Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

Eloise groaned loudly at the sound of the alarm and another groan passed Brian’s lips as he pulled her closer to him, nuzzling his nose against her neck.

“Ignore it.” He mumbled into her neck.

“Baby, we can’t ignore it.” She replied sleepily as she tried to get loose from his grip.

“Yeah we can, watch its easy.” He replied pulling her closer to him again.

“Babe, that alarm means you’ve got an hour to get ready and finish packing.” Eloise tried to reason.

“Fuck it, they can wait for me, it’s not as if they can play a show without me, and I need more sleep.” He replied against her neck as the alarm tone continued. Eloise groaned again.

“If you needed more sleep, maybe you should have tried sleeping last night.” Eloise replied with a smirk.

“Hey, it’s not my fault that you distracted me.” Brian replied and Eloise felt his smile on her neck.

“Babe, come on.” Eloise groaned pushing away from him again. Brian tried to pull her back but she managed to get out of his reach and finally turn the alarm off.

“Are you that desperate to get rid of me for three months?” Brian said as she flung her legs over the side of the bed and made to get up.

Eloise turned and smiled at him, noticing that he was watching her, looking at her with puppy dog eyes and a pouting lip.

“Just get up and get that fine ass of yours in gear.” She chuckled throwing the pillow at him. Eloise got up off the bed and made her way to the shower where she was quickly joined by Brian.

As Brian finished packing for the tour Eloise got ready] for work. Billie had given her a couple of hours off so that she could stay home to see the guys off.

They’d arranged for the bus to pick them all up from outside Zack’s house so Brian and Eloise had to pack all of his stuff into the back of the Escalade first.

“Hello?” Brian answered his ringing cell phone without looking at the caller ID.

“Yeah dude, we’re on our way.” It was obviously one of the guys.

“Dude, it was Eloise, you know how she gets, I barely slept last night.” Brian said as he took the bag off Eloise and put it into the back of the SUV. Eloise glared at him, crossing her arms across her chest as Brian shut the door, winking at her. She shook her head and walked around to the front and climbed in to the passenger seat.

As Brian pulled out of the driveway he leant across and took hold of Eloise's hand, entangling his fingers with hers before raising it up to kiss her knuckles.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” He whispered with a smile, letting go of her hand so that he could park up outside Zack’s where the tour bus was already waiting.

Solemnly Brian’s stuff was loaded onto the bus and everyone started to say their goodbyes. Eloise quickly said her good byes to the others before returning to Brian’s embrace. Brian’s hands ran through her hair as they looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I’ll be calling you at least twice a day, the time will fly by I promise.” He said quietly.

“Don’t let yourself get wound up by Michelle neither. She’s not stupid enough to try anything now the police are involved.” He added before briefly placing his lips on hers.

“I’m going to miss you so much Bri, I love you.” she replied.

“I love you too baby and I’m going to miss you like crazy as well.” Brian said before pressing his lips up against hers, bringing them into a breathtaking and passionate kiss.

“Sorry Dude, but it’s time to go, we’re running late as it is.” Matt said, placing a hand on Brian’s shoulder, bringing them both back out of the kiss.

“Bye baby, I love you.” Brian said gently pecking her lips again. Eloise whispered a reply and watched him walk slowly onto the bus. As the buses engine roared into life the five girls huddled together to comfort each other. They looked up to watch the bus drive away, unable to see their boyfriends through the tinted windows.

Eloise sighed deeply and wiped the few tears that had fallen.

“I’ll see you guys later, I’ve got to get to work.” She said walking back towards the car.

“Ok Hun, you coming straight over mine after work?” Val asked.

“Yeah, I should get here just after five, unless you want me to pick anything up on my way.” She replied.

“I can’t think of anything but I’ll text you later if I need something.” Val replied.

“Can you do me a favour? Can you pick me up after work?” Lacey asked.

“Yeah of course I can Hun, I’ll call you when I’m on my way.” Eloise replied before jumping up into the Escalade.

“Bye guys” she called as she drove off, waving out of the open window.

“If I was to tell you that I’ve faxed your application form off to head office this morning and the called me straight back and told me that I could start training you as the new assistant manager would it cheer you up?” Billie said leaning across the counter to face Eloise who was slouching against the till watching a group of teenage girls look at the accessories stand. At Billie’s words she immediately straightened up.

