
Drop To The Ground

We’re playing the second to last song of the night, when my previous actions on stage suddenly jump up and bite my ass! Well, not just my ass…
You see, during Wolves I – out of pure adrenalin without any rational though in my head – poured a bottle of water over myself. The crowd went crazy, and I got a little cooler, which was lovely!
So now, as I’m prancing across the stage with a determent look in my eyes – my free, loose arm swinging back and forth – I slip. The stage-floor doesn’t make contact with my shoes, but with the puddle of water that’s on it. And I slip.
I glide across the floor – or so it seems for me, while for everyone else it probably just looks like a simple ‘fall-flat-on-your-ass’-fall – before I lose my balance. I fall backwards, but as I mentioned earlier; it’s not just my ass that hits the floor.
The back of my head slams into the floor – a crushing sound resonate through my ears. I think the crushing sound came from me neck, but the pain definitely comes from my head.
I writher around for a few seconds before I realize; 1: I’m still conscience; and 2: I dropped the mike. I sit up and feel Ray’s hand on my shoulder. I nod my head at no one, before I pick up the mike again and stand. I’m actually a little surprised by the fact that I’m not dizzy or something. I do think I hit my head pretty hard.

“Sorry!” I yell to the crowd and hold a hand up and bow my head to highlight the meaning behind the word. One of the security guards throws a towel up on stage, and I use my foot to dry the floor.
“Karma’s a bitch.” I hear some people laughing – mainly teen girls – before I kick the towel off to the side. I signal Bob to start playing again, and soon everyone else joins in. I start singing again.

We play the rest of the show, and by the end of the last song it’s like my eyes fog up a bit. I find a towel in front of Bob’s base drum and wipe my face. My vision usually gets fucked up when the sweat starts falling into my eyes. The lights are shining really bright at the end, and I can slowly feel my entire body starting to relax. I’ve run out of energy. It’s lovely, really – a show is always the perfect length. Whether it’s an hour or two, I still manage not to get tired until we do a slow song to finish the whole thing.
I say goodnight and goodbye and all that and walk off stage – following the others. The sweat is still falling into my eyes, and I keep wiping my face.
To my surprise, my vision just keeps getting foggier and foggier.

“Hey, man. You okay? You took a pretty nasty fall out there,” Ray says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him, and I’m actually able to see him clearly. I smile. The fogginess has passed.

“Yep! I’m cool. No worries,” I say with a large smile on my face. Ray nods, smiles back and leaves. I watch him leave, but suddenly his hair is way too hazy.
I blink a few times, but it doesn’t work. I squeeze my eyes shut, but nothing. My vision just keeps getting blurrier. I take a step forward, and suddenly feel like I’m a blind person – fumbling to find out where the fuck I am and where the fuck to go.
I’m still able to see Ray’s large head – the largeness caused by his hair – and I can make out the other guys walking in front and behind him. I follow.
They walk down the hall. I blink, and suddenly they’re gone! Where the fuck did they go?
I grab onto a wall and suddenly spot someone walking towards me. It’s not one of the guys.

“Hey man!” I say and hold a hand out to try and stop him. He does.
“Where’s the dressing room?” I can’t make out his facial expression.

“Just two doors down. There’s a sign on the door.” I can see he looks over his shoulder and points with what could be a pen, before he continues his previous walk past me.
I squeeze my eyes shut, but when I open them, my vision is just blurrier – and darker. Am I going blind? What the fuck’s going on??
I keep my one hand on the wall as I make my way down the hall. Each time I blink, my vision seems to worsen.
I blink, and when I open my eyes again, it’s fucking dark!
♠ ♠ ♠
What ya think?
Since I'm only updating one other story currently, I decided to have a go at another... Just to keep the creative juices flowing... You want a drink?