Status: Finally Finished....Check out the sequel :)

They Can't Protect Me From Loving You

Not Always As It Seems

“Brian could you remove that phone from your ear for five minutes, you’ve been on it all morning.” Eloise called from her sun lounger next to the pool.

Brian turned to face her, holding up two fingers as he carried on talking. Eloise was starting to get annoyed. They were supposed to be on holiday, away from everyone, but Brian had been on his cell phone all morning and most of the previous day.

“Baby, why don’t you go down to the spa, my treat?” He said, still on the phone. Eloise glared at him before standing up, putting her flip flops back on and storming back towards the hotel. On the way towards the elevators however she found herself being sidetracked by the signs to the spa.

“Good afternoon Ms Benson, what can we do for you today?” Marie the beautician asked with a welcoming smile.

“Everything, Brian’s paying so I want the full works!” Eloise said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh Dear what’s he done?” she asked with a knowing smile as she ushered her around towards the treatment rooms.

“He’s spending more time on his bastard phone than he is with me.” she muttered. “He told me to come here, his treat.”

“We’ll have to make sure he treats you properly then won’t we?” Marie said with a smirk. “What shall we start with?”

“Lets start with a massage and then I want the full spa treatment, the full works.” Eloise replied.

Three hours later, Eloise let herself back into her hotel suite. As she stepped in through the door she could see Brian stretched out on one of the sun loungers on their balcony. Slowly she made her way across the room stopping in the doorway. He hadn’t heard her approach so she stood watching him for a moment as he sat with a glass of what she assumed to be JD over ice, staring out towards the beach through his sunglasses.

“Hey.” She said quietly making Brian turn quickly.

“Hey.” He replied, pulling off his sunglasses. “Listen I’m sorry about earlier…”

“Its ok.” she replied, stepping forward and sitting on the sun lounger next to him.

“No it’s not, it’s just that…” he paused to inhale deeply, swinging his legs over the side of his seat and taking hold of her hands.

“I didn’t want to tell you this with all that you’ve been through lately and with this supposed to be a relaxing holiday away from everything and everyone, but my Gran isn’t very well, she’s been in hospital.” Brian said quietly. At the sound of these words Eloise felt a twinge of guilt in her heart. She felt bad for being angry with Brian, thinking that he was keeping secrets from her.

“Baby I’m sorry, is she ok? Do you want to head home to see her?” she said lacing her fingers with his.

“No, she’s ok, we’ll go see her as soon as we get back.” Brian replied. “We are going to make the most of the final three days of our holiday, starting with dinner tonight, at that restaurant you said you wanted to go to.” He added with a smile as he leant in closer to her, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.

“You could wear that white sun dress I like, show off that beautiful tan you’ve been working on.” He said in a whisper. Eloise couldn’t help but smile as his lips met hers in a brief sweet kiss.

“And I wouldn’t want my time in the spa to go to waist neither.” Eloise replied pecking his lips again with a smirk.


“Can I get you anything else?” the waiter asked as he took their dessert dishes.

“No thank you, just the check please.” Brian answered with a grateful smile. The waiter nodded and left the table as Brian picked up the bottle of wine and poured the remainder into their glasses. He moved his chair closer to her and took her hand into his, entwining their fingers.

“You look absolutely beautiful this evening.” He whispered, lifting up their hands to kiss her fingers. Eloise felt herself blush as she looked into Brian’s chocolate brown eyes.

“So you’ve told me countless times already since I got dressed.” She chuckled.

“I know, I’m just making sure that you know how beautiful you are, and how much I love you.” he replied with a crooked grin as the waiter returned with the check. Brian paid quickly and again took Eloise's hand in his to lead her out of the restaurant.

“Do you fancy taking a walk along the beach?” he asked.

“Yeah that will be nice.” She replied.

“Brian…you know I love you don’t you?” Eloise asked after they’d walked a distance silently down the beach. He stopped walking and turned so that they were stood facing each other.

