

I stared back and forth between my cell phone and the phone numbers Andie had given me. I really didn't want to call, but I had promised I would. After all it had been a month...

"Just call them!" Rain growled, making me jump., "Jesus! You gave me a damn heart attack!" I giggled back. She wasn't her normal, giggly self. She stared at me seriously. "I'm not kidding. Call them. Or I'll do it for you."

This scared me a little. The only other time I had seen Rain serious was at the hospital, when...when...

I picked up the phone with a shaky hand, dialing the number. Half way through my store's phone rang. Rain walked over, picking it up. "Missing In Action gun supply, how may we-" She went silent, a puzzle look set on her face. "Mhm. Yes. Yes she's here. I'll put her on." She looked at me, sorrow filling her eyes. "It's for you." She whispered.

I ignored her strange emotions, taking the phone myself. "This is Lena." The voice that answered me was female. "Miss Micheals? This is Doctor Jones. I was your Doctor 10 years ago." I wanted to hang up then and there, but I couldn't move my arm. "It seems we've made a discovery. With...Mr. Seward's death."
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--Sinderella Plague