How to Fall in Love...In 30 Days or Less


April 13th, 2007 – 12:31PM
Riley Walker had no clue how it'd happened, but she woke up the next morning lying on Brendon Urie's chest, completely naked. She wasn't drunk at all the night before. Brendon stirred in his sleep shifting positions slightly. Riley sighed not really wanting to get up and run from him, he knew where she worked now after all and Brendon wasn't the type to give up if he decided that he wanted her.

Riley finally got up from the bed pulling on her t-shirt and underwear before walking down the hallway to the bathroom. Brendon lived alone, thankfully; as far as Riley knew there wasn't any chance of running into her brother as he was in Chicago. She returned to Brendon's room a few minutes later to find him awake, although barely.

“I thought you were gone,” Brendon said his words cut off as he yawned.

“I contemplated it,” Riley admitted sitting on the bed beside him, “Then I realized you know where I work; I can't exactly run away too easily.”

Brendon laughed, “I'm glad you stayed.” His stomach growled causing Riley to giggle.


“Starving actually,” he replied, “Want to go out for breakfast?”

Riley shrugged, “sure.”

Riley ended up borrowing Brendon's clothes, walking into an IHOP in the attire she wore to work probably wouldn't be the best choice, even in Las Vegas. Thankfully he wasn't that much bigger than she was; she only had to cuff the bottoms of his jeans in order for them to actually fit properly. Half an hour later they were eating pancakes, Brendon was still noticeably quiet, quiet for him anyways.

After they finished eating they both exited the resaurant, Riley deciding that she should probably go home and feed her cat who'd most likely torn the house apart in search of his food by now.

“Are you working tonight?” Brendon asked.

Riley smirked, “You'll have to come by and find out.”

“Maybe I will,” Brendon replied before getting in his car and driving back to his apartment. Riley only lived a block away, as she walked inside her apartment message was being left on her answering machine, odd because no one called her unless it was one of those phone sales persons.

Riley, pick up the damn phone. It's Jon.” He didn't hang up as she'd hoped he would. She swallowed before picking up the cordless phone.


What the actual fuck Riley? What the hell possessed you to pick up your shit and move to Vegas without telling anyone?” Jon demanded.

“Jon, you wouldn't understand. Really you wouldn't.”

Try me,” he demanded.

Riley sighed heavily, “I just needed to be away from everything for a while Jon. I've been smothered since I was adopted. I didn't want to be babied anymore.”

Don't give me that bull Riley. You put up with it for thirteen years, why would it suddenly change over night?” Jon replied.

“I told you that you wouldn't fucking get it Jonathan! If you didn't want to listen why the hell did you call?” she yelled before slamming hanging up the phone.

She had a while to kill before she needed to be at work for eight. She fed her cat, which was named Fluffy, if that was cheesy enough for anyone. Afterwards she decided showering would probably be best due to the fact that she smelt strongly of Brendon’s cologne and sex.

After showering she pulled on a pair of sweats, and lazed around her apartment until it was time to get dressed for work. Jon didn’t call back, not that Riley actually expected him to. He knew when to take a hint, and she made it loud and clear that she wasn’t exactly happy with him she was sure.

April 14th, 2007 – 12:26AM
It was past midnight before Brendon made an appearance at the bar. Riley smiled at him, handing him a beer before he even ordered. It was busy tonight being a Saturday; Riley somehow managed to talk to Brendon a bit in between running around giving people their drink orders.

Brendon stuck around until Riley was dismissed by her boss around three; he’d apparently gotten a cab ride over and not so conspicuously suggested that Riley give him a ride home. Riley complied, knowing full well that she’d end up spending another night in Brendon’s bed but not exactly complaining about it.

“Want to come in for a bit?” Brendon asked.

Riley shrugged, “sure.” She shut off the car quickly; Brendon couldn’t even contain himself in the elevator up to his floor apparently since his lips had attached themselves to Riley’s neck in a matter of seconds once the doors had closed.

By the time Brendon had managed to unlock and close the door, relocking it quickly he was almost frantic. His hands were moving so quickly that Riley couldn’t keep track of where they were.

An hour and a half later she lay beside Brendon, a layer of sweat covering her body as her breathing started coming to a normal pace. Brendon rolled over to face Riley after a few seconds smiling before kissing her forehead.

“We should go on a date,” Brendon said.

Riley laughed, “That’s an interesting way to ask me out I guess.”

“I’m serious,” he pouted.

“Sure. We’ve already overcome the awkward sexual tensions stage,” she replied.

“There never was one,” Brendon grinned.

“True. I’m hungry, what the hell do you have to eat in this place?” Riley asked before getting up and pulling her underwear and t-shirt on before inviting herself into the kitchen. Brendon followed a few seconds later in a pair of boxers grabbing the ice tea from the fridge and pouring himself and Riley a glass without asking if she wanted any.

Riley grabbed a bag of Cheetos from the cupboard sitting on the counter while Brendon stood in front of her, his stomach touching her knees while they ate most of the bag of Cheetos in silence.
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I can't believe I just put three semesters of Spanish to use and that was all I came up with.
Failure - I remember nothing about Spanish already.