Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

I've Become So Numb I Can't Feel You There

“Brian, sweetie, please you’ve got to get out of the house. The cops have your cell number if there are any more developments.” Gena said as she took his hands in hers. They were sat at the breakfast counter as Brian sipped a mug of coffee. Silently he shook his head, his eyes tired with dark circles around them.

“Honey please.” She pleaded again. “It’s been three days.”

“It’s not doing you any good moping around the house all day.” Lacey said sitting next to her. He sighed deeply as he drank a little more of his coffee.

“I don’t want to go out. I want to stay here.” He muttered in reply. The two girls exchanged a worried look as he stared into his mug.

“God! If you want something doing, do it yourself!” Leana announced walking into the room causing them all to look up at her.

“Brian, truth of the matter is, we’re all worried about you.” she began sitting down on the stool next to him.

“Lea I’m fine, I just don’t want to leave the house.” He protested.

“Ok, that’s fine.” She replied calmly. “But will you do something else for me instead?” she asked. Brian raised his head with a quizzical look.

“Go upstairs, shower and shave, you’re starting to look like a hobo.” She replied wrinkling her nose. Brian smiled briefly and nodded his head, running his hand down his cheek. He’d caught a glimpse of his reflection in the bedroom mirror. He hadn’t shaved for almost five days and had a thick layer of stubble, something he knew Eloise hated.

“What would Eloise tell you to do if she could see you now hey?” Leana asked as if she’d read his mind.

“Ok, I’ll shave, but I’m still not leaving the house.” Brian replied drinking the rest of his coffee before making his way up stairs. Just as he was wrapping a towel around his waist he heard a knock at his bedroom door.

“Come in!” he called hearing the door open.

“Bri?” Leana’s voice called out.

“Yeah.” He replied making his way out of the bathroom into his bedroom.

“Honey, Detective Meadows is here, he’s got some news.” She replied.

Brian was halfway down the stairs before Leana could say or do anything else. It wasn’t until he was shaking hands with the detective that he realised he was still dripping wet from the shower.

“Sorry, Leana said you had some news?” he said sitting down on the sofa as Detective Meadows sat in the chair opposite him.

“Yes, we’ve finally been able to disprove Miss Dibenedetto’s alibi. It seams she paid someone to say that he was with her, however we have found very clear footage of the man in question in a bar during the entire time that he was supposed to be with Miss Dibenedetto.” He explained watching a smile appear on Brian’s face.

“So what now?” Brian asked.

“Well, as I mentioned the other day we’ve had her under surveillance, including going through her finances and it seams that she’s made a few other payments of large sums of money over the past week or so.” He began.

“What about Steven Owens?” Brian interrupted.

“Miss Dibenedetto has had nothing to do with him for the past couple of days, there have been no phone calls between the two, and she hasn’t been to any of his properties he hasn’t been in contact with her. In fact Steven hasn’t been seen since Eloise disappeared. However, we are still convinced that he has something to do with her disappearance. You see Steven Owens has always wanted to be part of the family business but the seniors have never had much faith in him. I believe that he’s taken this opportunity to prove himself.” The detective explained.

“So why haven’t you had him in for questioning?” Brian asked, his voice getting louder.

“Mr Haner we have. I questioned him myself last night. Obviously he’s denying the allegations and having anything to do with Michelle. We have no reason to hold him.” he said.

“However…” he continued quickly before Brian could get a word in.

“We have put all four of his properties under surveillance. He went back to his apartment in Huntington last night but left for his apartment in Long Beach this morning. We are sure that, if he is holding Eloise, he is keeping her in one of these two places. I have applied to the DA for a search warrant on all four of his properties and I’m planning a simultaneous raid early this afternoon.” He explained.

Brian nodded quietly in understanding. “I want to be there!” Brian blurted out.

“Mr Haner, we can’t allow that, however I will appoint an officer to drive you to the hospital if we do find Eloise at one of the properties.”

“Hospital?” Brian asked nervously.

“If we do find her this afternoon we will be taking her straight to the hospital to be checked over. So, I’ll have an officer parked outside ready to take you to the hospital as soon as we find her.” Detective Meadows explained standing up to leave.

“Thank you detective.” Brian replied standing up as well.

“Only doing my job son,” he said with a half smile before he walked across to the front door.

Eloise opened her eyes at the sound of the bedroom door opening. It couldn’t be morning again so soon? The nights seamed to pass by so quickly and so far she’d counted four nights, including the one where she was out cold with the drugs. The past three days had been pretty much the same routine.

Every morning Steven had come into the bedroom and fed her breakfast followed by a very intimate shower. He would then pick out lingerie for her to wear and then she was forced to lie on the bed while he got to do whatever he wanted her to do. When that wasn’t enough he would order her to do things to him.

She felt her heart rate quicken as she watched Steven walk towards her with a tray of breakfast in his hand, hoping that he was in a better mood, hoping that he’d forgiven her for what had happened the previous evening.

After spending the day performing various sexual acts together, Steven had again forced himself into her. She had tried hard to block out the pleasure he was giving her and kept her eyes shut tight hoping that he body would stop betraying her and stop reacting the way it was to his. She’d been concentrating so hard on how her body was reacting that she failed to keep her mouth from betraying her. As she closed tighter around his pulsing penis a loud moan passed her lips. She hadn’t realised what she’d said until Steven was pulling out of her. Her eyes snapped open at the sudden, unexpected action.

“What did you call me?” he bellowed, Eloise's eyes widening in shock. Had she really just moaned out Brian’s name?

