Just Hate Me and We'll End It Here

The Hope


She likes it! She really, really likes it!

And that, just makes the evening fall into place right away. I mean, the moment she came down those steps… wow, she was breathless. I thought I’d lost my voice forever- but I wouldn’t have minded, if I could spend the rest of my life, just looking at this beauty.

Sitting across from her, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Just like I had hoped and prayed for, this evening goes just as it should- except better. So, so much better. Well, besides the beginning awkward conversation in the cab, it’s absolutely what I would have dreamed for.

Bailey seems to be having a fun time, too. We talk continuously about so many things, and it’s great about how we can talk about anything. I flirt a little, and she easily returns the smiles, the comments, and I feel like I could burst.

The food didn’t hurt too much, either. I’d called ahead to make sure we wouldn’t be around the fish eaters, cause she doesn’t like seafood. But there are waiters wandering around the entire time in formal attire, serving other couples.

Dinner came in several rounds, beginning with amazing salads, Cesar and fruit, followed with very good breadsticks and we shared the last one [silly people gave us five, not six or four or anything]. Then we had the pasta with sauce and some really good steak. Tender enough where we weren’t dying trying to cut it, too. Our meat and noodle sauces were different, so we shared a few bites with each other, grinning like little children. Which I found very sexy, her feeding me the food.

Throughout the dinner, of course, I’d had us ordered some of the best champagne, cause she’s not the biggest fan of wine, and neither am I. The slinky drink dribbles down our throats as we spend some of the time holding hands.

There’s a small dessert that we share, chocolate cake with an ice cream scoop on top. We had spoons and both ate from the huge piece, sometimes giving each other our spoonfuls, or a small playful battle, joking that we’re knights.

Then I recall another piece of the evening, and just as I’m thinking about it, I hear a violin started on the deck below. I stand and clearing my throat, I silently hold out a hand to Bailey.

She looks at me somewhat confused, but after a minute she puts the cloth napkin on her plate and takes my hand. I pull her up and lead her downstairs. “Will you dance with me?” I ask formally, bringing her ‘round to see the musicians in the background, and a dance floor set up for people to dance at. There’s a few couples there already.

Her mouth opens in delighted surprise. Unable to find her voice at the moment, she manages a nod, slightly squeezing my hand in hers. A huge smile falls on my face as I lead her past the last few tables and then to the dance floor. She steps carefully, and then we get in position.

I recall it’s a waltz, and counting in my head to begin it, and I start the steps. Bailey keeps her head down for a little while, hiding a smile. After a minute though, I use my hand on her waist for a moment to lift her chin up, and then return it to her waist. She glances at me curiously, searching my eyes.

“How else can I dance?” I whisper, twirling her. “There’s no point in dancing if I don’t have you to look at.”

My smile widens as I see a gentle blush raise up in her cheeks and she returns her arm to my shoulder, her eyes returning to lie on mine. The melody goes on as we slow dance, my heart hammering happily inside my chest. This evening is definitely turning into one of the best nights I could ever have asked for.

“Hey, Bailey?” I whisper, somewhat hoarse, as an even slower song falls on, and I wrap my two arms around her waist, as both of her arms wrap comfortably ‘round my neck.

Her eyes flicker to mine from where she was looking to the moonlit sea, maybe recalling the sunset we had watched just a while ago. She stays quiet and waits for me to say something.

I take a hesitant breath, wondering if it’s too much. But then again, this evening’s just been magical and I figure I might as well go with it. “You look amazing, Bailey. Even more so than ever before. Like an angel.”

She cocks her head, looking at me. “You’ve said something like that before, Alex. Did you know that?” She says finally, a small smile playing on her lips. Her lips are so gorgeous, and I can tell she’s not even wearing any lipstick, cause she’s just amazing like that.

Chuckling lightly, I bend over to her ear, hearing her faint breathing that almost halts. “That’s because it’s absolutely true,” I whisper huskily in her ear. But I can’t get myself to pull away as I smell the faint coconut-lime of her shampoo, and she’s wearing some amazing perfume about her neck…

My eyes softly close and brush my lips tenderly against the side of her jaw, just near her ear. Her skin is cool and softer than silk. Like an amazing addiction, I hover there for a moment, my eyes closed and just… indulging this moment.

At last, though, I manage to pull myself away a little, to look into her eyes. She has this small surprised look in her face, her lips partially parted. Like she wants to say something, but she doesn’t because it’s not important enough to interrupt this moment. This moment, that’s so rare in the world, when there’s only two people alive in the universe.

My hands impulsively pull on Bay’s lower back, bringing her closer towards my chest. She takes a small breath of surprise, taking the small step. But everything falls in line, and she pulls lightly on my neck, bringing me down to her level to embrace in one of the purest kisses I could ever think of experiencing.

We pull away breathless, stepping back in silence, but stars in our eyes. It takes me a moment to draw my breath and find my voice. Then I clear it, trying to find the right words. “Bailey…” I swallow, holding onto her hands. “I… I think I love you, Bailey.”

The words shock her and she looks at me in surprise. There’s a fear inside that she’ll just run away and leave me forever, but the hope overcomes it, because she hasn’t left, or slapped me. She just stands there, searching my eyes.

At last, she reacts. In one motion, she steps forward, grabbing on my tie, pulling me down to crash our lips together. Her hands run through my hair and my heart beats wildly out of control as she murmurs my name once, twice, and three times.

“Evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the captain, Mark Rector. Thank you for riding the Evening Star. Here we are at eleven p.m. and we’ll be landing in just a moment, so please start collecting your items. Thank you, again.”

I groan and slowly let my hands fall, gently gracing along the edge of her bare arms, since she’d taken off her shawl a while ago. We stay close, breathing a little harder than usual, waiting for our hearts to calm down. “We should grab our things,” I say softly, thinking about her shawl and purse plus my jacket.

She gives a slight nod and takes my hand as I lead her back up the steps, over to our table where they’ve cleaned everything up and left little mints for us. I chuckle slightly as I grab our things, putting the mints in her purse. “Ready to head home?” I ask as we walk along the railing for one last look to the sea.

Bailey turns a little, looking up at me. Finally she nods and leans up, giving me a small kiss on the lips. “Yes, I am.” And then it’s she who leads me down the steps and we walk off the ship together.

The ride home goes smoothly and she lets me wrap my arms around her to keep her warm. It’s quiet, calm, and so comfortable. I nearly let myself doze, but I can’t make myself do that, especially with her right next to me.

♠ ♠ ♠
.....anyone have a new found hate of ship captains?

just curious :D

CUTE picture. :D It's actually of a bride and groom's first dance.
but hey, its all fun.
and adorable! :D
gonna post ONE more for the day :D