Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Saying GoodBye

Sat on the beach; Brian’s arms wrapped around her keeping her warm; her other friends all sat around with her; Katie couldn’t think of a better way of spending her last night at Huntington Beach. In the morning she would be someone else. Living as someone else, leading a new life with her family; having to make new friends with her new identity; unable to communicate with her old friends; unable to tell her new friends who she really was and why they’d moved – wherever they were moving to. That was another thing she hadn’t been told as yet. But she had to move. She had no choice in the matter. It was a case of life or possible death. When it came down to it, it was an easy choice to make. Move to wherever they were placed, live with a new identity, cut off from everyone in their old lives or stay in Huntington beach an risk being killed by the very people she helped put in jail for somebody else’s murder.

It’s ironic, short cuts are meant to be beneficial, the easy way, but the day Katie took a short cut from school to Brian’s house made her life more complicated than any 17 year old could imagine. That day, taking that short cut changed not only Katie’s life, but her mums, dads and her brother’s for good. That day she witnessed the murder of a junkie by one of Huntington Beach’s biggest drug dealers and Katie took the brave decision to testify against him. Threats on her life were instantly made and the police set about putting her and her family into the witness protection program.

It had all happened so fast after they’d made the decision to go into witness protection. They were told that they would move on the weekend, to pack on the essentials, sentimental things like photo albums and a few personal possessions. Everything else that they would need would be already in their new house. Wherever that was. They weren’t being told anything until the morning for their own safety. The police officer in charge of their case kept telling them that they didn’t want anyone slipping up and telling people their new identities or address. Once they left Huntington Beach they weren’t to have any contact with their family and friends, they had to leave them behind with their old lives and make a start with their new ones.

Katie’s friends knew what was happening but had no idea when it would happen until Katie had turned up at Brian’s after school to tell him that she was leaving in the morning. At that moment a decision was made to spend the night together with their closest friends. And it was the best night of her life, pushing tomorrow’s events out of her mind and having fun with the group of people she loved the most other than her family.

“You should be able to choose your own name” Zack said as they were discussing the different names Katie and her family would be given.

“Yeah, if you could, what would you call yourself?” Jimmy asked.

“Um, I like the name Paige or Steph.” Katie answered pulling Brian’s hoodie over her head.

“Cool I like them, what about a surname?” Brian asked.

“Um, I don’t know, how about Paige Brooks?” she said still thinking about it.

“Paige Brooks? Yeah I could fall in love with her.” Brian said and kissed the side of her head. A smile erupted over her face and she turned so that she could kiss him properly.

“Whoever you become, I’ll love you.” He whispered and kissed her again.

“You know, I’ve got this feeling that you two will end up meeting again in the future.” Val said from Matt’s embrace.

“You get that feeling of forever when you look at the two of you together” she said looking hazily over at Brian and Katie.

“Ok, who spiked her drink? Val has gone all slushy!” Gena yelled causing everyone to laugh.

“Yeah Val, it’s a lovely idea but you’ve got to think realistically. What are the chances of us seeing each other again after tonight? Any of you? I don’t even know where I’m going to be living from now on until I get there.”

“Yeah, we know the deal, and we’ve come to terms with it, if we do end up meeting again in the future and get together that would be fantastic, but we’ve just got to enjoy the next couple of hours and keep our memories of each other.” Brian concluded sadly.

“Ok, enough sad talk about losing our best friend, let's talk fun memories that we’ve had together!” Matt yelled to which everyone agreed.

“Like the time when we played truth or dare and she skinny dipped in my pool!” Zack yelled thinking back to last summer.

“Yeah, that’s one picture I’m never getting rid of!” Jimmy announced

“Jimmy! You have a picture?” Katie yelled shocked at this piece of information.

“Yeah Jim! Since when do you have a picture of my girlfriend naked?” Brian yelled.

“What? I just so happened to have my camera on me?” Jimmy explained

“Don’t worry Bri; I’ll get you a copy!”

“Cool!” Brian replied smiling. Katie looked around at him with raised eyebrows. “Oh come on babe, surely I can have a copy to remember you by?” he said and gave her a kiss.

“Behave yourself and I may let you get an up to date picture as well.” She whispered before kissing him back.

“Anyway, the best part of that night was the way Brian jumped in when he actually realised that everyone could see you naked. His t shirt was on you quicker than you could say ‘butt naked’.” Val commented laughing.

