Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Be Careful What You Wish For

Eloise bounced happily around the store, knowing that this was her last shift in charge before Billie returned off his vacation. Two weeks had passed quickly, Billie was back in work the following morning and in less than forty eight hours she would be on a plane heading towards Columbus Ohio, ready to spend a week with Brian.

“Guess what Jessie?” she cheered as she crossed to the counter.

“What?” she asked smiling.

“In like less than 48 hours I’ll be with Brian.” she said in a sing song voice.

“Only 48 now?” Jess chuckled; Eloise had been counting down the days and hours all week. She glanced down at her watch and sighed.

“Let’s get this place closed up.” She said pushing herself away from the counter.

“You watch the door, make sure no one else comes in, I’ll start tidying up.” She added.

“Are you sure I can’t give you a ride home?” Jess asked a little under half an hour later as they walked out of the mall.

“Yeah, I’ll enjoy the walk, thanks Jess, I’ll see you in the morning.” Eloise replied as she took out her iPod from her purse.

Eloise was walking home as she’d had to take the Escalade in for its service that morning. She was supposed to be having a ride home with Gena, but she’d had to cancel as a high paying client had made an urgent appointment for that evening.

She walked quickly up and down the streets, making her way towards her house, quietly singing along to the songs that played through her earphones.

Without even thinking about what she was doing she turned down one of the side streets, subconsciously knowing that it would get her home sooner. As she neared the other end of the side street the song also began to fade out and it was then that she noticed the faint sound of footsteps.

She felt a pang of panic hit her but she stopped herself from letting it take hold. Instead she slowly slipped her hand into her pocket and turned down the volume on her iPod. Without the background noise of the music the sound of the footsteps sounded closer. Her heart rate quickened as she told herself not to panic. She knew that the best thing to do was to carry on to the end of the street, keeping her pace steady to show whoever it was behind that she wasn’t scared. Once she was at the end of the street she would be back on the main street again where there would be other people around. Just six more steps that’s all that she needed to take.

Six steps she didn’t get to take. Time seemed to slow down and speed up all at the same time. Before she could take another single step forward Eloise had strong arms secured around her body, a hand placed firmly over her mouth preventing her from screaming. Not that anyone would have heard her anyway; she’d opened her mouth to scream but no sound had come out. Whoever had a hold of her dragged her backwards a few feet and hoisted her into the back of a van. As she was pulled further into the van the doors slammed shut, she was in complete darkness. She heard the drivers’ door open and shut before the van revved to life and pulled off. Eloise became aware of her heart racing as she inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the man who still had a firm grip of her. It was a mixture of cigarettes, bourbon and a cologne that she couldn’t identify.

She felt and heard him scuffle around in the dark for a moment before she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her side. She silently cried out again against his hand as she felt the contents of the syringe enter her body.

“I’m going to have fun with you.” were the words she was sure she heard him mumble as she slipped out of consciousness.

For the second time in her life, Eloise's decision to take a short cut home had resulted with her life being risked.

Confusion filled Eloise's mind as she opened her eyes in a darkened room. Her head was pounding and she had no idea how she got to bed, she didn’t even remember getting home. Panic struck when she tried to lift her hand up to rub her eyes. She couldn’t move, it was if she was strapped down to the bed. She tried to open her mouth to speak only to realise it had been taped shut. She began to struggle, mumbling screams hitting the tape. Her eyes had adjusted to the lack of light in the room and it was pretty clear that it wasn’t hers. Suddenly her memory was remembering as images of being pulled into the back of a van. She remembered the feeling of being injected with an unknown substance and then there was nothing. But there had been a man. The man who had pulled her into the van. What were the words he’d used before she’d lost consciousness? Something about having fun with her? She couldn’t say that she had recognised the voice but she was pretty sure she could guess who it had belonged to.

