How to Fall in Love...In 30 Days or Less


They met in a bar in Las Vegas, Nevada. Riley Walker had been working there for several months after lying to the owner that she was old enough to even serve liquor. He'd lied his way into the bar citing that he was old enough to consume the beer he'd ordered.

Riley Walker knew for a fact that he wasn't, but also knew he was going through a rough break-up after an even rougher relationship. How did she know this? It wasn't that she read him correctly; Riley Walker and people didn't often go hand in hand. No she knew him simply because he was the lead singer of the band her brother was in; of course Brendon Boyd Urie was absolutely clueless as to whom she was.

Jon Walker didn't often talk about his family; Riley couldn't say that she blamed him. She'd been the star of the family since she'd been adopted at the age of five. Not that she ever wanted it. Riley was happiest away from loud people, away from people in general.

So, how did the quiet wallflower fall for loud, obnoxiously charming Brendon Urie? The answer may never be revealed; maybe it was the fact that they were both going through a hard time in their lives. They could relate to each other on their shitty love lives. Either way, this isn't the story; the real story lies in how everything came to life.

April 12th, 2007 – 12:00AM
It was another night at the bar, Riley wearing the skimpy outfit forced upon her while she stood behind the bar taking orders and occasionally ignoring the fact that there were men in their late twenties hitting on her. This job wasn't her dream job, certainly she wasn't that unproductive in life, but it brought her in enough money that she could afford an apartment while she attended The University of Nevada on scholarship. This was probably the most ironic place for her to be, her brother hated Las Vegas even though the rest of Panic at the Disco lived here.

Riley Walker had moved to Las Vegas two short months ago after transferring schools in the middle of the year from DePaul University in Chicago. Sure, it was nice that she'd had her parents there to pay for the things she needed but after almost thirteen years of being smothered by them she couldn't handle it anymore. Her ears rang from having listened to the loud music being produced by the speakers all night, only two and a half more hours until she was able to go home and sleep. She was cleaning glasses when she first set eyes on him in person. Sure, much like any other female in the world she'd seen pictures of him, or had at least seen his band on one of their many debuts on MTV in music videos, but this person wasn't the same as he normally was.

“What can I get you?” she asked although she knew full well that he wasn't twenty-one for another year.

“Something strong,” he replied, not at all sounding like the Brendon Urie she'd met when her brother joined Panic at the Disco.

Riley nodded before turning to mix him a drink, she set it down in front of him and he immediately downed half of it. Riley watched him out of the corner of her eye as she served another drink to a petite woman wearing something that could only be considered underwear. Brendon was staring at Riley by now; she knew this but also hoped that he wouldn't recognize her. It was bad enough that she'd run away from home, not telling her parents where she'd gone but Jon Walker couldn't know where she was.

“I know you,” Brendon said as she poured him a beer and handed him the glass a moment later.

“I work here every night,” was Riley's smooth reply.

“You know me too,” he added.

“You're on TV. Is there a teenager that doesn't?” Riley replied suddenly feeling really uneasy about this.

Brendon stared at her before nodding, “you're right.”

“Why the long face? It's your birthday isn't it?” she asked.

“A fan I take it?” he laughed.

Riley nodded, “something like that.”

“Why should I confide in you?”

“Who am I to judge? I'm not even old enough to be working here, let alone in this place.”

Brendon nodded, “I didn't think so. It's a long story; I'd probably bore you to death.”

Riley shrugged, “everyone needs someone to tell their problems to. Even you Mr. Urie.”

And Brendon did. He told her everything, how he'd come back to his apartment to find his girlfriend of six months in bed with another man. How she'd thrown a hair dryer at him when he told her to get out. All their problems throughout the last six months, and how the guys in his band had no idea what had been going on. Riley would be lying if she said that she wasn't pissed off that this girl treated Brendon like shit. Brendon, despite his overly hyper and sometimes obnoxious nature was a really good guy.
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let's see those COMMENTS people.
next chapter will be posted tomorrow - this story is already written.