Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

It's Not Over Yet

Hannah held Eloise silently for a long moment, gently rubbing her back in a soothing way.

“Han, what’s going – Eloise?” Abi’s voice broke through Eloise's sobs.

“Honey, come on, come through to the kitchen so we can talk.” Hannah used the interruption to pull away and lead Eloise through to the kitchen.

“Abi, put the kettle on, I think we could use some coffee. And get Sophie.”

“No, not Sophie, not yet, I don’t want JB knowing I’m here yet.” Eloise pleaded as she sat down at the kitchen table.

“Ok honey. So I take it you’ve left Brian?” she asked with immediate regret as Eloise burst into tears again. Hannah moved her chair around so that she was sat next to Eloise and enveloped her in a hug.

“Shh, honey, it’s ok, you can tell us when you’re ready.” Hannah said soothingly as Abi placed a mug of fresh coffee on the table in front of the both of them.
Eloise composed herself and wiped a face free of tears again. With a deep breath she began to explain what had happened.

“You see, so I had to leave. I couldn’t risk hurting anybody again. I didn’t want to risk calling Michelle’s bluff and sticking around. What if she was telling the truth? What if they hurt my family again? Or worse, killed them this time, finish off the job properly?” Eloise said as silent tears rolled down her face.

“Honey we understand, and you can stay here for as long as you want.” Hannah said with a reassuring smile.

“Thanks Han, I knew I could count on you guys.” She replied as giggling echoed its way down the hallway into the kitchen. Eloise froze, knowing that it was Sophie and undoubtedly Jason.

“She’s going to find out sooner or later.” Abi whispered noticing how Eloise had tensed.

“Jason! Stop it!” Sophie giggled as she walked into the kitchen with Jason’s arms wrapped around her as he kissed her neck.

“Morning guys, I wasn’t expecting you up this earl – Eloise?” she said, stopping abruptly and staring at her friend who smiled weakly at her with tear burnt, red eyes.

“Hey Soph, Jason.” She said quietly as Jason’s head snapped up from her neck at the sound of his friends name and voice.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Shit, what’s Gates done?” Jason yelled. This time Eloise swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall and shook her head.

“He hasn’t done anything. Sit down and I’ll explain everything.” She replied quietly.


“Shit!” Brian yelled, slamming his hand on the steering wheel as he drove into Sacramento. Jimmy jumped in his seat; he’d been dozing off as Brian drove.

“What?” he asked.

“I don’t know where the fuck to go now. Before Eloise moved, I only saw her at the hospital or at her old apartment. I have no fucking clue where her parents live!” Brian yelled slapping the steering wheel again.

“Shit!” Jimmy echoed.

“Um, think, do you have her mom’s number in your phone?” he asked hopefully. Brian grabbed his phone and scrolled through the numbers.

“Damn!” he yelled realising that it wasn’t there. Angry, and with no where to go, Brian pulled up and parked outside a random coffee house.

“Have a think, I’ll grab us a coffee.” He said sounding disheartened as he glanced up at the coffee house, that was surprisingly just opening.

“I’ve called Lea, she’s going to head over to your place to see if she can find Eloise's address book for us.” Jimmy said as he walked up to the counter where Brian was just being served.

“Good idea dude. Now all we have to do is wait I guess.” He said with half a smile.

“Do you do breakfasts in here?” he asked the waitress. She nodded with a pleasant smile.

“Great, can we have two bacon and egg rolls please.” Brian asked. Again she nodded as she typed the order into the till. She took the money and told them to take a seat.

Brian and Jimmy had never been so silent together. They sat in almost complete silence, sipping their coffees as they waited for their food. They then ate in almost complete silence, patiently waiting for Leana to call Jimmy back.

They both jumped in their seats as Jimmy’s phone began to ring in his hand.

“Hello?” he almost yelled at his fiancé.

“Ok, so Eloise's parents live at 2032 Sandcastle Way.” Leana said.

“2032, sandcastle way.” Jimmy repeated so that Brian could hear him.

“Ok, thanks babe, I’ll call you soon.” He said, quickly following Brian out of the store and getting into the car where Brian was frantically putting the address into the GPS system.

With a smile on his face, Brian pulled off, following the computerised directions. Just as Brian was taking the exit for Garden Highway the car was filled with the ringtone of his phone. Jimmy grabbed it and opened the message with a look of confusion on his face.

“It’s from JB, shit Brian, she’s not at her moms!” Jimmy yelled causing Brian to slam on the brakes.

“What? How do you know?” he yelled grabbing the phone from his hands to read the message.

“Dude, I’m probably in the shit for telling you this, but I’d be in the shit if you found out I knew anyway, but Eloise is here. She’s at Hannah’s and has told us everything that’s happened. She’s in pieces.”

“Fuck, she’s here Jim!” Brian yelled with half a smile on her face. He pressed a button on his cell and held it up to his ear.

“What’s the address?” Brian asked as soon as Jason answered.

“4474 Folsom Boulevard, but you didn’t hear it from me.” Jason replied in a hushed voice.

“JB, I love you dude, thanks.” Brian said before hanging up and typing the new address into the GPS system.


Once Eloise had finished explaining to Sophie and Jason what happened, Hannah allowed her to have a shower and leant her some clothes to change into seeing that she was still in the dress she’d been wearing to the party.

Abi, Richard, Sophie and Jason went home and Hannah told Eloise to try and have a sleep in their spare room. She jumped at the offer. She was exhausted. She’d driven for six hours through the night, crying uncontrollably.

However once she was led on the bed she found it near on impossible to fall asleep. Everything that had happened over the past 12 hours ran over and over in her mind. Her thoughts wandered to Brian. Was he hurting as much as she was? Was he trying to find her? Would he know where to find her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the screeching of car tyres from outside the house. It was followed by the slamming of doors and then the ringing of a doorbell. Hannah’s doorbell. Eloise listened in silence as she heard someone walk across the hardwood floors of the living room and answered the door. The voices were mumbled but she immediately recognised the male. It was Brian. Slowly Eloise got off the bed and made her way to the door, opening it quietly so that she could listen to what was being said.

“We know she’s here Hannah, that’s my car in the driveway.” Brian said in a calm voice.

“She doesn’t want to see you.” Hannah replied.

“But I need to see her. She’s got to explain to me why she’s left me. I’m not leaving until I speak to her. Don’t you think I deserve an explanation as to why the woman I love has walked out on me?”

“I guess so, but listen, she was exhausted, she’s sleeping and I’m not going to disturb her. Come back later.” Hannah replied.

“Fine, but I’m going to be sat out there in my car waiting to speak to her. I’m not moving from there until I do.” Brian said. Hannah must have agreed as Eloise heard the front door close, followed by the sound of the car doors shutting again. Eloise sighed. Brian was right, he was owed an explanation. It was the least she could do seeing that she was breaking his heart. He must have been driving all night as well to have gotten here. Slowly she pulled the bedroom door further open and walked down stairs.

“Did you hear that honey?” Hannah asked from the sofa. Eloise nodded silently as she walked over to the front door and opened it. She stood in the doorway, looking out at the Silver BMW sat in front of the driveway, conveniently blocking it. She watched silently as Brian turned his head to face the house and realised that she was stood there. He got out of the car slowly, not taking his eyes off her and walked quickly towards her. As he approached the door, Eloise took a deep breath.

“We need to talk.” She said quietly before turning and walking back up the stairs to the spare room.
♠ ♠ ♠
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