“Yeah and the way that he screamed at you to get a towel or something to cover me up! He’s so protective!” Katie added.

“Babe, I hadn’t even seen you naked before then and all of a sudden you were giving everyone a show!” Brian protested.

“Anyway, how about the time that Zack got into a fight with Jason?” Matt asked

The group continued to reminisce about various events and happenings during their lives together which spanned over at least 7 years, longer for some. They talked right through until the sun began to rise slowly over the horizon behind them.

“Guys it’s like five thirty?” Gena said glancing at her cell phone.

“We better start heading home.” Val commented and everyone agreed.

“Oh my god, I guess it’s time to say goo-“

“Don’t say it!” Katie shouted cutting Leana off as they group stood up.

“She’s right though babe, it is time.” Jimmy said walking across to her and taking her in his arms.

“Ok, but just don’t say it, this is hard enough as it is.” Katie said fighting back tears as she hugged Jimmy tightly.

“I won’t forget you.” He whispered and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Gena hugged her next, followed by Val, Leana and Zack who almost crushed her with his hug.

“When the band makes it big someday, you’ll hear me dedicate a song to you to prove I haven’t forgotten you.” Matt whispered as he hugged her for the last time. She looked up at him and smiled before returning to Brian and they began to walk back towards their homes.

“I’m not ready to leave you yet Brian.” She whispered as they reached his front yard.

“Come up for a bit?” he asked and she nodded as he led her up through his house to his bedroom. They kicked off their shoes and crashed out onto his bed. They were soon engrossed in a passionate kiss, their hands roaming each other’s bodies, keeping to the boundaries that they’d set themselves until they were old enough to go further.
Katie pulled out if the kiss and looked deep into Brian’s eyes.

“Brian.” She whispered, trying to catch her breath after the intense kiss.

“What babe?” he replied staring at her with his deep brown eyes.

“I want you to be the one who takes my virginity.” She said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I love you and I don’t want my first time to be something I regret doing. I always thought my first time would be with you once I’m 18, but now I’m not going to be with you for our 18th birthday’s but I still want you to be my first.” She explained, tears forming in her eyes.

“Ok, if that’s what you want. I love you too and always wanted us to lose our virginity together.” Brian replied.

It was perfect. Just like she’d imagined it being. Of course it hurt, it was her first time and Brian, well, let’s say he’s blessed. A tear fell from her eye as he entered her and then she was overcome with pleasure as he thrust gently into her. It was different from going to second base, this was more intimate than second base, and she felt closer to Brian than what she ever imagined. She moaned uncontrollably as each thrust hit her sensitive spot. They both moaned loudly as Katie felt a warm feeling cover her body as she shuddered uncontrollably.

“I love you Katie.” Brian whispered as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I love you too Bri.” She whispered back and exchanged a lingering kiss.

The two lay with each other silently, drifting in and out of sleep until they were disturbed by the familiar tone of her mom’s personalised ringtone coming from the pocket of her jeans which were on the floor.

“I’m at Brian’s mom, like I said I would be.” She replied to her mom.

“Ok, I’m on my way; I’ll be about fifteen minutes.” She replied shutting her cell.

“Come on, I’ll walk you back.” Brian said kissing her naked shoulder.

They walked to Katie’s house hand in hand, almost silent, not wanting to talk about what was going to happen after they got there. They walked into the kitchen where their witness protection officer was sat with her mom, dad and James, her younger brother.

“Katie, Brian can’t-“her mom began.

“I know, let me say good-“she couldn’t finish what she began to say, it was too painful. She just ushered him back into the empty living room.

“Last night, well this morning, I was just like I imagined it being. Thank you.” She began.

“Just, remember that I love you and the reasons I’m doing this, I’ll never forget you Brian Haner, and you mean more to me than you’ll ever know.” She said and kissed him passionately. They broke away for Brian to speak.

“I love you too, and I’ll always remember the times I’ve had with Katie Mitchell as the best time of my life. I’ll never forget you and will always be happy knowing my first time was with you.” He said quietly and kissed her again.

“I want you to have this, to remember me by.” Brian said taking off the chain he always wore around his neck and placing it gently around hers before kissing her gently on the lips.

“I’ll never forget you.” she whispered as tears brimmed her eyes.

They hugged before Brian left through the front door, tears in both their eyes. Katie took a deep breath, resisting watching him walk away through the window and walked back into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok So please tell me what you guys think :)
Comments please....

Brian's chain