

I watched him, always from far away, after the sun had set. He was so beautiful, so much so that I was slowly drawn closer and closer. He never went out after the sun set, and I had never known why, just as I had never gone out in the day light.

And so I watched him through his window, a silhouette more often than not. And each night I crept slowly closer, as I fell slowly in love with this creature of beauty.

One night, in the Middle of June with the moon shining brightly down on me, and he opened his window. I'll never forget that, his scent seemingly calling me forward.

A week later, I stood in front of his window, leaning against the sill, relaxing and breathing in his scent. Suddenly he rolled over, facing me. It took me a second to notice his eyes were wide open, and staring straight into mine. When I realized it, I froze, not even breathing anymore. Our eyes locked together, and slowly he drifted off to sleep.

We repeated this ritual for about two weeks, until the 10th of July. Until one night, while he was staring me down his expression changed from calm, relaxed, to determined and thoughtful. He slowly got out of bed and walked through the house. I stayed rooted to the spot. What was he doing?

He came up behind me, and stood a few feet around, and I slowly turned to face him.

"I was afraid you would run away," he murmured to me, holding out his hand. "I'm Matt, who are you?"

"Johnny," I answered, slipping my hand easily into his larger one. He pulled me to him, leaning down to catch my lips in a sweet, gentle, chaste kiss.

He pulled away, golden hazel eyes searching my face. "Will you be here when the sun rises?"

"Of course," I answered, knowing that being caught in the sun light would not be good, and how soon the sun would be rising, as well. He probably only had a few minutes before it began to peek over the horizon.

I pushed all of that aside, pulled him back to me, and kissed him roughly, crushing our lips together. He pulled away, slightly, enough to allow him to murmer, "Come inside?" I nodded, and instead of him leading me, he picked me up with strong arms. No matter how strong, I still clung to his shoulders, afraid of allowing another, even him, to carry me.

Once inside, he took me to his room, and laid me on the bed, curling up around me, locking me inside a safe have made of warm flesh and bone.

"Why have you been watching me?" He whispered, so soft I barely heard it.

"You are my... soul mate, I am drawn to you the way a moth is drawn to the flame. You are everything I am not, you balance me completely, and give me light," and it was then I realized the sun had risen as he had carried me inside, bathing me in soft morning light, and now it was giving the room light.

"And why I am so attracted to you?" This was more of a statement than a question, I knew. At least, it wasn't a question I was meant to answer, but answer I did.

"Because I am everything you are not, I balance out your never ending light with night," I told him, snuggling closer, feeling my bones warm as I laid wrapped up in him.

"Really now? I thought it was because you're so damned adorable, and definately irresistable, with the stalker shit of yours," he told me, chuckling.

"And how do you know I'm not a stalker?" I asked him, chuckling with him.

"Stalkers come in all forms of crazy, you, however, are very smart, understanding, and poetic," he told me. "Now, let's go to sleep, as I'm off tomorrow, and I really do need to catch up the sleep I've been losing due to our late night staring contests." He paused, and then went on shakily, "You'll, you'll be here, right? When i wake up, I mean?"

"Of, course, I'm yours now," I told him, trying to put the custom of my anceint race into words he could understand. "The kiss you gave me made us one. And as I am the younger, I am yours."