“Of course I know you love me. Why do you sound so uncertain and scared?” he asked staring deeply into her eyes with nothing but concern.

“I don’t know, I haven’t exactly been….well you know, we haven’t been…physical…these past couple of weeks, it must be frustrating for you.” she replied quietly. A small smile broke the corner of Brian’s lips as he slowly lowered his forehead onto hers.

“Baby, you’ve been through so much over the past month, I totally understand why you’ve been a little bit withdrawn lately, I’ll wait until you’re ready again.” he said and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“But I know you Brian, you’ve got…needs.” She replied. Brian chuckled.

“Yeah, and those needs are being met by my friend.” He said holding up his right hand with a wiggle of his fingers. Eloise giggled and playfully placed her hand on his chest to push him away.

“I’ll be here whenever you’re ready.” He whispered before briefly pecking her lips.

“One of these day’s Eloise Benson, you are going to realise that I love you more than anything on this planet.” Brian began as they continued their walk down the beach as the sun lowered towards the horizon.

“You are the only girl I’ve ever truly loved and we are going to be together forever.” He added with a constant smile.

“I hope so too.” Eloise replied earning a worried look from Brian.

“Well the universe hasn’t exactly given us an easy ride so far has it?” she replied raising a questioning eyebrow; Brian shrugged.

“Think about it. First of all I get moved away and put into Witness Protection, and then over four years later we find each other again, only to have people try and tear us apart again.”

“We’ve still stayed together though despite everything though.” Brian replied optimistically.
Eloise went to reply but something ahead of her on the beach caught her attention.

“Oh, look is that a little church?” she asked pointing to the small building that was on the edge of the beach just a few hundred yards ahead of them.

“Yeah I think it is.” Brian replied following her gaze.

“Oh and there’s people outside it, there must be a wedding going on. How romantic.” She said excitedly as they walked closer towards it and the group of people.

“That’ll be us soon.” Brian said quietly as he leaned across to kiss her temple. Eloise turned to look at him with a soft smile.

“Really?” she asked trying to keep her voice even as Brian nodded. “So how exactly would you ask the question?” she asked feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness at the mere thought of marrying Brian. Brian looked at her thoughtfully for a brief moment before replying.

“Well, I’d pack a picnic, with strawberries and champagne and take you to a special spot on the beach. Then once we’d fed each other all the strawberries…”

“Oh my god! That day on the beach, when Zacky and Gena joined us….that’s why you went quiet.” Eloise interrupted as she remembered that day and the speech he’d started.

“Would you have said yes to that?” Brian asked stopping them just a few yards away from the group of people of the wedding party.

“Of course I would have, Brian I love you more than anything.” She replied beaming with happiness.

“So would you marry me, here, tonight?” he asked taking hold of both her hands and looking deeply into her eyes which were full of confusion.

“Here? Tonight?” she replied. Brian stepped to her side and placed his hands on her shoulders to gently turn her.

“Look closely.” He whispered from behind her, his one hand pointing in the direction of the group of people outside the church. Eloise frowned, looking over the group of people who all seamed to be looking back at her. Slowly her jaw began to drop as she realised that she recognised every single person stood watching her.

“Oh my God.” She whispered almost in audibly.

“I knew you’d want to get married with all of your friends and family with you.” Brian said from behind her as she continued to stare in shock. The hand that had been pointing towards their group of friends disappeared momentarily, returning in front of her with an open ring box.

“Eloise Benson, will you marry me, here, tonight?” Brian asked in a whisper. Tears began to fill in her eyes as she felt herself turn in Brian’s arms and she pressed her lips against his.

“Can I take that as a yes?” he asked after she’d pulled away.

“Yes. Yes I’d love to marry you Brian Haner.” She replied with almost a squeal. With that Brian lifted her in his arms and spun her around. As he placed her back on the sand he pressed his lips onto hers. He took the ring out of the box and placed it gently onto her finger.

