Sequel: X-Family
Status: Finished!


An All New Life

I had been trying to avoid Logan all week, knowing that he would love to tear my throat out for interrupting Anni and his private moment. So, when I woke up two days later, feeling better then I had ever felt, I decided to find Logan. Scott was already at his Math class, so I would of been alone for a couple hours, anyways. The school is almost like a mansion from the outside, but that isn't anything compared to the inside. Hallways you wouldn't even imagined existed in this place, and each one was a goodie bag. At least I knew the way to Anni's room, knowing her and Logan wouldn't be very far apart.

When I knocked, I heard the unmistakable sound of Logan releasing his claws, and I grinned. Barely hearing, I managed to hear him say something to Anni along the lines of, "Would you care if you lost a sister today?" and giggled. Then, it was silent, and the door flew open to reveal Logan with sweatpants and a white wife beater on. He glared at me before saying with hostility, "Do you really want today to be your last day alive, Jase?"

Clearing my throat, I replied, "Well, Logan, if you kill me you can count my sister probably won't want to bake some flapjacks with you, that's for sure. But really, can I borrow Anni for the day?" He growled before allowing me in, and I laughed when I smelt all the cigar smoke. There was a constant haze in the room, undoubtedly from Logan, and I smirked at Anni as she stretched in bed.

"Well, hiya, Jasey!" Her voice fluctuated as she yawned and then she stood and began to change. In front of Logan. Smirking, I made the blanket lift up as a shield, and picked at my nails. I could feel Logan's heated gaze burning holes in my skull, and I looked at him with calm eyes. Sticking my tongue out at him, I pulled my cheeks back to show my teeth. Sure, it was a childish thing to do, but he relaxed with a chuckle, and fell into the mushroom chair next to the door, and began to read his book that he had for weeks.

Anni turned around, and I grinned before grabbing her hand and pulling her from the room before she could say goodbye to Logan. We ran through the large hallways that the X-Mansion had provided for us (not directly, but still) and I led her to the kitchen. No one was there, because it would be another four hours until lunch and they liked their sleep. I looked at Anni with a raised eyebrow, before grabbing the things needed to make cookies. When Anni began to see the ideas in my head, she laughed and nodded, jumping right into the flow of baking that we had never done before.


Things could of been worse, in all reality. People were acting like it was a sin to make a mess in a kitchen, but really! Who doesn't get flour, eggs, and baking soda all over everything when they make cookies! Anni had managed just this, and a little more, when the cookie brigade had walked in; Logan and Scott. Scott's eyes were, I imagine, as large as plates when he had seen the mess we had made in just the time frame of an hour, before he burst out laughing and tried to talk but all he could manage was squeaks. This, of course, made Logan begin to laugh, in which ended in all of us covered in flour, eggs, and baking soda.

Don't ask. It should just remain a mystery, in my opinion. We did, however, get it cleaned up before we had gotten caught, and we were still laughing when we sat at the counter drinking soda. Everyone was giggling when Storm decided to point out that Logan had flour on the tips of his hair, and after that we were crying again. Anni was leaning against the counter, trying but failing to get the flour out of Logan's hair, who had his head on the counter in shame and laughter. I was leaning against Scott, laughing and barely not screaming in amusement, and he had his head buried in my hair to keep his laugh from ringing throughout the whole house.

Yes. Times were great. When we all sat there in that kitchen, somehow, there wasn't any hostile thoughts between us anymore. Scott and Logan were find; Anni and I were the best we had ever been, and all together we created our own family. A family born from the ashes of nothing. It was a rebirth that happened in that kitchen. We all had a new life from then on in, and none of us would of changed that. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alissa is bomb.

Chapter by lissasaywhaa?