Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Being Back In Your Arms Again; It Feels So Right

“Well, good news Ms Benson.” the doctor said the on his morning rounds just over a week later.

“Your vital statistics are almost perfect, so now all we have to do is wait for the results from your CT scan and if they come back clear, we should be able to send you home before the end of the day.” He concluded smiling at Eloise.

“How long will it take you to get the results?” Eloise asked.

“We should have them back by lunchtime so I should be able to discharge you on afternoon rounds, if they’re clear that is. But listen. If you’re discharged you still need to take it easy. Your ribs are still healing and will take their time doing so. Make that boyfriend of yours look after you until you’re fit enough.” The doctor said sternly but becoming light hearted with the last statement.

“He will; thanks doc.” Eloise said returning his smile.

Eloise had changed out of her hospital gown and waited eagerly for Brian to arrive. The doctor had been around on his afternoon rounds and told her that she was free to leave as soon as someone was there to take her home. She had called Brian straight after and left a message on his voicemail telling him to hurry up. She knew that the band had some kind of photo shoot and interview in the morning and hoped that he wouldn’t be too much longer. She’d spent long enough in this hospital.

She sat on the bed, holding the small grey me to you bear holding a heart, which Brian had bought her from the gift shop the night she’d woken up to keep her company. She kept glancing between the door, her watch and her cell phone, waiting for Brian. She scrolled through the few numbers that came before Brian’s in her contact list and pressed call. As the call connected she heard a ringtone on the other side of the door, she hung up as she realised that it was Brian. The door opened and Brian walked in with a large smile on his face, holding a bouquet of flowers and another bear. She smiled back at him as he walked over to her and placed his soft lips against hers.

“About time Haner, I’ve been waiting ages.” She said trying not to laugh.

“Sorry, but I had some things to sort out.” He said smirking and leaning in to kiss her again.

“Like these and this.” He added placing the flowers next to her and handing her the small bear. She took hold of it and looked closely at it. It was almost identical to the one already in her hands apart from one thing. This one had a chain around its neck, and attached to the chain was a key. Eloise took hold of it in her hand and slowly looked up at Brian.

“In case you’re wondering it’s for my front door.” He said with a smile spread across his face.

“I love you.” She said leaning up to kiss him, keeping eye contact the entire time.

“I love you too, now can I take you home?” he whispered and she nodded as they kissed again.

It took a little over four hours for Brian to drive back to Huntington. Eloise stared out of the window as they drove through the town. This was the first time she’d been back in Huntington in over four years and she was taking it all back in, despite it being dark outside.
She’d missed this place so much and she couldn’t begin to express how happy she was to be back. Not only was she happy about being back in Huntington, but she was back with the man she’d loved all these years, and would soon be surrounded by the best friends anyone could ask for.

She turned her head away from the window as she realised that Brian had pulled into a driveway and stopped the car.

“Welcome home babe.” Brian said leaning across and placing a kiss on her cheek as she looked up at his house. They got out of the car and Brian got the bag that she’d had in the hospital out of the trunk, making his way quickly round to Eloise’s side to walk up the driveway with her.

“Well? You’ve got the key.” He whispered into her ear as they stopped abruptly at the front door. Eloise turned and smiled at Brian and took the key from the small bear that she’d kept hold of the entire journey. As she opened the door she sensed Brian move slightly and she was suddenly being picked up bridal style and was carried into the house.

Brian carried her through the small entrance hall and into the living room, kicking his front door shut behind them. He put her down besides the large sofa and turned her so that he could kiss her. Just one simple ‘welcome home’ kiss quickly developed into a highly passionate ‘I want you now’ kiss. They were soon half naked with their clothes discarded to the floor around them. With only their underwear left on Brian pulled them both gently onto the sofa behind them.

As Eloise gently nipped at the sensitive skin on his neck she felt him harden as he moaned quietly. She sat up, straddling him and slowly pulled down his boxers, licking her lips as they maintained eye contact. She leant down briefly to kiss his lips before raising herself again, pulling her pants over to one side and slowly raising herself enough slip on top of him. His strong hands placed themselves onto her hips, guiding her up and down on top of him, slowly at first. He began to quicken the pace and moved one of his hands slightly so that his thumb could gently massage her spot as she rode him. Eloise closed her eyes and flung her head back as she was taken away by his touch. She began to moan breathlessly as every thrust brought her closer to ecstasy. Brian’s hands controlled every movement, keeping a firm grip on her hips and the tempo of their movement. She felt her body shudder with pleasure and Brian throb inside her as they climaxed almost simultaneously. Brian’s hands moved up her back and pulled her down so that he could kiss her.

“This is what I’ve been missing for the past four years.” Eloise whispered smiling into Brian’s eyes.

“Definitely.” He replied leaning up to kiss her lips again, entwining their fingers together.

“Come up stairs with me to start making up for those four years?” he added smiling. A seductive smile quickly spread across Eloise’s face and she pulled them both up and got off the sofa. Brian’s boxers slid further down his legs and he stepped out of them causing Eloise to laugh. Brian turned and gave out a small laugh seeing Eloise scrunch up her nose just like she always did when she found something funny. He caught her gaze and placed a swift kiss on her nose making her smile even more. Brian then turned and slowly guided her up the stairs to his bedroom. It was almost midnight when Eloise and Brian finally gave in and pulled the comforter over their naked bodies and curled up together to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness, and the crappiness and the fillerness! But it's an update right?!
I tell you what though! If you comment lots I'll post another chapter tomorrow! How does that sound? Hmm?

Oh and I also wanted to tell you all to keep an eye out for a new story that I'm planning to start posting soon, now that NUTY is over :( It's yet another Brian story :)
Anyway - Comments