Nothing's Fair in Love and War

A Symbol of Living Death

“Katherine Mary Russo! I demand you open this door this very instant!” Her mother’s shrieking could have broken the door if she tried hard enough. Katherine approached the door warily and opened the door with a painful creak; her mother almost broke it off its hinges. With a huff, her mother walked in and adjusted her circular spectacles to the tip of her pointed nose- her frilly outfit that most of the royals wore during this time sweeping the very edges of the ground. Katherine’s outfit was less frilly and dome-like, but perfect for her afternoon walks. “We have business to discuss, and you will listen to every word without comment.” The sun glistened on her mother’s grey bun as she turned.

“Yes, Mother.” Katherine replied lifelessly.

“You are now engaged to Mark Ericson, heir to the largest trading business there is. In a week you will be wed in the church.”

“Mother!” One small and dainty eyebrow rose above expectations at her daughter’s outburst. “I don’t know him, let alone love him!”

“There doesn’t need to be love! I don’t love your father and we still had you! This is all politics!”

“I’m not even of age yet!”

“Why do you think we’re having it in mere weeks!?” Katherine stared blankly at her mother, she had Brian. She couldn’t marry this Mark person, it’d mean leaving Brian- which wasn’t something she could even understand. They stood in the twilight lit room, breathing heavily. Katherine merely pointed to the door and with a huff her mother left. The door closed with a click and Katherine fell to the floor in a crumpled, sobbing heap. She needed Brian in her life, or she couldn’t even consider it being life, but a symbol of living death. As Katherine picked herself up once more and leaned on the table for support the door opened gently and her maid stepped it.

“Are you alright, Madam!?” The squeal was almost painful to her ears. Katherine glanced enviously at the maid’s clothing, a symbol of her low status. That was all that had ever separated Katherine from Brian, status. Brian was the fisherman’s son and was popular amongst the village people, yet Katherine was kept inside and tutored, away from the other children who admired her wealth. The status difference had always left her baffled that such a kind man as Brian would take her in his arms and love her for who she is, and not care for her wealth. She couldn’t do the same, she loved him with all her heart, was there in those times he needed someone but couldn’t say so, but she needed to be accepted. Needed her mother’s recognition, needed her father to be proud of her, even if she needed Brian’s love the most. This epiphany had left her in a worse state, Brian could have had any one he wanted, and she was only in his way. Katherine considered her self selfish in that way, to take Brian’s love like she did. She was a bother in her own mind. “It’s alright, Madam. I’m sure Sir Mark is a nice, handsome, young man that will love you.” The maid whispered patting her hair as Katherine trembled in her weak arms. “He’ll fall madly in love with you tomorrow, just you watch.” The maid giggled. This only made her cry harder, she didn’t want anyone’s love but Brian’s- she didn’t need anyone else’s.
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Almost done! It's short =]. PLEASE COMMENT.