

I didn't care how many hospital guards I had to dodge, I was going to see Johnny.

It must've been five before Brian finally said it was fine for me to be inside. Michelle on the other hand...she was to stay outside.

I skidded to a halt in front of the room, all the couples doubled over the bed, hugging and kissing Johnny. I walked over, smiling widely. "Johnny." I whispered. He looked over to me, his eyes lighting up. "Lena!! You're alive! How? He raped you until you bled!" We all cocked our heads at this. "Johnny, that was ten years ago..." He looked so lost. "He's going to be a little fuzzy, and he has no sense of time. You have to break everything down for him." The doctor said sorrowfully. But we didn't care. Johnny's back. And that's all that mattered.

"Lena...where's your engagement ring?" There it was again. The shooting pain that rocked my body. "Uh...we're not together anymore." I stared over to Brian, trying not to cry. "Oh........so you're open?"
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XD XD XD just woke up and Johnny's already chasing tail. XD XD XD