Status: Completed.

The Stars in the Night Lend Me Their Light to Bring Me Closer to You

Leah is a twenty year old. She is one of the biggest Avenged Sevenfold fans ever and has never seen them in concert. Finally, she gets to see them in concert and luckily she has backstage passes. All through the concert she stares at the rythm guitarist, Zacky Vengeance. She thinks the concert is the best night of her life but Zacky just makes it a little better.
Zacky is twenty-three years old and single. He is playing in a concert like usual but this one is different. He looks into the crowd and sees a blue eyed girl staring back at him. He automatically thinks she is beautiful and knows that he's going to talk to her before the night is over. Read more to find out what happens.

The title comes from the song Gunslinger by Avenged Sevenfold. I give them credit for it.

I own: the plot, Leah, Jaima, and anyother none famous people.

I disown: Anybody from Avenged Sevenfold or My Chemical Romance. Basically anybody who is famous.
  1. Never Run Down A Corridor.
    First Avenged Sevenfold concert of Leah's life and she has backstage passes. Her friend and her run down the hallway towards Avenged Sevenfold dressing room, when she runs into someone that she couldn't imagine running into.
  2. Bringing Out The Truth In Ten Minutes?
    They've just met and Zacky asks the most personal question.
  3. I'm Falling For You
    The morning after the concert, Leah wakes up to her favorite guitarist waking her up.
  4. Truth Or Dare Isn't A Kids Game
    A game of truth or dare goes on in the bus and shockingly there is some crying.
  5. Psychotic Front Man
    Matt breaks and almost seriously injures Leah and Zacky.
  6. So Perfect In My Eyes
    Zacky explodes on Matt.
  7. I Can't Do Much
  8. Don't Try To Stop Me
  9. Put Me Out Of My Misery!
    A lot of sexually graphic scenes and strong language.
  10. We Have The Ransom
    Its a short kind of cliff hanger.
  11. I Know This Crush Ain't Going Away.
    Frank comes into the story here along with Mikey.
  12. I Kept My Whole Life In A Suitcase
  13. Tell Me What You Think About Being Open
  14. My Feelings For You Are Forever
  15. Have You Ever Been Alone In A Crowded Room
  16. Blame It On The Alcohol.
  17. "Then Kiss Me" He grinned.
  18. I About Choked On My Coffee
  19. Kissing Is A Lovers Thing
  20. "Oh, baby, don't be a tease." He pleaded.
  21. National Meet-The-New-Girlfriends Day
  22. I About Puked.
  23. Lock Your Door.
  24. I'll Hold You Till The Hurt Is Gone.
  25. I Find My Paradise
  26. Shit Talker
  27. Once A ***, You're Nothing More.
  28. Finger On The Trigger.
    Last Chapter.