“Come on” he said leading her towards their friends. Eloise was overwhelmed as she looked around the group seeing the guys and their girlfriends, her friends from Sacramento and their boyfriends, her mom, dad and Ethan.

“I’m sorry about lying about my Gran.” Brian whispered as Eloise's eyes fell on Brian’s family. “It was Zack’s idea.”

“You mean this was why you’ve spent the last two days with your cell attached to your ear?” she replied gesturing her hand towards the group of people.

“Yeah, I found this place the other morning when I came for a surf and realised how perfect it was. I’m sorry for all the secrecy but I wanted things to be perfect.” Brian said his brown eyes smiling into her green ones.

“Excuse me Mr Haner?” they both turned to see a middle aged man stood next to them in pastor’s robes.

“Hi, Pastor Smith.” Brian greeted with the shake of a hand.

“Is this the bride-to-be?” he asked, smiling at Eloise.

“Yes, this is Eloise, baby this is Pastor Smith.” He replied beaming.

“Are you ready to get married?” he asked and immediately Brian and Eloise both nodded.

“Ok, so let’s get your guest’s into the church and then Eloise, you can have the traditional walk down the aisle. Have you got someone to give you away? Bridesmaids?” he asked causing Eloise's eyes to widen. She’d only known she was getting married for five minutes, the thought of bridesmaids hadn’t crossed her mind.

“Who’s your best man?” she asked turning to face Brian.

“Jimmy.” he replied not missing a heart beat. Eloise rolled her eyes. Of course he knew, he’d had time to think. She quickly glanced over at all her friends, obviously her dad would give her away but which of her friends would be her bridesmaids?

“Leana!” Eloise called over suddenly making up her mind.

“What’s up sweetie?” she replied walking quickly over to her.

“You’re my oldest friend, well other than Jimmy and he’s already Brian’s best man anyway, but I want you to be my maid of honour?” she asked through a ramble.

“Oh, El, I’d love to.” She replied wrapping her arms around her.

“Ok, with that all sorted, let’s get everyone in the church, apart from Eloise and the bridal party.” Pastor Smith cheered.

“I’ll see you at the other end of that aisle.” Brian whispered into Eloise's ear before pecking her lips. Eloise watched as everyone made their way into the church.

“Dad, you’ll give me away right?” Eloise asked shyly as they hugged.

“What? Of course I will.” He replied kissing her forehead and linking her arms with his.

Walking down the aisle with her dad, Eloise had never felt happier. She’d dreamed of this moment since she was four years old and it had always been Brian in her visions. As she got closer to the alter she couldn’t help but notice the ear-to-ear grin on Brian’s face. Eloise reached the alter and pecked a kiss on her dad’s cheek before stepping forward and taking hold of Brian’s hand.

“Dearly beloved….” The pastor began, and those were really the only words she remembered from the ceremony. It had passed by in almost a blur as she stared lovingly into Brian’s eyes, listening enough to the Pastor to know when she needed to speak.

“You may now kiss the bride.” Pastor Smith said ending the ceremony. Brian took half a step forward, cupping her face with his hands as he gently pressed his lips against hers.

“I love you Eloise Haner.” He whispered against her lips as he rested his forehead against hers.

“I love you too Brian Haner.” She replied with a smirk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I guess I owe you guys an explanation right?
Well, a couple of weeks back, when I was working on the story, I got to wondering if I should make Brian be an ass, get him to cheat on Eloise because she’s not giving him any? The next thing I knew I had written an alternative ending for chapter 43, where she caught Brian cheating!
And then I couldn’t resist it, I knew I had to post the chapter to see your reactions! I never planned any more than that one chapter, at the end of the day I couldn’t make Brian an ass, not after all him and Eloise have been through together!

So I’m sorry for misleading you guys and I hope the true ending of this story make up for it!
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who commented on that chapter, it caused the reaction I was anticipating!

Please tell me what you think of this, the true chapter 43 :)
Brian outfit