I Hate the Fact I Love You

He has no idea


"Joe I am going to rip your insides out!" I yelled as I ran after him. "You gotta catch me to kill me!" he said as he darted off. "Joe! Why? What did I ever do to you?" I asked him and he laughed as he shrugged. "I don't know. You're just funny to torture!" he laughed and I ran after him. "Give it!" he climbed on his bunk and held my diary tight. "No" he plainly said as he began to read it outloud. "No matter how much I say I hate him I can only think about how much I like him. And now he is mine! He is my life, soul. My...NICK JONAS?!" He sort of yelled. So much for a secret.

"Please tell me this is a joke!" he begged and I smiled. Yeah, I planned this. "You idiot! That was just to freak you out in case you did get a hold of it" I grabbed the book and flipped a couple of pages. "You see there's one for Kevin, and one for...you" I shivered and he sighed in releif. "Good. You got me scared for a sec" he got off the bed and walked to the kitchen. "That was close" I said to myself. "What was close?" I heard the voice of an angel in back of me. I turned around and it was Nick. "Joe almost found out" I told him and he frowned.

"How long can we keep this going on?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but not for much longer" he told me and I agreed. "You do know he's going to kill you...right?" I asked and he nodded. "He can't stay mad at me for long. I mean, we are brothers" I laughed. "No. Joe was adopted. I swear!" he laughed as well. "He's not that bad. He just can't stand you. Although I can't imagine why" he kissed me and I kissed him back. We heard the door about to open and we quickly seperated.

Thank God we did because it was Joe. He stared at us. "What?" I asked as I threw a pillow at him. "Ouch! How the hell could you hurt me with a pillow?" he asked as he threw it back. "Because you're weak!" I laughed. "Get new jokes" he sat on his bed. "At least I'm not a joke!" he didn't respond. "I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll see you guys later" Nick said leaving me and Joe glaring at eachother. "So, you and Nick hang out a lot" he said and I shrugged. "Not really. i can't stand that kid" I lied and he shook his head.

"He hasn't insulted you in about four weeks and you're always together!" he said raising his voice. "I want to know what's going on!" he lowered his voice a little. "Nothing" I said a little frightened. He never acted this way before. "Mandy don't lie to me!" he said a little aggrivated. "Joe calm down! Nothing is wrong! We still hate eachother. He's probably just tired of the fighting" I said trying to calm him down. He did. "Probably" he said as he headed for the door.

"Joe wait!" what was I doing? "Yeah?" he turned around and faced me. "Why do you get so mad if someone even looks at me?" I asked and he shrugged "I don't know why, but somethng tells me you're going to cause trouble!" he said before he left. "Boy, you have no idea" I sighed.
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Hey! Sorry it took so long! comment/message!