Just Hate Me and We'll End It Here

Supposed To Do In Bed


Oh. Holy. Freaking. Crap.

And every other swear word known- and unknown, please- to mankind.

Groaning, I turn over on my bed. I feel awful, dirty, exhausted, and I swear someone’s hitting me with an anvil. Holding my head, I peak an eye open. Quickly, I shut them. Ouch, bright light…

But the sleep has eluded me and sighing, I manage to sit up and really wake up. Shuffling around, I manage to find some flannel bottoms, wife beater, and fuzzy slippers. Attired more properly, I stumble into the kitchen, running my hands through my hair.

I. Hate. Hangovers.

Some water helps drain down the Advil or Tylenol or whatever pills me and Missy are keeping for the hangovers there, and then I stumble around to grab some cereal. May not be healthy, but in a few minutes, my stomach will start growling at me, so why not get ahead while I can?

“Hi!” Comes Missy’s hyper voice.

It startles me though, so much and so loud in the sudden quiet, I yelp and fall off the stool. Sitting on the ground, I glare at her. “Shut up.”

Missy just grins, putting a hand on her out jutted hip. “Aw, someone’s head hurt?” She cooes, and starts into the kitchen to make some coffee. “Have fun last night?” She turns back around, wiggling her eyebrows. “I heard Alex leaving this morning.”

I freeze, shocked and stunned, from climbing back onto the stool. “W- what?” I ask faintly. “No… he. Uh…” I shake my head. “I mean- we didn’t do anything. Why…why would he be here? You’ve got your times mixed up.”

Missy giggles, climbing on the counter. “I think I know when it’s light and dark out, girly. And I saw the time, okay? It was nine thirty-two a.m. And if you’re suuuuure you didn’t do anything… what did you do?”

“I don’t know,” I ask sarcastically. “Sleep, maybe? After all, it’s what you’re supposed to do in bed.”

“Not always,” she snickers, just as my cell phone starts playing a Hawthorne Heights song.

Groaning, I stumble off to find it. “Ugh… what, Max?” I grumble, running a hand through my hair.

“Hey, doll. You sound awake.”

“Ha,” I tell him dryly. “Thanks. What is it? I just woke up. Do you need a shift covered?”

“You read my mind, Bailey. Do you mind? Can you be here in, say, thirty minutes?”

I scowl, sigh, and reply. “Fine, fine. Give or take a few minutes, I’ll be there.” And I hang up.

“Work?” Missy asks sympathetically.

I nod, sighing. “Yeah. I better get ready. And I’ll be heading to the shelter shortly after, all right?” She nods, and begins singing some random song as I head out.

Hurriedly I manage to shower and that helps a lot, though my head is still pounding. Shuffling around, I grab on some red skinny jeans, white t-shirt, vest and striped black and white scarf. Grabbing my shoes and a jacket, I head into the kitchen to down a few more pills for the day.

“Leaving,” I tell her.

“Hair,” she reminds me.

I groan, tugging at it. “Fine…” I turn back and manage to shove it into a back braid. “Kay, happy?” I roll my eyes and grab my keys. “See you tonight, hon.”

“Love you, doll!” She calls as I shut the door.

Rubbing my forehead, I head off to work.

♠ ♠ ♠
---thanks so much, llamaXcore!!! :D

Thanks you guys for all those banners! They'll be put in... categorically? I dunno... but they will all make their debut! just, to cherish em more, they come, one at a time and all that fun stuff. :D lol

Comments? theres... at least 66 subscribers, and i think i got to ten stars! yayaaaaaayyayyaa.