Time To Wake Up


I woke up in a hospital bed, again. A sleepy Alex was at my side and Jack, Zack, and Rian sitting in chairs in the room. I examined my body and found a neon green cast on my right wrist; it already had writing on it.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I smiled as I looked up at Alex who was wide awake. “What did I do this time?” I groaned

Alex laughed and kissed my forehead. “Your mom hit you and when you fell you broke your wrist.”

“Great,” I said standing up walking over to Jack and sitting on his lap. “Wake up Grama Jacky!” I yelled and the three boys jumped.

I laughed as I got off Jack’s lap and into Alex’s. I was surprised I wasn’t hooked up to an IV or a monitor. “Ready?” Alex asked kissing the top of my head.

“Yes.” I said as Jack, Rian and, Zack left.

“Kylee,” Alex stopped me before I got up.

“Alex,” I replied.

“Well, to make this official.” Alex took my hand and put a diamond ring on my ring finger.

I had tears coming to my eyes I knew it. Alex picked my head up gently and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. “I love you Alex.” I knew I’d said it before but I meant it on a different level right now. I was going to get married to Alexander William Gaskarth.

I wanted to spend my life with him; he wanted to spend his life with me. I would give my own life for him; I would do anything for him in fact.

“I love you more.” He said before he kissed my nose.

“Nooo” I said getting up searching for my clothes.

“Yesss.” He got up and handed me my jeans and a tank top.

“Nooo.” I said slipping the jeans on then the tank top.

“Yesss.” He said reaching for his hoodie but I got it first and put it on.

“Nooo.” I said as I stuck my tongue out at him

“Would you two shut up!” Jack said sticking his head in the door.

“You better run Barakat!” I laughed and ran after him Alex following.

“But your wrist is broken you can’t get me.” He said running outside to Alex’s car.

“Oh really?” I laughed as I stopped running letting Alex catch him.

“She may not be able to but I can!” Alex said as I looked around; we were drawing in a crowd.

“Alex, Jack, Stop! You’re worse than 3 year olds!” I said grabbing Alex off of Jack by the arm the picking Jack up after letting Alex go.

“Yes Mother…” Jack said getting into the back seat.

“That’s my boys!” I joked as I got in the car.

The rest of the ride was silent except for a ten minute conversation about All Time Low’s next tour with Fall Out Boy on Believers Never Die part Deux, with Metro Station Cobra Starship, Hey Monday and of course Fall Out Boy. I was happy that I wouldn’t be the only girl on the tour, I had Cassidee from Hey Monday and Victoria from Cobra Starship. It wouldn’t be too bad.

After the conversation the only sound was the sound of Good Charlotte coming from the radio. I had always loved Good Charlotte since they came out. I remember my first concert too. But I had loved All Time Low the first time I heard the opening chords.


“Oh My God! Listen to this.” Martin said in his teenage girl voice.

Jasey, say you mean it…

“Who is this?” I asked my boyfriend Martin as he passed me an album cover.

“It’s All Time Low. When I get older I want to be Alex Gaskarth” Martin laughed.


I smiled at my memory but now I had my own Alex Gaskarth, the one and only Alex Gaskarth and I had the one and only Martin Johnson and now I could claim Alex as my own forever. In my own head I sounded really corny right now and I was dizzy. I closed my eyes and before I knew I was asleep.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bed and an unfamiliar room. You’re in Alex’s house retard. I thought to myself as I walked out into the living room where Jack was sitting on Alex’s lap.

I looked at the two boys and laughed silently as I creped over and sat on Jack’s lap making both of them laugh and Alex groaned. “Jack get up” I said sweetly.

“But whyyy?” He asked like the 12 year-old he acts like.

“Because Alex is mine” I said as I kissed Alex’s cheek.

“No, I claimed him when I met him.” He said trying to act like a snob.

“Well, he didn’t give you a diamond ring now did he?” I said putting my hand up for him to see.

Jack got up in response and sat next to Alex. Alex put his arms out and I sat down on his lap as I did so he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and buried his face in the crease of my neck.

“Jack, don’t you have to go see your mom?” I asked knowing that he is a momma’s boy.

“Oh shit, yeah. Mom’s making dinner” Jack said getting up and running out the door and tripping making me laugh.

“Alllllllex,” I groaned twenty minutes later.

“Kyyyyylee” He groaned in the same tone.

“I’m boredddd” I laughed as he ran his fingers through my hair.

“Well, what do you wanna do?”

“Ummmm…” I trailed off putting my index finger under my lower lip.

“Alex?” his mother called from the door.

“Coming mom!” he said as I got off his lap and laughed silently as I sat back down.


“Alex, I don’t know if you want to hear this but your father is coming.” My mom said after she closed the kitchen door behind me.

