oh I just had a little espresso” she said before she quickly grabbed two of my heavy ass bags in one hand and my backpack in the other. I stared in shock at her. Damn, I was on the wrestling team and couldn’t care all that by myself. “Fuck Laura your buff” I said as I followed her dumbfound. “Hey when there’s a 75% SALE in one of your favorite stores. You have to be tough and fight off a lot of crazy people, plus it helps that I exercise about 2 hours a day” she said as we got to her car.

We got in and before I could even buckle my seat belt she was off racing the car out of the parking lot. I quickly put on my seat belt and prayed that we get home safely. Apparently Laura’s gotten a little more crazy with driving. “So what’s with the hair?” I asked a few minutes later. “Oh well I got about three outfits that really didn’t look that good on me but I fin ally found out why, I’ve had the wrong hair color for them. So as you can see pink is my new color for now” she said with a smile.

I flopped down on my new bed in exhaust. After a long day of showing me all the places she hangs out and introducing me to her friends. I was ready to just ready to collapse in my bed and not wake up for a hundred years. Just when I was about to shut my eyes. I jumped up in surprise when there was a bang and my door swung open. It was Laura in her pajamas with her arms filled with junk food.

“Now we pig out talk girly shit and watch movies” said Laura as she made herself comfy on my bed. “Laur I’m too tired” I said as I laid down. “Shut up I haven’t seen you in for ever and I have a new crush I need to dish out to you” she said as she took a bite of pizza. “Please let’s not talk about boys” I really didn’t want to bring up boys I finally managed to stop thinking about Matt. I opened my eyes when I didn’t hear Laura protest.

She was smirking giving me this knowing look. “What are you looking at?” I said uncomfortably. “Looks like someone has boy trouble” said Laura knowingly. I shook my head, “No I don’t and even if I did I wouldn’t want to talk about it” I said as I sighed and closed my eyes again. “Who is it?” she asked now excited. “He is no one” I said and turned over. “Oh my god, What the fuck” I said when I was suddenly being pined down and having my arm twisted around my back.

“Who the fuck is he?” asked Laura as she tightened her death grip. “Matt” I yelled when the pain started to sink in. “Matt as in…..Matt the guy who’s Brian’s friend Matt?” asked Laura in surprise. She let go of my arm and I was in shock at how she got me to talk so fast. I usually would not say a word to anyone else. “Yes, but don’t start getting excited. He doesn’t notice me and even if he does he sees me as a little sister” I said as I stole a doughnut form Laura’s humongous pile of food.

“Well…I’m sure that’s not true” she said slowly as she looked me up and down, checking me out. “ Actually……okay it could be true with the way you look and dress” she said with a sigh. We were silent for a few minutes just pigging out when all of a sudden Laura jumped off my bed and turned to stare at me. She looked crazy. “I know the perfect way that would guarantee that he’ll notice you” she said.

“How?” I asked with a little hope. I’ve liked Matt for a while and…sure I would just love to be the one he would call his girlfriend, but those things never happen for me. “We are going to have a little makeover” said Laura with a devious smile. Shit.
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Hey i finally get to update! I hope you guys like this! Please comment! I have 44 subscribers and only 13 comments! I have to say that makes me a little sad! Hey and i updated There Goes My Body the other day so anyone who didn't read it should! I think it's a good story!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!!