Sequel: X-Family
Status: Finished!



There were a lot of times that I could look back and see a bad memory, and not a good one. But recently, well, since meeting Scott, I had been able to pull up more and more happy memories. There were times where he would just hold me, or kiss me. And sometimes we just sat in silence, watching a movie, but it would be welcome. It made me feel bad, knowing that Anni wanted a relationship like this, but I knew Logan loved her in his own way. He just had to find a way to show it.

I was walking down the hallway, headed for the library, when Scott came running around the corner, laughing, with Logan trailing him. I read his thoughts, and began to laugh very loudly. Scott stopped beside me, and laughed while leaning against me. Thankfully, I was fully healed and able to walk around again.

Logan began to run towards Scott when I stopped him with my powers, and he fell on his ass while I wiped away tears of laughter. "Logan, you do know that you were trying to sex up my sister, right?" Logan pouted, which made me laugh, and looked towards the ground. Unable to stop laughing, I began to question him. "Do you need the safe sex talk, sweetpea?"

Logan glared at me before standing, and crossing his arms. "Do you want me to gut you, or something? We're adults, Jasey. Not kids."

I nodded, looking over to Scott with a wink before leaning into his awaiting arms. "I know. But Logan?" When he had turned to leave, I had spoken in a much somber voice than before. He raised his eyes to me to show he was listening, and I continued. "Hurt my sister, and I'll gut you and make sure you'll be singing soprano opera for a living." And with that, I grabbed Scott's hand and walked away, leaving Logan with wide eyes.

Scott looked over at me, and stole a quick kiss. "You're amazing. Have I ever told you that?" I smiled at him and bit my lip before wrapping my arms around him, no matter if we were in the hallway or not. Scott smiled, and kissed the top of my head before I yawned. Sure, I wasn't bleeding anymore, but I still was tired, and Scott knew that. With one arm around my waste, he led me back to his room, and I put on one of his large T-Shirts before falling asleep up against his chest, with his arms around me.


I knew this was a dream. There wasn't anything else it could be. There were bodies all around me, covered in their own blood, and body parts lying everywhere. Some of them I knew I had seen before, but I couldn't tell from where. Dead eyes followed me as I walked through the hallways, headed to the only room at the end of the dark tunnel that had light. Somewhere in me, I knew not to go. But I also knew I had to.

I arrived at the door, and with one last look at the dead bodies that were my past, I looked up. Standing before me was Scott, his eyes wide, and blood running down his chin. An elegant blade was sticking out of his chest, dripping crimson onto the carpet where he stood. The sword began to be removed, and Scott whispered my name before collapsing to the floor. I could only watch in horror as the murderer turned and looked at me, and couldn't hold back the whimper of fear when I saw who it was. It was me that had killed all those people. I had slaughtered the X-Mansion residents.

With a gasp, I had thrown myself from Scott's hold, which I had known was him by the strong arms, and was on the floor. My breathing was coming in sharp pants, and I clutched to my chest with wide eyes. Scott was by my side in an instant, holding me in his arms and rocking me back and forth.

"It's fine, Jasey. Come back to me, girl. It's okay. We're fine. It was all a dream." Hearing him being so desperate shocked me into awareness, and when I did, I wrapped my arms around Scott with tears running down my cheeks.

"You're okay. Oh, thank god! Scott, you're okay!" Scott nodded and kissed my forehead before holding me to him, like a child. We both knew that I would never be as normal as he deserved. I'd never be able to live a life of pure bliss because of who and what I was. Scott didn't deserve to have his life taken away from him; his happiness. As if reading my mind, he spoke.

"Jasey, I don't want anything other that to fix you. I'm not leaving, and you're not either." As if making his statement clear, his lips met mine in a mind-blowing kiss, and I grinned.
Even though the past was hard, there was always a future to look to. Scott had taught me that, and for that I was thankful.
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Chapter by lissasaywhaa?