She should have known better than to think that Michelle would give up so easily, just because the police had been informed. Michelle had warned her that she wanted Brian back and that she was willing to stop at nothing to do so. One thought comforted Eloise as she lay in dark, silent room, with tears rolling down her face and that was that she was certain that Brian wouldn’t go back to Michelle. Not after what had happened at New Year. But then another thought crossed her mind. How long was Michelle willing to wait? Would she bide her time and offer Brian a sympathetic shoulder? If she gave Brian time and showed compassion, waiting long enough for him to be ready to move on, would Brian welcome her back into his arms, into his life, into his bed?

A muffled sob hit the tape over her mouth as these thoughts came from her mind. Was this the end? Would Steven have his fun with her and then kill her? Was there anyone out looking for her yet? She had no idea what time it was, or day for that matter. Would Brian have called her yet? Should she be in work? Would Billie be wondering where she was? Had she been out long enough to have missed her flight to Columbus? She knew that if anyone had tried to call her they would have been diverted straight to her voicemail as her battery had cut out in work.

A million other things ran through her mind as she lay there as she suddenly became aware of footsteps approaching. She tried to inhale deeply, failing due to the ever present tape across her mouth. Fear and apprehension made her body stiffen as the footsteps stopped outside the door. Eloise longed to be able to wipe the tears away. She was reluctant to show her kidnappers how afraid and scared she was. Slowly the door began to open and light filtered into the room. Part of her wanted to face whoever was coming into the room, but she was afraid of having to admit that her thoughts about who had kidnappers were true. There was a large part of her that was hoping that she was wrong, that it was someone else who had dragged her into the van.

Heavy footsteps entered the room as the door closed leaving them in darkness yet again. Eloise closed her eyes as they approached in the hope to block out anything that may happen. She became aware of the same smell from the van as, through the darkness, the male figure sat down on the bed next to her. Eloise watched as he leant across and turned on the lamp which sat upon the bedside table, blinking as her lights tried to adjust to the sudden influx of light. Her fears were justified as she turned to see Steven smirking at her.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.” He sneered. Eloise's heart sunk, it was morning. Brian would be worried, wondering why she hadn’t answered the phone. Billie was probably wondering why she hadn’t turned up for work.

“I want you to listen to me. If I remove the tape can you keep your mouth shut?” Eloise nodded, desperate to have the tape removed. She flinched as his hand raised towards her face and tears stung her eyes as the tape was ripped from her, taking parts of her skin with it. She gasped loudly, gulping in air.

“Ok, good, now things will be easier on you if you just continue to listen and do as I say. Do you understand?”

Again Eloise nodded, still trying to fill her lungs with air. She gulped as he knelt at the edge of the bed and leant in closer to her.

“You know I’ve dreamed of a moment like this, of an opportunity this good.” He said in a quiet whisper beside her ear. She could feel his warm breath on her neck and it sent a shiver down her spine.

“You are just the perfect opportunity to show my family that I’m worth something. But of course I want to have some fun with you first.” He continued his voice a low, accomplished growl.

“I’ll let Michelle have some fun first as well.” He added with a sly smirk.

“We’ve already got some plans for you, and of course your family, and I know Michelle has her own plans for her and Brian.” he sneered causing Eloise to whimper at the thought.

“But not just yet of course. I’m running away with myself, I only came up to see if you were ready for breakfast. I don’t want to be seen as a rude host.” He said in a light tone, as if they were best friends and she’d stayed over, like a usual occurrence.

“How does a bowl of muesli sound? That should help keep your strength up.” He said with a smile. Nervously Eloise nodded, still feeling somewhat confused.

“Ok, I’ll be back shortly, I can trust you with this off can’t I?” he asked holding up the strip of tape he’d taken off her mouth. Again Eloise nodded silently and nervously and then watched as he stood up and left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
More drama! I actually haven't got that many chapters left to write for this story!
This and the next couple were quite hard to write - I'm no good at writing stuff like this.

So what do you think? Let me know.....

Oh and as always Thank You to all of you who read, comment and subscribe with this story - it means a lot, especially those of you who take their time after each chapter - You guys are awesomeness :D