
Honey, Meet My Mistress, Mistress, Meet My Wife

"Michelle? What are you doing here?" He asked quickly, pushing me away from him. "Apparently I'm watching my husband making out with some slut!" She screeched. MY jaw must have been touching the ground. "WHAT!?!" I shrieked at Brian. He looked between me and 'Michelle' nervously. "Oh fuck." He muttered. "Lena, why don't you come with me." Jimmy said, grabbing my shoulders. I shook his hands off. "No! I think I deserve to know what is going on." I hissed. Michelle scoffed. "I think we both do." She growled at Brian.


"Lena and I used to hate each other. We'd fight at school. Constantly. But when her and Lena joined our gang, we started to fall for each other. We got engaged. That's when things broke apart. In one night, Lena was raped, three feet away from me. By one of her best friends." Michelle gasped at my side. "He shot the bastard." I said quietly, letting Brian go on. "Our best friend, Johnny, tried to save her, but...he died that night. The same night Lena found out she was pregnant. She left, leaving us nothing but a note." All the guys shifted uncomfortably at this. Apparently they weren't to happy about that.

"She lost the baby, ran away with Zacky's girlfriend and totally dropped from existence." They all glared at me and Rain at this point, then shook it off. "That's when I...well, you know. Jimmy found me the next day and got me help. Michelle was my shrink's daughter." He whispered over to me. "She helped me get past my problems. Helped me forget. But when you showed up...I remembered everything about us, and Michelle completely slipped my mind. Much like it was with her when we met."

We were both silent as Brian finished. "Well fuck! I feel like a whore!" I growled loudly, throwing my hands in the air, then plopping my face in them. "It's okay hun, you didn't know." Michelle said comfortingly, patting my back. I looked over to her, returning the giant smile she wore. Her head snapped in Brian's direction. "And as for you! I don't care if she was your fiancé once upon a time! I'm your wife! You don't kiss anyone but me!" She hissed. I knew she wasn't meaning to hurt me, but the words that escaped her lips did. Brian glanced over at me and it was obvious he was struggling not to run over and comfort me as tears ran down my face.

I cleared my throat as I stood. "I'm gunna go." I whispered, turning to the rest of the guys. "This isn't like last time. I will keep in touch." I whispered, heading for the door. "Lena, wait!" Andie called. "I'm not lying, I'm going to-" She shoved a paper in my face. "I believe you, it just might be a little hard without our phone numbers." She gave me a small, friendly smile. "You're family now." She whispered as I hugged her. I giggled quietly. It wasn't the first time I'd heard that from the Avenged Sevenfold gang.
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Awww...poor Lena. BANNER CONTEST PLEASE!!!!!!

--Sinderella Plague