Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Take Me To The Place I Love

Eloise woke the following morning with the feeling of Brian’s muscular arms wrapped securely around her as she felt his fingers glide over the bare skin of her shoulder and through her hair. Her head was resting on his chest and she could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart and feel his chest raising and falling with every breath. Smiling she placed her lips gently onto his bare skin, kissing the edge of his “Blueblood” tattoo.

“Mmm, morning beautiful.” He murmured. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, it’s easy to sleep with you here.” She whispered in reply. “You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve missed not sharing a bed with you.”

Brian brought his other hand to her face to tilt it up to look at her. “Believe me; I would give anything to have you on tour with us. I’ve missed you so much.” He leant his head down and gently placed his lips against hers. Eloise immediately pushed herself up the bed so that her face was level with his and traced her tongue along his thin lips, which quickly parted to allow her tongue to slip into his mouth, entwining with his. She was so taken in by the kiss that she hadn’t notice Brian’s hands gently tugging her pyjama shorts down. She wasn’t even aware that she had lifted her hips off the bed for him to ease them, and her underwear, off.

However, she did notice, through a loud moan, as he gently slipped two of his long, thin fingers into her moist body. His thumb rubbed slowly over her clit as his fingers slowly moved within her. Their lips parted as Brian trailed kisses along her neck, past her collar bone to the edge of her tank top. His fingers left her and pulled on the hem of the top.

“No. I’ll do it.” Eloise breathed quietly pushing his hand back towards her opening as she quickly sat up and pulled the top over her head and threw it across the room. Brian smirked as his fingers slipped deeper inside of her, his lips gently caressing her breasts. Eloise moaned loudly as his fingers began to curl within her and his tongue swirled around her nipple.

“Fuck” Eloise gasped feeling herself tighten around his fingers, her hands grabbing hold of his long hair, pulling his lips back to hers. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her feet moving to push his boxers off his hips. As she felt herself about to burst one of her hands reached out to hold his hand in place, pushing it firmly closer to her, helping him send her further over the edge.

Her body shook as she closed her eyes, small lights bursting behind her eyelids. Before she could open her eyes Brian had pulled his hand away from her and had slipped inch by inch into her.

“Fuck Brian, faster.” She moaned his slow pace agonising her. She felt him smirk as he gently nipped at her neck.

“Brian please!” she pleaded, raising her hips to meet his. Brian chuckled lightly against her neck before raising his head and crashing his lips onto hers, immediately picking up the pace. Her legs tightened around his waist, her fingers gripped at his shoulders as he thrust rapidly into her. Her body began to twitch as she tightened around him again.

“Shit Bri” she gasped as his pace began to lose rhythm.

They both came within seconds of each others, both convulsing as they loudly groaned the other’s name, both of them grinding their hips into each other to keep their orgasms going for as long as possible. Breathless, Brian pressed his lips onto Eloise's.

“I love you baby.” He whispered quietly.

“I love you too.” she replied as they gazed into each other’s hazy eyes, smiling at each other. Brian pecked her lips again before collapsing next to her on the bed, pulling her close to him again. They lay in almost complete silence as they allowed their bodies to recover. Brian played absentmindedly with her hair as she traced her fingers along the shapes on his tattooed arms.

“Once the locks are fixed, do you want to go out to lunch somewhere?” Brian asked suddenly.

“Yeah, that will be nice.” Eloise replied with a wide smile.

They fell back into a relaxed silence, content with being in each other’s arms. It was only when they were disturbed by Pinkly pushing his way into the room and in between them that they decided it was time that they got up.

“Here, put this on your keys.” Brian said passing Eloise a shiny new key as she finished getting ready. Eloise put her lip balm down and swapped the old front door key for the new one.

“So where are we going for lunch?” she asked cheerfully.

“You’ll have to wait and see.” He replied smugly as he walked out of the bedroom.

“Bri! You know I don’t like surprises! Tell me!” she demanded following him out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“It’s not a surprise, I’m just not telling you all the details yet.” He replied with a chuckle as he grabbed his set of keys. “So are you ready?” he asked watching her small pout turn into a smile.

Brian drove them to a small deli on Main Street.

“I’ll be back in a second.” He said indicating for her to stay in the car. She gave him a confused look which he replied to by blowing her a kiss. A few minutes later he returned to the car with a picnic hamper. Eloise smiled broadly as he made his way around to her side of the car and opening the door.

“Come on, we’re walking the rest of the way.” He said with a smirk, offering his hand.

“We’re having a picnic?” she asked as he locked the car.

“Yeah, on the beach, we haven’t done that in ages.” He replied.

“Bri, we haven’t done that since we were kids” she replied with a giggle. He replied with another smile and silently took her hand, leading them across to the beach.

“Where about are you taking me?” Eloise asked as they continued to walk further along the beach.

“Just wait and see.” Brian replied with a smirk and a twinkle in his eyes as they reached a quieter area of the beach. There were still a few people around, but they were nearly enough on their own.

“Oh My God, our part of the beach. You know I haven’t been here since the night before I moved.” She said as realisation spread across her face. He was taking her to the area of the beach where they used to hang out as kids, and teenagers. It was one of the places where they would meet up, drink and have fun. It was the place where she spent her last night with her friends as Katie.

