Just Hate Me and We'll End It Here



“Thanks, have a nice day,” I say in a bored tone, cocking my head to the side and watching the customer go.

“Now, Bailey…”

I make a face, scrunching up my nose and turn to face the boss, Max. “Yeeees?”

“What have I said about that? Lose the attitude, and you’ll get a raise. Volunteer, and I’ll make you a manager. You do so much but you could do so much more, if you were just willing to actually work a little.”

“I do work,” I protest, pointing at the stupid cash register that works half the time. “And Max, I’m one of three employees. But one’s off and pregnant while the other’s a druggie. Of course I’d be your other ‘manager’- I just don’t ne ed it,” I roll my eyes. “And besides, I’m working, and that makes me invisible, okay? It’s all whatever.”

He sighs, and shaking his head, he walks away. I roll my eyes again, shaking my own head. He’s a good guy with good intentions… he should just be using those on people who actually cares and all that.

Bored, I tug at the ends of my still pretty curly hair, my eyes wandering around the café/bookshop. It used to be a bigger hit, when people really took their time to just appreciate life, sitting and enjoying a classic story and coffee.

However, now people are on the go with their stupid Starbucks. Well, actually I do drink Starbucks sometimes… just don’t tell Max, or I really would get fired. Heck, don’t even mention the company to him, or he’ll start off how and why he should sue them- no joke. He’s gone through it with several customers.

It’s actually pretty funny…

Checking the time, I see my shift is almost up. Thank goodness. I work here and at the county animal shelter. I just love those cats and dogs- so sweet and innocent. I love that place... but then, I also help out at this vintage shop just down the street, walking in and working whenever. All three places are totally awesome, but almost out of work, unfortunately. But I’m trying to help, working when the other employees leave, and I tend to leave fliers in… ehm. Random places, if you will.

“Hey, hot stuff.”

I roll my eyes. “Hello, Richard.”

“The norm.”

“Of course, what else?” I ask sarcastically, and I get him the usual nonfat latte with extra milk and chocolate shavings. “The norm price,” I mock him, handing it over with his two napkins.

“You know just the way I like it, sweetheart.” He chuckles.

“Keep dreaming, lover boy.”

“Oh, I will, Bailey Daniels, I will.”

“Seriously, Rich? Listen to my advice. Go meet someone. Online, in a club, when you’re drunk or sober, I don’t care,” I say slowly for him to understand. “You’re young, but you won’t be forever, okay? So go meet someone, and then you can leave me in peace.”

He frowns. “But then I wouldn’t get to see you all the time!”

“That’s the upside for me,” I wink, sitting on the counter. “So, how’s the bizz?”

“Ugh,” he rolls his eyes. “Not good. The ladies are getting to look like cheap barbies, and the men, well… hot as they are,” he shakes his head for the dramatic pause. “I just haven’t found the right one.”

I pat his back. “I’m sure you will someday, buck-o. But seriously? Once you stop flirting with me, I’m sure it’ll get better.”

“You think it would be better if I weren’t Bi?” He wonders curiously.

Shrugging, I reply. “You can always try. But I have no clue.”

“What about Derrick?”

“Let’s just say he’s lucky to still be alive,” I say dryly and pick at my nails.

“Ouch. Another stupid one?”

I sigh. “I’m beginning to believe they’re all stupid. I think I’ll just quit. Go live in a trailer or mansion with a billion cats and watch all those stupid soap operas.”

“Awww, but you have to join me in the nursing home,” he whines. “We could cheat during Bingo and win stuff!”

Laughing, I shake my head. “You’re so weird, Rich.”

“So are you,” he pokes my thigh, taking a sip. “Say now, missy- what is that gorgeous gem?”

Oh… the ring. I glare at it. “Long story.”

“If it isn’t good, darling, why is it still on?”

I give a sheepish smile; he found my weakness. “Well, you know… a girl’s best friend is her diamonds.”

“Hon, that’s wrong- it’s her gay friend,” he grins, showing his pearly whites. “But didn’t I hear something about some… music star with some Bailey Daniels?”

“Nope,” I say tartly. “Whatever’s said, just remember- they’re all out to get you, and it’s a total conspiracy, okay?”

“Whatever you say, doll,” he winks and heads to the door. “Whatever you say.”

I roll my eyes as he walks out, still unable to believe that not only does he continue to come all the time, but also we actually get along… I shrug. But it’s not that bad I guess. He’s a good guy. Weird, but good. My eyes fall onto the ring he’d brought up before…

Stupid Bailey. Stupid dreams. Stupid getting drunk. Stupid Alex. Stupid world.