Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Breaking Apart The Ones You Love

“Congratulations, Eloise Benson, you are now officially this stores assistant manager!” Billie announced once she’d finished signing her new contract.

“Yeay me!” she cheered in reply, throwing her arms in the air in celebration.

“And to celebrate, I’m going to take you out tonight.” He said smiling broadly.

“Billie I can’t I’m…”

“Going out with all the girls, I know, I kinda arranged it all.” He replied cutting her off.

“What? How? When?” she stuttered in shock.

“When Val came into the store the other day, I asked her to arrange for all of you to have a night out tonight so that we could celebrate.” He said proudly.

“Billie you’re awesome! Thank you.” she cheered.

“Yeah I know!” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “Now, lets get this store closed so we can all go home and make ourselves even more beautiful.” He added getting up from his office chair.

Two and a half hours later Eloise was ready and was waiting for Hannah, Sophie and Abi to finish getting ready. They had been invited down to go out with the girls, on the pretence of cheering up Sophie as she was missing Jason.

“Guys, seriously, how can you still not be ready? You’ve had all day to get ready, I’ve been in work all day and I’m still ready way before you!” Eloise moaned, shouting up the stairs trying to hurry them along. She was answered by a group of incoherent yells and excuses and waited impatiently for another ten minutes before everyone was ready to go.

“Finally! Where have you been?” Leana yelled as the girls walked into Johnny’s Bar.

“Don’t look at me, I was ready and waiting.” Eloise defended as the other three girls all shrugged their shoulders.

“Are the guys from work here yet?” Eloise asked turning to glance around the bar.

“I haven’t seen them.” Gina replied handing her a glass of Bacardi and coke.

“Thanks Gee, Oh and by the way guys, thanks for telling me that this was all Billie’s idea so we could celebrate me getting the job.” Eloise said with sarcasm dripping from every word.

“Hey, we were sworn to secrecy!” Val defended while everyone nodded in agreement.

“Yeah I did make them promise not to say anything.” Billie’s voice made Eloise jump.

“Hey, you ok for a drink?” he added casually placing an arm around her back.

“Yeah I’m good.” Eloise smiled waving her drink at him.

“Just a tray of shots for us all then?” Billie smirked before heading off towards the bar.

“Hell yeah, we’re celebrating after all!” Abi yelled.

It didn’t end with just the one tray of shots. Of course it didn’t. There were ten people out that night and each of them bought at least one tray of shots. They had all moved onto a club and Billie had been enjoying being the only guy within the large group of girls, dancing with them all in turn.

Eloise giggled as she watched Jess and Hannah grind their bodies up against Billie’s as she got herself another drink. She passed the bartender the money before walking over to join her friends.

“Honey, Jimmy says Brian’s been trying to ring you but he can’t get through.” Leana called at her. Eloise frowned and took out her cell, glancing at the screen she frowned more.

“Damn the service in this place is fucking crap.” She said holding up her cell in the hope it get a better reception.

“Stupid bloody thing, I’m going to have to go out side girls, I’ll be back in a bit.” She said as she turned to walk towards the door.

The phone only gave two rings before Brian answered.

“Babe? Where have you been?”

“Sorry babe, phone coverage in this place is rubbish. How was the show?” she replied.

“Yeah it was awesome, how’s your day been?”

“Well, I’m now officially assistant manager at the store.” Eloise cheered.

“Yeah, I got the text, congratulations baby, so are you and the girls having fun?”

“Yeah we are, I’m having a really good time. There’s just one thing missing.” She replied, a crooked smile appearing across her lips.

“Really? And what might that be?” Brian asked with a knowing tone.

“I’d be happier if my sexy boyfriend was here celebrating with Me.” she whispered with a smirk.

“I wish I was there with you too baby, I’m missing you something crazy.”

“I know, the first month is almost over now though.” Eloise sighed.

“I know you’ve only just made assistant manager, but do you think there’s a chance Billie will give you a few days off soon so you can fly out to meet up with us at some point?” Brian asked hopefully. Eloise shrugged and then realised that he couldn’t see her.

“I’ll see what I can do, maybe in a few weeks.” She replied.

“Good, ok, so I’ll let you get back to the girls, have fun, I love you baby.”