“How fucking dare you moan out another man’s name while we’re having sex!” he yelled, bringing his hand down firmly, slapping her forcefully across her face.

“Steven I’m sorry…” Eloise mumbled as her face stung and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Sorry? I’ll fucking show you sorry.” He said balling his hand into a fist before hitting her in the ribs. She screamed in pain as another fist hit her stomach.

“You’ll never mention that name in my presence again!” he screamed with another punch.

“Do you understand?” and another. Eloise tried to nod but could barely move her head.

“Do you understand?” he yelled again with another punch in the ribs.

“Yes!” she screamed as she received another thump to her jaw line.

“Please, stop!” she cried out.

Steven stopped hitting her and slammed himself back into her causing another scream to fill the room. He was like a crazed wild animal, pounding into her relentlessly and finishing quickly with a loud growl. He pull out of her quickly and stormed out of the room, leaving her still handcuffed, naked and bruised on the bed.

As he sat down onto the bed she saw what looked like concern on his face. Slowly he reached his hand up to her face and began to run his fingers over her bruised body. Eloise gasped and grimaced as his fingers put light pressure over her injuries that he had afflicted onto her.

“Baby, I’m sorry, but you brought this on yourself. But I think you’ve learnt your lesson haven’t you?” he said in a soft tone. Eloise nodded silently.

“You’re not going to mention his name in my presence again are you?” he asked running his one hand through her hair and again she nodded.

“Good, now I’ve brought you breakfast.” He said picking up the tray.

As what had become routine, Steven had fed her the cereal and then taken her into the bathroom so that they could shower together. After helping her get clean, Steven had forced her to her knees and his penis into her mouth. Eloise had had to fight the impulse to bite as he’d continuously forced himself into her mouth over and over again. Again, Steven had picked out another lace lingerie set for her to wear and had left her un cuffed as she joined him on the bed.

“I think, after your performance in the shower, I should repay you.” he whispered into her ear once she was led next to him. Slowly, he began to kiss his way down her body, running his hands up and down her side. Again Eloise closed her eyes trying to block out what he was doing as his lips reached her thighs. She felt him peal the thong down her thighs and his lips get closer to her opening. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to make herself turn her body off, to take her mind away from the feeling of what he was doing to her and the way her body was reacting.

She felt his tongue trace her opening that was already feeling moist. He slipped his hands under her ass to lift her up to his face and slowly slid his tongue into her opening that was widening in anticipation. Steven took his time with her, pulling his tongue out of her again to slowly circle her clit. He repeated this action until an involuntary moan escaped Eloise's lips, then he plunged his tongue into her opening and brought up one of his hands so that he could use his thumb to press against her swollen clit. Again Eloise moaned unwillingly as he circled the hardening nub roughly.

“Fuck” she hissed regrettably as she tightened and came over his tongue. Through her spasms of hated pleasure she felt him smirk against her, sending more waves of heat and pleasure through her body as another orgasm hit her. Her body still trembled as he began to kiss his way back up her body. He reached her breasts and slipped his hands under her body to lift her off the bed so that he could undo the corset. Once it was removed he took her left nipple in his mouth and began to suck at it as he lay her back down onto the bed. With his mouth giving her left breast attention he used his hand to gently squeeze her right one causing her to moan again. As he pressed against her she could feel his erection press against her. Suddenly she felt his hand grab hers and pull it down, placing it on his throbbing penis. She didn’t need words to know what he wanted her to do, so slowly she wrapped her hand around him and slid her hand down his shaft.

Eloise couldn’t tell how much time was passing; all she could do was recall what they’d done in that time. As she gave him a hand job he also pleasured her again with his fingers. That was quickly followed by full on sex. After that they had showered and he’d given her another outfit to wear.

She had just given him another blow job and he was now curling three of his fingers deep inside her making her moan as tears trickled down her face with guilt for her body betraying Brian yet again. she felt a wave of heat wash over her body as she tightened against his fingers. He smirked against her neck as he moved between her legs, roughly pushing them apart. He rubbed the tip of his hard cock against her sensitive clit causing her to whimper before he slid easily into her.

And then the bedroom door flung open, causing her to open her eyes again.

“Freeze! Police!” a guy yelled and Eloise's eyes lit up, a smile appearing on her face with tears of relief washed over her face as she saw two police officers stood in the bedroom, both of them pointing a gun at Steven.

“Slowly raise your hands behind your head and get off the bed.” one of the officers said in a stern voice. Steven did as he was told also following the order to lie down on the floor beside the bed. As the one officer came over to the bed to arrest him, Eloise heard the other one talk over his radio.

“Miss Benson is here, we may need a female officer to deal with her, I believe she has been sexually assaulted.” He said as his partner lifted Steven off the floor. They covered the lower half of his naked body and escorted him out of the room. The second officer was quickly joined by a female officer who slowly made her way over to Eloise.

As Steven had been removed from the room, Eloise had quickly grabbed the bed sheets to cover her body and had broken down into tears. She flinched as she felt someone sit down on the bed next to her.

“It’s ok Eloise, you’re safe now, no one’s going to hurt you now.” She said. Eloise looked up to see a kind face smiling weakly back at her. Without knowing why she was doing it, she collapsed into the officers arms and sobbed.

“Shh, come on, let’s get you out of here.” She said helping her off the bed and securing the sheet around her body.
♠ ♠ ♠
At last they found her.... :)

Thanks guys for commenting and subscribing to this story, each and every one of you makes me happy when I read your comments, lets see if a few more of you can make me happy.... :) xoxox