Status: On Hiatus.

Joe Jonas’s Spotlight Girl

Chapter 3: Smile Song

The words started to blur in front of my eyes as I struggled to write them down with my sore fingers.

The lyrics to a song I could never play for case they figured out who it was about.

The guitar's string felt like barbed wire to the touch, the three hour strumming it taking it's toll.

"He says it for now, but it can't happen ever. I've got a huge crush on his god-forsaken brother. He's got something special that I can't deny, even though I'm just his partner in crime. And he keeps singing while I'm wondering if he wrote that song for me. And were Just Friends all the time, the backstage girl and the guy in the spot light."

I pause to take a swig out of my stash of bottle waters, fearing that my voice was going to give soon.

Suddenly I hear a scratch on the other side of the door. I stand and walk toward it, tentatively putting down my guitar and notebook. Another sound of moment, this time the squeak of a rubber shoe against the tile.

I put my ear up to the door, wondering if it's just Chris playing a joke on me. Then I dismiss the thought...even Chris knows better then to sneak up on me when I'm writing. I can hear someone's low breathing on the other side of the door, that stupid eaves-dropper.

Then all of a sudden the door opens ,throwing my backwards and into one of the Jonas Brother's backup drum-sets. The crashes of the drums falling to the floor kills my ears so in-tune to listening to the smallest noses, the almost unnoticeable notes.

"Kate, you okay?" A hand reaches out to me in the mass of the broken drum-set. I would rather stay buried underneath the piles of disarrayed instruments, but my natural curistoy and anger ruled over my embarrassment. I took his hand and he pulled me up so that I was standing on clear ground again.

Is soon as I saw his face the raging words I had planned died on my lips.

"Kate Hollow, I never knew you were a singer." Then he smiled like no one else could, the smile that won my heart and could only belong to one person; Joe Jonas.
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Sorry I haven't written in a while. I promise to write more often...well as soon as I get comments.