Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

It's a subtle blend of lateral thinking and extrem

“What film are we watching next?” Hannah asked stretching her limbs from where she was sprawled across one half of the sofa.

“Legally blonde.” Abi cheered from where she was curled up on one of the chairs. The girls were spending their Sunday watching trashy chick flicks. They were trying to recover from the previous night, each of them curled up under a duvet surrounded by chips, popcorn, candy and soda.

“Go put it on then!” Eloise mumbled through a yawn.

“I put Bridget Jones on.” Hannah protested. “Abi?”

“Nuh-uh, I got us drinks.” Abi shook her head.

“I opened the window.” Sophie added quickly, seeing that Eloise was about to ask her to put the film on.

Eloise sighed and pushed the duvet off her and put the DVD into the machine, quickly returning to the comfort of the sofa. As she made her self comfortable again she was joined by Pinkly who yapped and frantically licked her face.

“Hey, what’s got into you.” she giggled. Pinkly yapped again in reply before jumping back down and running out to the kitchen.

“Oh man, Pinkly needs letting out.” Eloise sighed.

“I put Bridget Jones on!” Hannah yelled.

“I got the drinks!”

“Opened the window”

“Yeah and I put Legally Blonde on!” Eloise reminded with a smirk as Pinkly yapped again from the kitchen.

“Oh man!” Hannah grumbled as she pushed the duvet off her and dragged her feet through to the kitchen as the other three girls giggled at her.

The girls settled down to watch the film and Eloise was soon joined by Pinkly again, who this time just curled up on top of the duvet with her and fell asleep.

Half way through the film Pinkly jumped at the feel of Eloise's phone vibrating underneath him. He moved out of the way, settling back down beside her feet with a grumble.

Eloise chuckled and scratched the top of his head before grabbing her phone to read the message.
“Hey :) sorry about I freaked out at you last night. Friends?” it was from Leana. With a smile Eloise typed out her reply.

“Of course we’re still friends ;) I understand why you freaked.”

Within minutes her phone was vibrating again with a reply.

“No, I should have known better. I know how much you love Brian and that you’d never cheat on him. I’m sorry.”

“Forgiven and forgotten.”
Eloise replied simply.
“Good, but make sure Billie knows that he tries anything with you again I will hunt him down and kick is fine ass :)” to this Eloise chuckled. She knew Leana was being serious. She would beat the living crap out of anyone who messed with one of her friends.

“What’s so funny?” Abi asked, peering over her duvet at her.

“Just Leana trying to defend my honour.” Eloise smiled as she sent Leana another message and settled back down to watch the rest of the film.


“You will come down to visit again soon won’t you?” Eloise asked the girls the following morning as they packed their bags into the back of Hannah’s SUV.

“Of course we will.” Sophie replied with a smile, pulling her into a hug.

“Good, cos I really miss you guys.” Eloise replied.

“You know, you can always come up to us whenever as well.” Abi said, raising her eyebrows as she opened her arms to offer a hug.

“Yeah I know, I’ll be up soon I promise.” She replied before turning to hug Hannah.

“I love you honey.” Hannah said quietly as they pulled out of the hug.

“I love you guys too, make sure one of you text me when you get home.” Eloise replied with a smile as they all climbed into the SUV.

“We will. Bye honey.”

“Bye guys.” Eloise yelled her reply as they pulled off the driveway. She watched them turn at the bottom of the street before turning back towards the house, where she jogged up the stairs to start getting ready for work. Her first official day as Assistant Manager.

“Hey!” she smiled cheerfully as she walked up to the counter where Billie was stood.

“Hey” he replied with half a smile, his cheeks flushing slightly.

“What’s up?” Eloise asked.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” Billie said unconvincingly.

“Billie! C’mon, what’s wrong? You’re still not worried about Saturday night are you?” she asked. Billie blushed more as he looked up at her, allowing their eyes to meet. He nodded silently.

“Billie. I told you, that was forgiven and forgotten.” She replied.

“What about Leana? Has she forgotten? I don’t want to cause trouble between you and your friends and especially between you and Brian.” he said quietly.

“Leana’s fine, she text me yesterday to apologise, she knows I would never cheat on Brian and has told me to warn you that if you try anything again she’ll hunt you down and beat your fine ass.” Eloise said with a hint of a giggle.

