Just Hate Me and We'll End It Here

Love Me More


Okay, so Georgie is cute. And funny. He kinda struts when he walks, its hilarious. And when he sits, his back legs are straight and go past his front paws. Its cute and hilarious.

Even better?

…. : D

I can feel her eyes on me. And I love it every second.

“So,” I finally speak up, picking up the dog with one hand and strolling over Bailey as she immediately straightens, looking at me apprehensively. “Can I adopt him?”

“Seriously?” She asks in surprise.

“Uh… yeah?” I scratch my head. “Well, come on, can you really say no to this face?” I point out, holding Georgie out to her.

She reluctantly gives into a small smile as Georgie cocks his head and she tickles him under the chin. “True,” she mutters, and then she opens the gate. “Come on, then. Guess we can get started on the… the process.”

It’s kind of funny, acting a little dumb. I do it, of course, to slow down the process.

Slow down process: means more time with her. Aren’t I brilliant?

And it’s adorable when she gets so frustrated. Her nose scrunches up a little and her adorable lips get in this sort of pout and she keeps clicking the pen impatiently. “No, no, it’s a signature,” she reminds. Again.

“Here, hold mister cute thing,” I tell her, handing over Georgie. “Maybe he’ll get a smile on your face.”

“I doubt it,” I hear her mutter.


I chuckle to myself and doodle my signature on there. Such a classic! Gotta love it… heh. “What else?” I ask brightly.

“Uh, the money, I guess. Sixty.”

I shrug and pull out some bills. “So that’s it? I can just take him home now?” Little disappointed. Maybe I should have acted more stupid… hm.

“No,” she gives me a look. “Georgie needs to be taken care of. Like a bed, food, a cage to take him around in. Duh,” she adds for effect.

I scratch my head. “Oh, cool. Okay… so where do I buy that stuff?”

She sighs, rubbing her head. “Petsmart. Petco. I don’t care. A place for pets, jeez!”

I pause as she takes a drink of water. “I know!” I smile. “You can come with me!”

“I’m working,” she tells me.

“You can go!” Her boss shouts through the door. “Becky’s gonna be here any minute.”

I beam at Bailey. She sighs, closing her eyes. “Why do my bosses all hate me?” She mutters to herself.

“Nah, they just love me more. Like you should!” I grin.

“Being married is more than enough,” she mutters dryly, grabbing a jacket. “Fine. Let’s go.” She opens the door before I can get to it, and heads out, straight to my car.

She remembered!

Grinning down at Georgie, I talk to him. “I have high hopes for her. How about you?”

He yips a little. I laugh. “Good boy!” I pat his head and follow after the beauty.
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Georgie, I msut say, was a verrrrrrrrry random name and i could think of nothing else. sorry!

and i might be copying my own doggie for some things that Georgie might do. my doggie's the same size, hes a.....uh.....thingy.....shitzi-poo! shitzu cross poodle thing, ya know? cute. small. fluffy. a NUT. haha.... I callz my own doggie: eddy. brill, oui? well, its Edison. But eddy's easier to say, of coooooursssseee