“Great.” I said. My father didn’t and still doesn’t approve of me not going to college and doing music and I didn’t want to know what he though of me getting married to a girl I met at a venue.

“Now, he’ll be here at about 1:30, if you and Kylee want to get out of the house I suggest going now.” She said as I opened the door and went back to Kylee.

“Ky, lets go to the park.” I said the first place that came to my mind.

“Alright, let me go get my sneakers and we can go.” She said as she started up the stairs.

I looked at my phone, it was only 12:30 but I wanted to hurry, I didn’t want to see my dad, thankfully he lived in Pennsylvania and I didn’t have to deal with him much. Kylee came down the stairs with my Boys Like Girls hoodie on and her vans.

“Let’s go.” I said I though Kylee knew something was up but I ignored it and we walked down the street.

“Alex, are you ok?” Kylee asked me after ten minutes of silence.

“What? Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I looked up from the ground, I was lost in thought.

“No you’re not, I’ve been dating you for six months- and holy shit” Kylee stopped her sentence.

“What?” I asked looking her in the eyes this time.

“We’ve only been dating for six months and were engaged.” She bit her lip.

She got off the swing and walked over to the slide she looked like she was crying. “Sweetheart.” Kylee put her finger to my lips.

“Alex, I think we’re making a mistake…” She handed the ring to me.

“Kylee, don’t do this.” She ignored me and walked away, by this point I was crying too.

I sat back down on the swing and watched her walk away tears now coming to my eyes. “Alex I think we’re making a mistake” ringing in my head.

Half an hour later I walked back to my house and locked myself in my room now wanting to explain why I was alone. I lay down on my bed and pulled the covers over my head trying to sleep and succeeding but waking up at 2 A.M.

I got up and stumbled drunkly back to the park I was holding the ring tightly in my hand.

He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes
Started making his way past two in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days

As the wind blew I thought of Kylee and every word she said; the exact way she said it. Mondays had never been my favorite day and now I hated them even more. I don know if it was my own will or the alcohol but I fell to my knees the conversation ringing in my head still.

Leaning now into the breeze
Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees they had breakfast together
but two eggs don't last
Like the feeling of what he needs

I closed my eyes and shook away the memory my mind floating back to the party; Kylee and I walking hand-in-hand up the stairs her in my arms.

Now this place seems familiar to him
She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin
She led him upstairs
She led him upstairs
Left him dying to get in

I walked to her house hoping she’d be there I knocked on the door; no answer “Kylee!” I yelled hoping she’d hear me; nothing. I went around her neighborhood screaming her name.

“Hey kid what is you issue?” one of her neighbors asked.

“I’m sorry sir but have you seen her?” I asked showing him a picture of Kylee.

“No I haven’t now shut up!” he slammed the door in my face.

I walked off the doorstep and decided to go home, it had been four hours and still no Kylee.

Forgive me, I'm trying to find my calling
I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
and it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry me

She thought we were making a mistake. I mean just thinking about her gave me butterflies.

Even though she doesn't believe in love
He's determined to call her bluff
who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling his gut

On my way back I still called out her name and every block there would be a person that I would ask id they had seen her and the answer was always the same; no.

Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces
He pleads though he tries
but he's only denied
now he's dying to get inside

When I got home I went straight to my room again knowing that when I woke up I would go searching again.


I woke up in the same clothes and my shoes still on and went searching but first stopping at 7-11 to get a Monster.


I looked closer at the picture, it was Kylee’s car. And from what I saw that was Kylee. “Shit” I muttered under my breath as I paid the clerk and drove as fast as I could in the rain to St. Michaels.

The neighbors said she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn't think much of it then
But it's starting to all make sense
Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds
Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, wherever she may be

“Kylee.” I gasped as I saw the body.

I walked closer but got stopped by a police officer “whoa what are you doing?” he asked putting his hand out to stop me.

“I’m her boyfriend Alex.” I said starting to cry.

“Oh, she left this.” He said handing me a piece of paper.

I'm not coming back
(Forgive me)
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak
(I'm not calling, I'm not calling)
But you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt
(You're driving me crazy)
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
And out of my mind
Keeping an eye on the world
From so many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head

I let the tears fall as I folded the note putting it in my pocket as I walked away.

“I guess I'll go home now, I guess I'll go home now, I guess I'll go home now, I guess I'll go home” I muttered under my breath.

“Alex wake up!” Kylee laughed as she kissed my nose.

“What..?” I was confused, it must have been a dream.

“You fell asleep on the swing. Touring takes a lot out of you doesn’t it?” she giggled as I stood up.

“wow.” I took her hand; the ring was still on it.

“Lets go home.” She smiled as I kissed her when I least expected it.

“I love you.” I said after the kiss.

“I love you more” she protested.

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh, I got you didn't I?

Emmi ;D