

You always had a quote, for every occasion a new and inspiring quote was muttered. You had never been one for words, but every time something big happened, you had a quote.

The day we got signed you said "Music is well said to be the speech of angels; in fact, nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine. It brings us near to the infinite."

I asked you who said it, and you told me some guy named Thomas Carlyle.

A few months later you told me "He whom love touches not walks in darkness."

"What do you mean?" I whispered in question.

"I love you," And you turned away. I did't know if you were being serious, and my confusion made me hesitate, and, by the time I had recollected myself, you were gone.

"We're a succesful band," Zacky was happy, bouncing around. All of it because we were famous.

"The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it - so fine that we often are on the line and do not know it," you told him, ruffling his raven black hair. he shrugged and went to go tell Brian and Jimmy of this.

When some random kid question us, and our music, and music in general, you put a restraining hand on a very angry Brian and simply told him "Music is a higher revelation than philosophy."

The day Brian kept fucking up his guitar solos, and hating himself even more each time you told him, "The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has."

I remember, more vividly than the others, after a concert, you met this girl. She was my size, dyed black hair and eyes so dark that the pupils and irises were nearly the same color. But they shifted colors as she spoke, calling you an angel. Her eyes lightened to a color somewhere between blue and green.

You smiled at her, and what you said I'll never forget. "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." She smiled, and nodded, the understanding clear in her eyes. She was the first, the last, and the only that ever really understood your figurative language and quotes.

The wild rose bush I stopped to gaze at, murming how beautiful it was drew the most unexpected reaction.

"Beauty is a short-lived tyranny." You murmured, slipping silently forward.

Later I went to you, and whispered a quote of my own. "Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow." And then I said the words I feared to say. Feared to say because of the possible rejection. "I love you."

"You carry away with you a reflection of me, a part of me. I dreamed you; I wished for your existence. You will always be a part of my life. If I love you, it must be because we shared, at some moment, the same imaginings, the same madness, the same stage." You whispered back, wrapping your strong arms around me.

We had been together for a year or so the day you told me "The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person."

I looked up at you, confused, and you whispered a faint "Will you marry me, Johnny?" Before you fainted. You would kill me for revealing that. Made me promise not to. You had just been so nervous and anxious, you reasoned with yourself. I laughed, before saying simply, "Yeah, I'll marry you, Mattie."

A few days later you whispered to me "All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them." And I smiled at you. You always knew how to lay my fears to rest, with a brand new quote. I always wondered how you knew them all.

On our wedding day you said two things to me the first still puzzles me to this day, "To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour." Then you said softly, later that night, "Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning - one that leads you toward becoming the fullest human being you can be" They both confuse me, the second less than the first. But, what was your meaning behind it all?

I got shot one day, not life-threatening, but as I lay there, in your arms, waiting for the ambulance, you said to me something I've never forgotten. "If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend."

And I wonder, did you forget to ask if you could bring me? I'm hear alone, without you, and I miss you so.

The day you died you told me "It is not over, even in the grave." Then, just before you died you followed it with "But life is sweet, though all that makes it sweet. Lessen like sound of friends departing feet; And death is beautiful as feet of friend. Coming with welcome at our journey's end." and a soft, final "I love you, forever, Johnny."

Jimmy wrapped his slender arms around me, comforting me. And he told me a quote of his own. "They say there's a heaven for those who await... some say it's better, but I say it ain't. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints... the sinners are much more fun."

"Let's put that on his headstone," I sniffled, turning away from your body. "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. I like that. So very like him. I mean look at us, we sure as hell ain't saints."

At your funeral, Zack said something I never would have expected. "There is nothing in life more painful than losing a loved one, the love is there forever though, we never really lose them only from the physical plane, because where love exists there can be no loss."

Then Brian added "As long as we live, they too shall live, for they are a part of us, as we remember them."

A few years later, I met that same girl, she was at your grave, and greeted me with a soft sad smile. I had gone to your grave, how could I stay away from you?

"He grew another wing, to fly on his own," she told me, laying a pair of roses down. "You five pulled me from a hell I condemned myself to, after the death of my most beloved. And I always thought of you as angels. Now he really is. Johnny, he'd want you to be happy, to live life to the fullest."

"I know," I replied, sighing. I couldn't help but wonder how she knew.

I stared up at the midnight sky, the stars brighter than ever before.

"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy," she whispered, and I looked at her. Her eyes were the same color as yours, and she gave me a smile, and winked, before adding, "If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."

She was the only one to really ever understand you. But that didn't bother me now. She had your eyes as she said that, before turning and disappearing into the dark. Is she an angel, Mattie? An angel you sent to remind me, to give me strength by giving me your simple, yet complex message? Who am i trying to fool? I'll never know, because I never understood. I just loved the beauty that was you.