Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Getting Away From It All

“Billie are you sure?” Eloise asked down the phone from where she was sat on one of the lawn chairs in their back yard.

“Of course I’m sure, I’ve cleared it with Tony in head office, two weeks compassionate leave plus two weeks holiday.” He replied.

“But this is my second week off as it is…” Eloise began before she was cut off.

“Listen to me. I’m counting this as your first week off, you couldn’t exactly help not being in last week could you? So I don’t want to see you back in work for three weeks ok?” Billie said.

“Ok, thanks Billie, I’ll see you soon.” She said cheerfully before she hung up.

“Babe, guess what?” she called loudly hoping that Brian would hear here in the kitchen.

“What babe?” he asked, poking his head out of the doorway.

“Including this week, I have a month off work.” She called with a smile.

“Really now? That’s interesting.” He said as he walked across the decking to her, a smirk quickly gracing his lips.

“Did you have something to do with this Haner?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him as his smirk widened.

“I might have.” He replied watching her fail to conceal her growing smile.


“What?!” he asked crouching down beside her. “After all that you’ve been through this past two weeks I thought you could do with some time away from everything. We could get away somewhere as soon as the hearing is over with tomorrow if we really wanted to.” He replied softly, placing his hand gently on her cheek.

“I guess some time away would be good.” She said smiling as she reached up to take his hand off her cheek and laced his fingers with hers.

“Good, so why don’t you go grab you laptop and look for somewhere quiet, sunny and relaxing for us to hide away for the next two weeks.” He replied standing up and taking something out of his pocket, he slid it into her hand and Eloise glanced down with a smile when she saw one of his credit cards. She jumped up from her seat and pecked him on his smirking lips.

“Found anywhere yet?” Brian whispered, kneeling down next to the sofa where Eloise was sat with her legs stretched out, her laptop on her lap.

“There’s a few possibilities.” She said simply reverting her eyes back to the screen.

“Where are you thinking?” he asked as he gently lifted her legs so that he could sit next to her.

“Well, there’s just so many places I’d love to go; Fiji, Antigua, Mauritius, Dominican Republic, St Lucia, and that’s just a few of them.” She replied. “Where would you prefer to go?”

“Wherever you want to go baby, I’ll be happy so long as I’m with you.” Brian replied.

“Bri!” Eloise groaned rolling her eyes causing him to chuckle lightly.

“Ok, let’s have a look together, see if we can find somewhere.” Brian said as she turned to sit closely to him.


“Well I hope they find the worst job possible for her to do.” Gena said as they all walked out of the court house. Everyone had shown up to see Steven and Michelle getting sentenced. Steven had received sixteen years for kidnapping and repeated sexual assault, while Michelle had been given five hundred and forty hours of community service for her part in the kidnapping.

“Yeah, something really dirty and degrading.” Lacey agreed.

“She deserves to do time for what she did.” Brian muttered bitterly.

“I know babe, but there’s nothing we can do about that now, she’s getting her punishment. It was him who matters the most and he’s going to be rotting in prison for the next sixteen years.” Eloise replied.

“What time’s your flight?” Zack asked.

“Just after ten in the morning.” Eloise replied beaming.

“Yeah we better get home and pack.” Brian replied gently squeezing her hand.

“Ok! So have a great holiday.” Leana said pulling Eloise into a hug.

“We will, and I’ll see you when we get back.” Eloise replied. They exchanged good bye hugs with the rest of the guys before getting into Brian’s Escalade.


“Oh My God Brian, this is way more beautiful than in the pictures!” Eloise said cheerfully as they walked up into the reception of their hotel.

“I know baby, you made a great choice.” Brian replied pulling the suitcase along behind them.

“Good afternoon and welcome to Paradisus Palma Hotel.” The cheerful receptionist said as they approached the desk.

“Hi, we have a suite booked under the name Haner.” Brian said placing his arm casually around Eloise's shoulder.

“Haner….ah yes one of our luxury suites.” She replied checking the computer in front of her.
As the receptionist checked them into their suite, Brian gently pressed his lips against her temple as his hand played with the lose curls that fell on her shoulders.

“Here’s your key, if there is anything else we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask, and I hope you enjoy our stay.” She said passing Brian the key to their suite. They both thanked her and made their way to the elevators.

“Brian, this room is amazing!” Eloise called to him as she looked around the room. “Have you seen the view from the balcony?”

“Yes baby, I saw through the wall in the bathroom.” Brian replied as he walked out to join her on the balcony.

“There’s no need for sarcasm Haner.” She warned as he walked towards her, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Sorry beautiful.” He said quietly as he placed his hands on her hips, bowing his head to press his lips onto hers.

“It’s just so nice to finally get away, just the two of us.” Brian said kissing her softly again. Feeling her respond to the kiss, Brian pressed his lips against hers, allowing his tongue to run along her bottom lip. Slowly she parted her lips and allowed his tongue to glide into her mouth. She moaned softly into the kiss as Brian ran his hands up her body, coming to rest on either side of her face. Eloise's hand’s snaked around his neck, forcing them closer together.

Another moan left Eloise's lips as Brian’s lips moved down her neck, gently nipping at the soft skin, his hands trailing back down her body, slipping under her shirt. She winced as her hands slipped to his chest and began to push him gently away.

“Baby, I’m sorry.” She whispered, glancing up to look him in the eyes.

“Its ok.” he replied quietly, wrapping his arms around her as her head fell against his chest.

“I want to though.” She muttered into his chest, where she felt him sigh.

“I know baby, I understand and I’ll be here when you’re ready.” He whispered into her hair. He held her close to him for a long moment, until she pulled away, looking up at him with a smile.

“Come on, I want to check this place out.” she said taking hold of his hand and pulling him towards the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know, but I wanted to update because I'm excited to get 400 comments! That's the most I've ever gotten, you guys are awesome, and if you keep them coming I'll update again tomorrow :)
Oh and once you've done that you could check out my one shot When Duty Calls, for Clemsongirl26's contest :)