Brian stopped and placed the picnic hamper down on the soft sand. He let go of her hand and pulled open the basket to take the blanket. Hey lay it over the sand and took hold of her hand again, leading her over and indicating for her to sit. He sat down next to her and took out to champagne flutes and a bottle of Champagne.

“Champagne? What’s the special occasion?” Eloise asked as he passed her the flutes with a smirk.

“Being here, with the most beautiful woman in the world, who I love more than anything…” Brian replied as he began to open the bottle.

“I don’t think I need any more reasons do I?” he added as he popped the cork into his hand before pouring them each a glass.

“You’re something else Haner. When did you arrange all of this?” she asked as he proceeded to get the food out of the hamper.

“This morning while you were in the shower.” He replied “We’ll I’ve had the idea planned for a few weeks, I just didn’t know I was going to be able to use it so soon.”

Eloise shock her head in disbelief at how sweet Brian was being, a wide smile gracing her lips. He was always able to find new ways to show his love for her, to surprise her, and if it was possible, he found new ways for her to love him more.

“And for dessert.” Brian announced sitting back up and reaching back into the hamper. “Fresh strawberries.” He said holding up a large carton. He lay back down on his front and opened the carton before taking one out. He glanced over to her, catching her gaze as her mouth opened slightly in anticipation, then bit into the fruit himself.

“Brian!” Eloise called out, sitting up to nudge him, a smirk playing across his lips as he chewed.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist.” He chuckled, taking out another strawberry and feeding it to her, leaning over to kiss her lips before feeding her a second.

“Eloise…” Brian began as they both lay on their fronts feeding each other strawberries.

“Brian…” she mimicked in reply.

“You know how much I love you right, how much you mean to me.” he said, a hint of nerves in his voice.

“Yeah Bri, I do.” She replied with a smile.

“And you know that I’m never going to leave you, I’ll never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you.” he added.

“You know I want to spend the rest of my life with you right?” he added before she could question his speech. She nodded in reply, a confused smile on her lips. He moved closer to her, his lips finding hers for a brief kiss.

“I’m so happy I found you again, I don’t ever want to…”

“Ichabod, get back here.” A familiar voice called as the dog Zack was calling bounded over, between Eloise and Brian.

“Hey Ich,” Eloise giggled he sniffed her face before licking it. Brian grumbled quietly, turning to sit up. Eloise gave him a confused look before turning back to face Zack and Gena.

“Hey guys.” She said cheerfully as she pushed herself up so that she was sat cross legged on the blanket.

“Hey, You having a picnic?” Zack asked stretching his neck to try and peer into the hamper.

“Babe, we’ve just eaten.” Gena exclaimed.

“But I’m a growing boy” he whined making everyone roll their eyes.

“Help yourself honey.” Eloise chuckled pointing at the hamper, as Zack and Gena sat down beside them.

As they talked, Eloise couldn’t help but notice how quiet Brian had gotten. He was sat beside Eloise, slowly passing sand through his clenched fists into small piles beside his crossed legs.

“Now that you’ve finished their last strawberry, shall we head back home?” Gena asked with a sarcastic tone and smile. Zack looked up at her and nodded.

“We may as well head back as well.” Brian said monotonously as he got up and began to gather everything back up into the hamper.

“Are you ok?” Eloise asked as they got back into the house. Brian had barely spoken the entire drive home.

“I’m fine.” He replied although Eloise sensed that he wasn’t being fully truthful as he walked through to the kitchen. She followed him to where he was clearing out the hamper.

“Baby, I know you. What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since Zack and Gena joined us.” She said quietly, placing her arms around his waist, ducking under his arm so that she was in his embrace.

“Tell me.” she asked quietly as he tried to turn his head away from her.

“It’s nothing, I guess I’m just… a little pissed that Zack and Gena had to spoil our day together. I wanted it to be just us. I’ve got to leave again later and I wanted to spend all my time with you… only you.” he replied, his bottom lip pouting slightly. Eloise chuckled lightly as she leant up to kiss his lips.

“Well, we’ve still got a couple of hours. You’ve got me all to yourself.” She said quietly, a smirk playing on her lips. Brian mimicked the smirk as they kissed. His grip on her tightened as the kiss intensified and Eloise soon found herself led on the kitchen table as Brian pounded relentlessly into her, making her scream his name with pleasure.

“This doesn’t get any easier does it?” Eloise said solemnly as they stood on the doorstep, having to say good-bye to each other again.

“Two weeks baby, that’s all it will be.” Brian said quietly.

“Love you baby.” She replied with a half smile.

“Love you too. “ he said kissing her again as the car horn sounded again.

“Do you think if we ignored it they’d forget about me and leave without me?” Brian added as he rested his forehead against hers. Eloise chuckled quietly as their lips met briefly again.

“Two weeks.” Eloise said as she watched him walk slowly towards the waiting car, blowing her a kiss as he got in.

Eloise watched silently as the car drove to the end of the street and out of sight before turning solemnly back into her empty house.
♠ ♠ ♠
A longer chapter for you guys :)
Thanks you as always to EVERYONE who reads, subscribes and comments on this story...keep it up, you guys are awesome :D

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