Sequel: X-Family
Status: Finished!


Ice Cream and The Notebook

As I walked away from Logan's door, knowing full well what was happening, I couldn't help but remember Anni's thoughts. 'Why was she wanting me to hold back?' Did she really think I was trying to hold her back?

I sighed as I thought about it. From her point of view, it would seem like I was trying to keep her from being free. The real reason was I knew what would happen, that somehow there wouldn't be a too positive outcome from this. Was Logan ready to be a father if that was called for? Could he really throw away what he wanted, and be a father for this kid? If he couldn't, it'd be all on Anni, and I would for sure kill Logan.

I had no doubt that Logan loved her, and that she loved him. No, that was a given. But I knew that Logan needed freedom. He needed to be able to see the sky, and run free without things holding him back. I just hoped that Anni could handle it if Logan left. That'd be like me leaving all over again, and we had all seen how she reacted to that.

To take my mind off of things, I decided to go see Scott. Whenever something happened, he was the one I went to, now. It was kind of like he was my backbone at times, and others I was his, however rare those times were. When I got to his door, I knocked, and heard his voice break the silence. "Come in."

Scott was sitting at his desk, eyes on a paper, looking like a teacher from the movies. His hair was tousled from where he had ran his hands through it, and I smiled when his cologne filled my nostril. It was something like cinnamon, and somewhere in that a little bit of woods and pine. I loved it, to say the least.

"Hey there," I said softly, sitting in the chair that was in front of his desk. Scott smiled at me, and held out his hand. I took it, and looked at the palm, tracing over the lines on his hand. I could tell he had been through a lot by all the small scars on his palm or whatnot. Scott laughed and pulled me up from my chair from across the table, and led me over to his lap, where I sat and kissed his lips softly.

"Hello, gorgeous." His whisper was filled with emotion, and it made me blush. Scott leaned up and kissed the tip of my nose, and I giggled like a child before putting my head on his shoulder and hugging him. "I missed you, too."

Grinning, I pulled back before saying calmly, "Let's go do something." He raised an eyebrow before replying.


I rolled my eyes before nodding, and kissing his nose. "Like, watch a movie or something. Just spend time together." For a moment, it was silent as we just looked at each other, and then he nodded and I grinned wide.

"I like that idea. What movie?"


"How could you not cry during The Notebook?" Scott looked over at me and grinned before taking some of my ice cream, and I gasped. "That is not fair, Scott!" He just laughed and took another before winking at me, and turning back to the screen where a movie he had picked was playing. I didn't even bother with the name, knowing that it was probably like every other movie a guy liked. Even though he wasn't paying attention to me, I studied his features with a smile on my face.

Scott was a handsome man. He always had been. He had a beautiful face with just enough rough edge to drive me crazy, and one of the prettiest smiles I had ever seen. It was like he wrote the book on perfection, in all honesty. Scott didn't have too much muscle on him, but just enough to be visible.

As if knowing I was watching him, Scott turned to look at me with a large smile. "What? Do I have ice cream all over me or something?"

Unable to not laugh, I responded through my giggles, "No, studmuffin. You're perfect." Scott laughed loudly at my term of endearment, before throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. His muscles rippled through the fabric of his shirt as he breathed, and I found myself falling asleep right there on the spot. Before I had finally fallen asleep, I realized Scott was eating my ice cream, and giggled one last time. Then I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alissa's a hopeless romantic =]

Chapter by lissasaywhaa?