“I love you too Bri, I’ll ring you in the morning.”

“Night baby.” Brian replied before they hung up.

Eloise made her way back into the club and finished her drink before heading over to the dance floor where Billie was dancing with Lacey. She manoeuvred herself behind Lacey, grinding her hips into her ass. Lacey turned quickly, smiling once she realised who she was dancing with. Billie stepped forward and danced closer to the two girls, a smirk gracing his lips. As the song changed Lacey pulled away.

“I need a pee and another drink.” She muttered into Eloise's ear before she walked away, leaving Billie and Eloise dancing together. They moved closer together, their bodies rubbing together in time to the music.

Again the song changed, this time to one with a slower beat. Billie’s hands, which were resting on Eloise's hips, griped her tighter, pulling her closer to him as he controlled their pace and rhythm. Their eyes locked and she found him lowering his forehead towards hers. Their hips ground into each other to the timing of the music and Eloise found her heart race quicken as Billie continued to gaze deeply into her eyes.

She went to open her mouth to say something but was stopped when Billie pressed his lips against hers. She gasped, taken by surprise by his action. Slowly, she managed to place her hands on his chest and push him away from her, pulling her lips away from his as she did so.

“Billie, no. I’m with Brian.” she whispered stepping back from him slightly.

“Shit, I know, sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I guess I kinda got caught up in the moment.” He replied, running his hands through his hair.

“Please forgive me.” he pleaded in a whisper, raising his head to look her in the eyes again. Eloise chuckled lightly.

“Forgiven and forgotten.” She smiled and Billie mirrored it.

“Come on, I need another drink.” She said, linking arms with him and pulling him off towards the bar.

“Get me a bottle of water, I’m just going to take a piss.” Billie said passing Eloise a twenty dollar bill with a smile before walking across the club towards the toilets.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” a voice hissed from behind her. She turned around to come face to face with Leana.

“Hey Lea, I’m getting a drink. Can I get you one?” Eloise replied facing her with a smile.

“Don’t give me that! I saw you just now! I saw you kiss Billie! So what, Brian’s out of town…”

“Lea, wait, you didn’t see me kissing him. He kissed me and I pushed him away!” Eloise interrupted quickly.

“So you’re not denying it then? I saw you up there with him Eloise, you looked pretty close.” Leana said glaring at her.

“Lea, listen. We were dancing, we were having harmless fun. Billie’s been dancing with all of us all night. Even you were dancing with him at one point.” Eloise defended.

“I didn’t fucking kiss him though!” Leana spat back.

“Neither did I!” Eloise yelled back.

“Lea, he kissed me and I pushed him away. It was an innocent, drunken slip up on his part and he’s apologised. There’s nothing more to it.” Eloise explained, trying to keep her voice calm as Billie returned, taking his drink out of Eloise's hand with a smile.

“Hey Leana, do you want a drink?” Billie said with a warm smile.

“No thank you.” she replied, narrowing her eyes as she gave him a quick glare before turning to walk away.

“What’s the matter with her?” Billie asked as Eloise sighed, watching Leana walk over to the other girls.

“She saw you kiss me and now she thinks there’s something going on between us.” Eloise explained turning back to face him.

“Shit sorry, do you want me to talk to her? She’s not going to tell Brian is she?” Billie said, blushing with every word.

“No, it’s ok, I’ve told her that she got it wrong, I doubt she’ll tell Bri, she knows I’d never cheat on him.” She replied with another sigh.

“Listen, I’m going to take off, I’ll see you in work Monday.” Billie said, screwing the top back onto his bottle of water.

“What? Billie, no, there’s no need.” Eloise began to protest.

“I think it’s for the best. Enjoy the rest of your night, I’ll see you Monday.” He said with half a smile before walking through the crowd of people towards the door.

Eloise gave another sigh as she watched him go then walked slowly over to the other girls.

“Hey, where did Billie go?” Lacey asked as Eloise reached their table.

“Huh? Oh, he had to take off, he told me to say good night to you all.” Eloise added, noticing Leana staring at her through narrowed eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, another filler....
Thanks as always to all my readers, subscribers and comment leavers! You guys are awesome!

Keep it up now guys.... :)