How to Fall in Love...In 30 Days or Less


April 21st, 2007 – 10:45AM
“Bren, someone’s here,” Riley said poking one of his ribs.

“So? It’s probably someone from Panic, they’ll just watch TV,” Brendon grumbled.

“Brendon I have to tell you something...”

“Sleeeeep,” Brendon groaned.

Riley rolled her eyes, “Brendon it’s important!”

“Alright, alright what is it?” he asked opening his eyes blinking against the light a bit.

“You said that you knew me...when we kind of did.”

“I’m not alert enough to know what’s going on right now,” Brendon admitted staring at Riley blankly, “You’ve got to speak English here.”

“I’m Jon’s sister.”

Brendon stared at her for several minutes, “ I supposed to care about this?”

“I didn’t think you would...but if that’s him out there, he’s going to shit bricks,” Riley added.

“Oh. FUCK!” Brendon yelled loudly.

Laughter was heard from the living room, a laugh that Riley knew belonged to Jon.

“What’d you do now Brendon?” Jon asked.

“I - uh, stubbed my toe!” Brendon called.

Riley forced back her laughter, causing Brendon to glare at her when she snorted. She smiled at him pulling him toward her to attach their lips briefly.

“We may as well tell him,” Brendon sighed.

“Tell him what? That we’re sleeping together? Really that wouldn’t be a great thing to tell him. He’s already pissed off at me,” Riley said.

Brendon shook his head, “Come on. You’ll see.”

“Do not get me killed.”

“I’ll walk you to the door then explain to him...just walk out the door, no eye contact,” Brendon said.

“I’m dead,” she said rolling her eyes. Moments later she was rushed out the door, Jon knew it was her she was sure as she exited heading down the stairs and walking the block to her apartment in silence.

“Hi Jon,” Brendon said cheerfully.

Jon glared and Brendon walked into the kitchen seemingly unfazed by the look. Jon followed as Brendon poured himself a bowl of cereal adding soy milk to the bowl and grabbing a spoon from the drawer.

“Can I help you?” Brendon asked.

“That was my sister,” Jon stated.

“Yes, it was,” Brendon nodded before shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth and walking into the living room where he turned on SpongeBob Squarepants.

“That’s my sister Brendon, honestly!” Jon yelled.

“I speak English you know. I do understand the concept that Riley is in fact your sister,” Brendon said glancing over at the bassist who was nearly shaking with rage.

Jon stared at the singer for a long time, just standing there as Brendon ate his cereal before he finally exploded, “you’re having sex with my little sister!”

“Jon, you have issues you know that? Your ‘little sister’ is eighteen, and you’re acting like she was here against her will,” Brendon retorted.

“You just broke up with Amanda! I’m not letting my sister be your rebound! She deserves better than that,” Jon yelled.

Brendon cringed at the name, “Amanda and I never had a relationship Jon and you know it. Honestly, you know as well I do that she hung around for my money. And I was on tour too much to give a shit.”

Jon shook his head, “And you’re telling me that Riley isn’t like that?”

“Are you telling me that you’re shit talking your own sister? Jesus Christ Jon it’s no wonder she never mentions you.”

Brendon hit something, and hard inside of Jon because the next thing he knew Jon had thrown his fist full force into Brendon’s jaw before storming out of the apartment.

Riley paced her apartment, she had no idea what was going on between Brendon and her brother. Finally the phone rang a half hour later. Riley had already showered and changed her clothes. So she attacked the phone quickly punching the button to answer it.


“Hey, you can come back over if you want. Your dickhead brother left,” Brendon said.

“Alright, I’ll be back over in a few minutes,” Riley replied before she heard the click of Brendon’s hang up. Riley entered Brendon’s apartment, her keys hanging from her hand before she spotted him on the couch, an icepack over his face.

“Hey,” Brendon said glancing over at her as she kicked off her shoes.

“Holy shit, he punched you?” Riley asked moving Brendon’s hand and the ice pack to assess the damage.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Brendon assured her pulling her into his lap. Riley smiled snuggling her face into the crook of Brendon’s neck.

“I’m sorry my brother’s a big douche bag. And that I didn’t tell you sooner,” she said fidgeting with a loose string on the pocket of Brendon’s sweater.

Brendon laughed, “I told you I don’t care. Jon’s hardly going to stop me from seeing you.”

Just then Ryan Ross burst through the door, his gangly body covered in sweat from the heat outside in Las Vegas.

Dude, what the fuck happened to you?” Ryan asked.

“Jon punched me in the face,” Brendon replied.

“Jon Walker? Why? Jesus man you must’ve really pissed him off.”

“This is Riley Walker...Jon’s sister,” Brendon said glancing at Riley.

Ryan started laughing, “Only you. Whatever, we’ve never been formally introduced, I’m Ryan Ross.”

Riley smiled at the slim fingered hand that he’d stretched out for her to shake, “Riley Walker.” Ryan spent most of the day lounging in Brendon’s apartment with him and Riley.
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last chapter isn't as long as this.