Kill All Your Friends

Chapter 38: Is This Really Happening

*Suii's POV*
"NO! NO NO FUCKING NO!" I yelled at Bob for the millionth time. He had his arms wrapped tightly around me as I tried to break free and run away again.

"Will you please just listen to me?!" he exclaimed. "You're gonna live with me in Chicago, AND, Helena's going with Frank to Jersey, Slaughter and Wonderboy with Gee and Mikey and Goliath with Ray."

"NO!" I shrieked again, this time thrashing violently forcing him to let me go. I ran to the opposite side of the room in front of my wardrobe.

"Listen!" he yelled urgently.
"NO!" I screamed back covering my ears. I shut my eyes and shook my head back and forth.

"No no no! I am not leaving! I need them! They're my family, NOT YOU!" I yelled before falling to my knees and bursting into sobs. Bob came to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and let me rest my head against his chest.

"Listen to me, Suii," he whispered. "We're gonna be touring in about a year. You're going to see them. I wouldn't keep you from...your family." I looked up at him through a layer of fringe and tears.

"Promise?" I asked.
"I promise." he replied. I dug my face into his shoulder and hugged him.
"Okay, thank you dad."
I sat at the edge of my couch, flickering the zipper on the suitcase Bob had given me. It laid there open in front of me completely empty. I had packed and unpacked all my stuff several times. Every time I would put something in the suitcase, I'd be reminded of how I had to pack up and leave my Mama's house.

I sat there for awhile before I decided to try filling the suitcase again. After I had dragged it in front of the wardrobe and opened the doors, I began pulling articles of clothing out one at a time, folding them neatly, and placing them in the suitcase.

Soon my wardrobe was empty. I looked around at the room I was in. My room. Bob had the the other guys go into each of our rooms and pack some of our belongings. We will be leaving with our new dads soon. I couldn't figure out if I was sad or excited.

I sat down in front of my suitcase and pulled the zipper around to close it.
"Fuck..." I mumbled while pulling myself off the floor. After I finished tossing my chains into my back pack with my panda bear, I made my way onto the balcony with my pipe.

I settled myself on the railing and pulled my lighter from my back pocket and took a few well needed tokes. Soon my head felt full of bubbles and my skin felt great under the not-quite-summer sun. I closed my eyes and let my head roll backwards. Thoughts swam through my brain.

Everything is different now. A year ago today I never would've dreamed I'd be living with my favorite people, in a badass house, with MCR. Whatever hasn't changed, will soon enough.

Is this really happening?
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