“What?” she asked staring into his eyes as he smirked.

“You heard me, head office have given me the go ahead to start training you up. By the end of the month you will officially be my assistant manager.” He replied as Eloise's jaw dropped and eyes widened.

“Are you being serious?” Eloise said slowly, staring directly into Billie’s eyes as he smiled back at her.

“No, I’m joking, just trying to cheer you up, sorry…” his voice was serious but his eyes and faint smile were giving him away.

“Billie!” Eloise yelled, gently pushing his shoulder making him stumble back slightly.

“So has that cheered you up?” he replied with a chuckle as Jessica, the other sales assistant , returned to the counter from where she’d been tidying up the racks.

“Did what cheer you up?” she asked, jumping up to sit on the counter next to them.

“Jess, meet your new trainee assistant manager.” Billie said with a wide smile. She looked confused for a moment before realising what he was on about and began to smile broadly.

“Cool, I was wondering when you’d get a replacement for Kat. Congratulations Dude.” She said enthusiastically.

“Thanks, to be honest I was a bit worried that you may hate me for getting the job seeing that I’ve only been working here a few months.” Eloise replied.

“Don’t be stupid, you’ve got way more experience than me for a start, and I’m only doing this to help me through college anyway.” She smiled.

“So I’ll start training you up tomorrow, most of it should be pretty straight forward with your experience.” Billie said walking around the counter.

“I can’t wait.” She cheered as one of the teenage girls came over to the counter.

“I’ll deal with these if you want to discuss matters.” Jess said swinging her legs over the counter and jumping off on the other side.

“Cheers Jess, so anyway, I was thinking, I’ll arrange the rota’s for the next two weeks so that we’re working together, get you doing openings, closes, stock checks, orders and stuff. Then after that we’ll pretty much be splitting our shifts here.” He explained.

Eloise was ecstatic. She was smiling uncontrollably for the rest of her shift and it didn’t falter after she’d picked Lacey up and was sat in her pyjamas in Val’s living room.

“Well, here’s to Eloise and her new promotion.” Gina said holding up her glass of coke.

“Yeah, well done chick.” Leana added also holding up her glass of Dr. Pepper.

“Thanks girls.” Eloise replied with a large smile across her face.

All five girls were currently sat in Val’s living room with a stack full of various movies, a large box of popcorn each as well as various other junk food, bottles of soda and a hamper full of beauty products. Ever since their first tour, on the first night that the guys are away, all the girls congregate at one of their houses and had a slumber party, full of movies, junk food and pampering. If it was a long tour it would become a regular thing, helping them cope with the guys being away; taking their minds of the fact that their beds would be empty every night.

A smile spread across Val’s face as Warmness of the Soul began to play from her cell. That was her ringtone for Matt. Just as she answered another cell phone began to ring, followed quickly by others. As each of the girls recognised their own tone they began to answer their cells, giggling loudly.

“Hey.” Eloise answered still laughing.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Brian replied.

“You’ve all called us at the same time.” Eloise replied trying to compose herself.

“Oh.” Brian’s reply was short and simple.

“Good show baby?” Eloise asked, getting up from the sofa and walking out to the kitchen.
The sound of the others talking was distracting her. Brian’s was the only voice she wanted to hear.

“Yeah, it was, so how was your day?” he asked quietly.

“Pretty good, I’ve had some news about work.” She said, her smile widening again.

“Really? About that application?”

“Yeah, I’ve got the job; I start training tomorrow and should be assistant manager by the end of the month.” Eloise explained.

“Baby that’s excellent news, you deserve that job, I’m so proud of you.” Brian replied, Eloise could here the smile in his voice.

“So have you had any crazed fan girls throw themselves at you yet?” Eloise asked with a chuckle which Brian mimicked.

“One or two, you know claiming to be my true love.” He said as Eloise absentmindedly traced the patterns of the marble worktop of Val’s kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've found it hard to concentrate on writing these past couple of days, mainly because work has been hectic and stressful! But things should be getting back to normal now so I should be able to get back to writing again.
I realised the other day as well that I'm gettting pretty close to the end of this story, at a guess I've got less than 10 chapters left to write (I'm currently working on chapter 32)

This weekend though I'm going to be working on my other stories.

Anyhoo! Comments? :)