One of the Boys

Back Again

Matt’s P.O.V

It’s been a little over a month since Becca’s left for New York. And she came back yesterday. Brian called me after she came back to tell me shes changed a little. We’re going to see her today since she was spending her time with her family. So I was getting dressed for school when I heard my phone ring. I looked at my cell to see it was Val calling me again. Seriously, she started off as a good fuck but lately she’s been a real slut. I heard from Johnny that she was flirting with some of the guys from the football team. When I confronted her she just said it was lies. So I decided to let it slid. It wasn’t like I was being that faithful either.

One or two random fucks at parties when I was drunk, they didn’t really mean anything. I quickly got in my car and drove to school as music from my stereo blasted from the speakers. I parked my car in the student parking lot and got out. I saw Jimmy walking towards me. “Hey man, have you seen Brian and Becca yet?” I asked. “No he’s usually here by now” said Jimmy as he looked around the parking lot for them.

“Well maybe Syn had some hair issues this morning” I said with a laugh. We finally decided to walk to our lockers and get our stuff. Once we got to our lockers we saw everyone else. Everyone being Johnny, Zacky, Michelle and Val. “Hey baby” I said to Val as I kissed her cheek. “Man I wonder where Brian and Becca are I’ve missed her” said Johnny. We all nodded or heads and agreed. Without Becca our group wasn’t really the same. It was like we always had a buddy missing.

Just then we heard Brian’s voice. “Keep your fucking eyes off my sister” said Brian as he pushed some random guy. “What the fucks his problem?” said Zack. We all stared at Brian just then. It was like time was moving slowly as this hott chick came into view. Damn, she was the hottest girl I have ever seen. “Bec this is the last time your wearing that fucking dress” said Brian to the girl as he stomped towards us. Then it just hit me. Becca?! No way that couldn’t be her. She looked…..amazing. But Becca would never wear that stuff. It looked like she was a super model.

Her legs were so beautiful, I never knew she had legs like those. Probably hidden in baggy jeans. She had six inch heels. A sexy red dress that left little to the imagination. My god I think my pants are getting tighter around the crotch area. No girls ever made me do that in public. Not even when a breeze used to get me horny. Her hair looked so soft I had the sudden urge to run my fingers threw them. Just then I realized that the guys were hugging her and welcoming her back and I was standing there like an idiot.

It was finally my turn to welcome her when she turned to me and smiled. “Hey Matt I missed you” she said. But before I could do or say anything the bell started ringing signaling that we all had to get to class and before I knew it. Becca and everyone else started running to class.
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This chapter sucked and it didn't turn out half as well as i wanted it to. Sorry it's been awhile. If you read Dont say you love me give me a few days cause i have a new idea for the story that you guys will like hopefully!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!