“Believe me El, I won’t be trying anything again, I don’t know what made me do anything in the first place.” He stopped abruptly as Eloise crossed her arms across her chest, pursing her lips with her eyebrows arched high.

“Shit! That came out wrong! Eloise, you’re beautiful, you’re sexy, Brian is a very lucky man and if it wasn’t for him I would definitely have made a move, but well, what I’m trying to say is….”

“Billie!” Eloise yelled interrupting his rambling.

“Billie, shut up. I know what you’re trying to say. Let’s just forget about what happened yeah?”
Slowly Billie nodded, smiling broadly.

“Good, now what’s my first duty as official assistant manager?” she said with a side smile.

“Coffee.” He replied simply, reaching into his pocket and taking out his wallet. Eloise rolled her eyes as she took the ten dollar bill out of his hand.

“Billie?” Eloise questioned in a sing-song voice as she watched a customer walk out of the store with their purchase.

“Yesie” he replied mimicking her voice.

“I know I haven’t been working here that long, but I was hoping to book some time off soon, like in the next couple of weeks? I want to meet up with the guys so I can spend some time with Brian.” she explained.

“Um!” Billie said with a small grimace.

“Oh, well Nevermind, it was worth a shot, I guess I’ll…”

“No, it’s not that, it’s just that I’ve actually had some time booked off for a while, I’m off for two weeks starting the week after next.” Billie explained.

“Oh, ok, but after that?” Eloise asked hopefully.

“I don’t see why not.” He smiled. “I’ll phone up head office to check.” He said walking over towards the office.

Less than ten minutes later Billie was walking back over to the counter where Eloise was serving a customer.

“Well?” she questioned handing the customer their bag.

“You better find out where Brian will be on March 2nd.” He said with a smile. “You have a week.” He added.

“Really? Oh Billie, you’re the best!” she cheered.

“Yeah I know, why don’t you go call Brian find out where you have to book flights for.” He said as he watched her jump up and down happily on the spot. With an ever widening smile, Eloise bounced towards the office to get her cell phone.

“Hey baby, what’s up?” Brian questioned as he answered after just three rings.

“Hey, guess what?” she cheered in reply.

“You’re coming on tour with me soon?” he asked.

“Oh, you weren’t supposed to guess straight away” Eloise pouted.

“What? Really?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, Billie said I can have a week off at the beginning of March.” Eloise said, still with a wide smile across her face.

“Oh baby, that’s the best news I’ve had in ages, I can’t wait.” He replied.

“Me neither, so where are you going to be on the 2nd?” she asked.

“Shit, I don’t know; let me go check...” he said. Eloise heard ruffling in the background and listened to the conversation that was happening on the other end of the phone.

“Matt! Where will we be on March 2nd?”

“I’m not sure dude, why?”

“Eloise has got some time off so she’ll be flying out to meet us.”

“Awesome dude, hang on let me go check” she heard Matt reply.

“Eloise is coming out?” she heard Jimmy ask.

“Yeah dude.” Eloise could hear the smile in Brian’s voice.

“Let me say hi.” She heard Jimmy say, obviously pulling the phone from Brian’s hand.

“Hey honey, I’m missing you, can’t wait to see you, give Lea a kiss for me.” he said quickly.
“Brian’s trying to get the phone off me…love you.” she heard him yell.

“Love you too Jim,” she yelled back.

“Hey, Matt said we’ll be in Columbus, Ohio.” Brian said enthusiastically.

“Awesome, I’ll book the flight as soon as I get home.” Eloise replied just as enthusiastically.

“Baby I can’t wait, I’ll book us into a hotel for the first night.” He whispered seductively causing Eloise to giggle quietly.

“There’s going to be things I want to do to you that we’re not going to be able to do in a bunk.” He added as Eloise heard the guys whistle and cat call in the background.

“Mmm, I can’t wait, but right now, I’ve gotta get back to work. I’ll call you later when I’ve booked the flight.” She replied.

“Ok babe, love you.”

“Love you too.” she replied before hanging up and returning to work.
♠ ♠ ♠
There was a part in this chapter that was inspired by an episode of Spaced staring Simon Pegg :)
Anyway, comments.....? :)