Heroes and Cons

I Think I've Found My True Love.

It had been a few years since our trip back home from Nevada. Mike and Brittney were still together, along with Mya and Tre. Same with Chloe and I. Green Day had it's third record come out and we were going on our first real tour in a few hours. Tre's dad wasn't driving us from place to place in the Bookmobile anymore. Chloe was over with me because my mom just loved her and because she wanted to say goodbye, and I wasn't sure how that would end up. I hoped that Chloe and I got married one day and had kids together, but it's too early to be even thinking about that. On the other hand, Tre had already gotten Mya pregnant. We were all 20 yeard old, and not married. Although the guys predicted that I would be within the next two years.

"Billie, do you really have to go?" Chloe asked, putting her hand on my chest.

"Of course I do," I laughed and kissed her.

"But I can't go with you?"

"Honey, it's our first tour. I need to see how it works first before I bring anybody." She just sighed.

We spent the next few hours deciphering what we could do on tour and what it would be like and all that jazz. It was now 8:15PM and I had to be at the airport by 9:00.

"Chloe, I need to take you home soon," I whispered in her ear.

"Then how about this," she said before strattling me. She took my hands and placed them on her hips and kissed me hard. I slipped my fingers under her shirt and started to rise it over her head but stopped when I remembered that we were on the couch out on the living room.

"Chloe, my mom..."

"We can be quiet..."

"But I need to leave," I whispered.

"We can make it quick."

"We'll where's the fun in that?" I laughed as I kissed her neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me down on the couch with me on top of her and her legs around my waist.

"I don't want you to leave, Billie," she said as she ran her hands through my hair that I had finally cut.

"But I have to, I'm sorry."

"You'll call me every night, right?"

"Of course, love."

She kept kissing me until my mom came down the steps and saw us there.

"Mom, it's not what it looks like," I said as I got off of Chloe and pulled her up with me and she fixed her shirt that was half way off.

"Right," she sighed. "Good thing I came downstairs or I'd be having a grandchild in the next 9 months."

Chloe and I blushed as we walked out the door. My mom gave Chloe a tight hug before we left. I walked her home and we kissed for a few minutes, well... more like made out on her parent's porch until her dad opened the door; that was embarrassing. We said our goodbye's and half an hour later, the band was on our way to Minnesota for our first concert there.

5 days later.

The flight to Minnesota wasn't all too bad. Me, Tre and Mike all got to sit together. Tonight was our big night at some place, which I don't remember the name because I was too drunk to when they told us where we'd be playing tonight. Mike said it was something called Gilman? No, that was back at home. Fuck it. I'll find out later.

"Billie! We leave in ten minutes, are you ready?" Tre asked as he ran through the hotel trying to find his shoes.

We had a major party the other night and the place was a wreck, but we obviously didn't give a shit because we were already throwing TV's out the window. I'm surprised they havn't kicked us out yet.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Mike, how 'bout you?" I called out.

"Of course, Bill!" He yelled back.

The three of us went out and piled into a cab that took us to the area that we were playing at. I saw our manager and he said that we were due on stage in 5 minutes. After that 5 minutes were up, we got on stage and the first person that I saw in the crowd was a beautiful girl who looked about four years older than me and I saw her standing with a guy next to her, who looked like a boyfriend. But I could tell she didn't want to be with him from the way she rolled her eyes whenever he turned away and when she removed his arm from her waist... poor girl. Tre started up the drums and we started playing our new music. A mosh pit began and I saw the girl get right into it. I smiled and I knew that she was my kind of girl.

After our show, I walked out in front of the stage and saw the same girl sitting up against the wall with her knees up to her face. I figured that since Mike and Tre were busy packing things up that I would go talk to her.

"Hey, is everything okay, miss?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"Yes," she said with a small voice.

"You don't seem okay."

She brought her head up and I saw that her face was marked with tears of mascara. Yet she still looked beautiful. I was determined to find out what her name was. I wiped them away and I started asking her what was wrong.

"My boyfriend, Jamie, he's not the nicest of all people..." she started.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked her. She shook her head and explained that he yelled at her because he thought that she was trying to hook up with other guys, but she had only talked to one.. her cousin.

"He's a dick, and you don't deserve to be treated that way."

"I know that! I'm just scared of him, that's all."

"Don't be. He can't do anything." She shook her head violently and pulled up the legs of her jeans and showed me bruises on her and rolled up her sleeves and revealed more cuts and bruises.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't know," I whispered. She pulled them back down and brought her knees up to her face again.

"It's fine, not many people do anyway..." she said. We didn't talk for a while after that.

"I'm Billie Joe, by the way," I said, holding out my hand for her to shake. She looked at it like it was going to hurt her or something.

"Don't worry, I'm not like Jamie." She looked up at me and gave me a smile. Damn, she was beautiful.

"I'm Adrienne... Adrienne Nesser," she said as she shook my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Adrienne finally came into play with this story! I've been waiting to add her in so I can start writting about her and Billie. ^___^ I love her.

xoxo- Adie.